
Blueberries: benefits and harm, vitamins, contraindications and beneficial properties of berries

  • Blueberries: benefits and harm, vitamins, contraindications and beneficial properties of berries

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    Frost-tolerant blueberry bush from the heather family mostly grows in natural conditions in forests, swamps, even in the tundra. In nature, bushes are more prolific in lighted areas, but garden grades should be placed so as to maximize the natural conditions. Yagoda feels equally well both on dry mountainous areas and on moist soil. Fruits of medium size blue and black are very similar to blueberries.

    What is unique?

    At all times unique properties of blueberry are appreciated - it is a delicious treat in raw form and a fragrant and useful jam. Northern residents appreciate this delicacy. It is served for dessert, compotes are cooked, and some craftsmen winemakers receive fine wine. Observing gourmands also noticed its excellent useful qualities for maintaining health and treating a variety of diseases. And puree and juice made from blueberries are able to burn fat cells in the body. Therefore, they are very useful for people suffering from obesity, as well as those with diabetes mellitus
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    It is noted that decoctions of blueberry leaves normalize the activity of the heart, regulate the work of the stomach and intestines, and help reduce blood sugar.

    Raw better

    Let's figure out what the benefits and harms of blueberries are.
    Blueberry has a beneficial effect on the body and has anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic, diuretic and choleretic action. And its antiscorbutic effect is simply difficult to overestimate. And no matter what correct vitamins and imported fruits are offered to our northerners, tundra residents, for the prevention of scurvy, the most reliable product remains blueberry, like other local herbs and berries.
    Growing up in the habitat of the population, they, together with people, survive in harsh conditions and save the survival code at the cellular level.
    Of course, after processing, berries lose some of their healing properties, but this is compensated by the excellent taste of the jam.
    Nutritionists, nutraceutical specialists and endocrinologists advise to freeze berries, because they retain all of us the necessary vitamin C, provitamin A, pectins, fiber and even sugar.
    The use of blueberries is useful for people engaged in harmful production, where exposure to radiation,the body of heavy metals, blueberry binds them and removes them from the body.

    Reasons for abstinence

    It is said that the use of berries causes and negative impact.
    Such an assertion undeservedly detracts from the dignity of the berry. But it is necessary to use it carefully.
    The fact that a large amount of antioxidants sometimes disrupts the work of muscles, which leads to the fact that the body receives less oxygen. But this situation is easily regulated: it is necessary to determine its own rate of use of blueberry in order to use the maximum utility of berries and eliminate all contraindications.
    It happens that a person berry is generally contraindicated, causing individual intolerance. Allergy and intolerance is a very rare reaction when using blueberries, but you can not rule out such a possibility.
    Do not advise to consume blueberries, especially in large quantities, pregnant and koryamischim women.
    If a person suffers from dyskinesia of bile ducts, he should refrain from eating berries in any form. Some patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, people who have suffered a myocardial infarction and a stroke of a doctor are prescribed vasodilator drugs. In this case, the use of blueberries is contraindicated, since it, on the contrary, promotes blood coagulability.
    Useful properties and contraindications of blueberries are commensurable and with the reasonable use of this beautiful berry, which contains many vitamins, it is possible to preserve and strengthen your health.
    The utility of blueberries exceeds by several orders the contraindications that can be simply excluded.

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