
Ionophoresis at home with hyperhidrosis: the price of the procedure in cosmetology, feedback on the results

  • Ionophoresis at home with hyperhidrosis: the price of the procedure in cosmetology, feedback on the results

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    Ionophoresis is a method of physiotherapy, which is based on the introduction of drugs into the skin with a constant galvanic current.

    Previously, physiotherapy devices were very large and bulky, which allowed them to be installed only in medical institutions. And the doctors of that time were more anxious about the commandment "do no harm" and was much more worried about the correctness of using devices and techniques. In the modern world, physiotherapy devices have become compact and affordable to absolutely any consumer.

    Iontophoresis at home is now used quite often. It is used to increase the elasticity of the skin of the face, care for dry skin, getting rid of small scars. At home, the procedure takes about ten minutes, from active drugs use vitamin B1 and liquid extract of aloe.

    A medical indication for such a procedure is hyperhidrosis or sweating. There are several explanations for the effect of current on the work of sweat glands. One of which says that the current kills cells of the epidermis, and they block the flow of sweat glands. According to the second version - the action of the current blocks the very work of the glands and reduces the secretion of sweat.

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    Despite the fact that now the apparatus for iontophoresis is available, it is not necessary to engage in self-medication. After all, hyperhidrosis requires consultation and supervision from a specialist. It should be borne in mind that iontophoresis does not always help with increased sweating, so buying an expensive home appliance can be a waste of money.

    For cosmetic purposes, the use of iontophoresis is also productive, despite the high cost of the device.

    Indications for use

    Indications for the application of iontophoresis procedure:

    1. Large and small wrinkles in the region of the lower and upper eyelids, near the lips and even on the neck.

    2. The desire to achieve tissue hydration.

    3. Prevent the appearance of cellulite.

    4. Cleansing the skin of toxins, contaminants and free radicals.

    5. Elimination of bags under the eyes by activating blood flow and increasing lymph flow.

    6. Return the skin to elasticity, smoothness, tone and smooth color.

    7. Delivery of useful substances in tissues, especially in the cold season.

    8. Reducing the size of scars and scars.


    Contraindications to the application of iontophoresis procedure:

    1. Installed pacemaker.

    2. Changing the rhythm of the heartbeat.

    3. Vascular skin diseases.

    4. Pregnancy.

    5. Oncological diseases.



    "I did several iontophoresis procedures using cosmetic face masks at home, after the second procedure the face was covered with red spots." She turned to a specialist, now I carry out similar procedures only in specialized clinics. "


    "I met iontophoresis with both microcurrent therapy, which helps quickly and painlessly, the face refreshes before the eyes, bruises and bags under the eyes are good." It's worth noting the high price of one procedure and the short-term effect of about three weeks. "


    "I suffered for a long time with an increased sweating on my hands and feet, for a long time it was stress for me, a familiar doctor advised ionophoresis as an effective tool for dealing with my problem." After a course of treatment, he forgot about his problem. "Now I periodically visit the physio-cabinet for the prevention of".


    "Sweaty palms are an unpleasant condition, especially for a girl, I've been looking for ways to solve the problem for a long time." Botox and medications did not help, iontophoresis became the best option for me. I bought myself an apparatus for home treatment, I use and am happy with the result. "

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