  • Functional duties of the midwife

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    Job description of midwife

    I. General part of

    A midwife is assigned a person who has received a higher medical education in the specialty "Nursing" or secondary medical education, a diploma in "Obstetrics" and a certificate in the specialty "Obstetrics".Appointed and dismissed chief physician of the hospital in accordance with applicable law. In its work is guided by the provision of the maternity hospital( department), women's consultation, this provision, job description, other official documents of the Ministry of Health of Russia, as well as orders and directions of higher officials. The midwife, who works at the feldsher-midwife station, organizes her work in accordance with the regulations on the midwife of the feldsher-midwife point. Constantly improves his professional knowledge and skills.

    II.Responsibilities of

    1. Conducts preventive medical and educational work, patient care in accordance with the profile of the department under the guidance of a doctor.

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    2. Conducts preparatory work for the therapeutic and diagnostic activities of the obstetrician-gynecologist and his own activities.

    3. Carries out medical-diagnostic help to pregnant women, parturient women, puerperas, gynecological patients on the prescription of a doctor or together with him in the department, at a reception in a women's consultation, at home.

    4. Provides medical assistance in uncomplicated births alone or with a doctor obstetrician-gynecologist in the pathology of childbirth, the postpartum period, performs primary treatment and, if necessary, primary resuscitation of newborns.

    5. Provides urgent first aid for acute diseases and accidents in the field of activity, followed by a doctor's call or referral to a medical and preventive institution.

    6. Informs the doctor about the obstetrician-gynecologist, the senior midwife, the head of the department or the doctor on duty about extreme situations in patients' condition, incidents in the ward, wards, cabinets.

    7. Carries out patronage at home for pregnant women, puerperas, gynecological patients with the implementation of organizational and therapeutic measures.

    8. Carries out preventive examinations of women with the purpose of revealing gynecological diseases( together with a doctor or independently), work on family planning.

    9. Fulfills measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime( compliance with aseptic and antiseptic rules, proper storage, processing, sterilization of instruments, instruments, dressing materials) in the department( women's consultation, office).

    10. Executes the medical documentation established by the Ministry of Health of Russia for the relevant unit.


    Rights 1. Obtain the necessary information to clearly perform its duties.

    2. Give instructions to the junior medical staff on compliance with the sanitary-epidemiological regime of the department( cabinet).

    3. To make suggestions on improvement of work of junior and average medical personnel.

    4. To join the board of midwives and nurses, to participate in the work of professional medical associations.

    5. To raise the qualification for reception of a qualifying category.

    IV.Responsibility of

    The specialist for non-fulfillment of his professional duties is liable under the current legislation.

    Each midwife in the maternity department is presented with a number of basic requirements:

    • to have an idea of ​​the organization of work of all departments of the obstetric and gynecological association;

    • be able to diagnose pregnancy and determine its duration;

    • to observe the pregnant woman and to know the basics of woman's hygiene during pregnancy and after childbirth;

    • own methods of external and internal( vaginal) examination of pregnant and parturient women;

    • be able to identify complications of pregnancy in order to send a woman to a doctor in time for her or to hospitalize her in the antenatal ward( for example, in early and late toxicosis of pregnant women, bleeding during pregnancy, in the presence of a narrow pelvis, infertility, fetal position, etc.).;

    • to be able to diagnose and diagnose complications in the course of labor in a timely manner, as well as changes in the condition of the mother and fetus( threatening asphyxia) for timely calling a doctor and providing the necessary medical first aid;

    • to be able to perform labor in the back view of the occipital insertion, with anteroposterior and facial insertions of the head and with pelvic presentations of the fetus;

    • performing vaginal examination in labor, able to:

    a) determine the degree of opening of the uterus, the integrity of the fetal bladder, the nature of the presenting part and the variety of presentation of the head( anterior and posterior view of the occipital presentation, extensor presentation);

    b) determine asynclitic insertion, placenta previa, prolapse of the umbilical cord and small parts of the fetus;C) measure the diagonal conjugate;

    • properly inspect the lesion and identify defects in the placenta and membranes;

    • master the basic methods of fighting hypotonic postpartum uterine bleeding;

    • to know signs of a threatening rupture of the uterus and to be able to provide urgent first aid for the development of this pathology;

    • know the signs of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia and be able to provide urgent first aid for these complications;

    • Possess the technique and technique of the following obstetric manuals and surgeries:

    a) autopsy of the bladder;

    b) acceptance of labor and manual benefits for pelvic presentation of the fetus;C) dissection of the perineum;

    d) suturing the vaginal mucosal ruptures and perineal ruptures of the first and second degrees, as well as ruptures of the cervix;E) hand separation of the placenta and separation of the placenta;E) manual examination of the uterine cavity;

    • to master the main methods of fighting fetal fetal hypoxia and basic methods of revitalizing children born in asphyxia;

    • be able to perform medical anesthesia of childbirth and have an idea of ​​the physical and psycho-preventive preparation of a pregnant woman for childbirth;

    • be able to monitor the course of the postpartum period and take care of the puerperas;

    • be able to identify the initial signs of postpartum illness and provide medical first aid in such cases;

    • know the specifics of care for operated patients( for example, after a cesarean section) and for sick puerperas in the complicated postpartum period;

    • to be able to produce the primary toilet of a newborn child;

    • know the rules of nursing and feeding of full-term and premature babies and be able to detect deviations from the physiological course of the neonatal period for the timely call of a doctor;

    • Know the rules of caring for sick newborns;

    • be able to prepare and sterilize the suture, dressings and instruments;

    • to have the skills of an operating sister( when working in a small operating maternity ward);

    • under the supervision of a doctor, intravenous injections, blood transfusion;

    • be able to measure blood pressure, determine the group and Rh-blood accessory, determine the hemoglobin content in the blood and produce a qualitative test for the protein content in the urine;

    • know the rules for the discharge and storage of medicines, the dosage of medicines used in obstetric and gynecological practice.