  • Eye burns

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    Thermal eye burns are accompanied by severe pain, lacrimation, drop in vision. The eyelids of the affected person swell, blisters appear on their skin, the conjunctiva is hyperemic and swollen, anemic. In the future, necrosis of the skin of the eyelids and conjunctiva, the ulcer of the cornea may appear.

    The help is reduced to removing particles that caused burns, washing the eyes with plenty of water to reduce pain and hypothermia. Anti-tetanus serum is injected, 1% sulfacyl ointment is placed every 3 hours.

    Chemical eye burns are accompanied by the same signs as in the case of thermal damage, early necrosis and rejection of necrotic tissue sites occur. The help comes down to a thorough washing of the eyes with plenty of water. Also, for burns with acid, a 2% solution of bicarbonate soda is used, with burns with alkali, a 2% solution of boric acid.

    Thermal burns of the eyes and its appendages are caused by fire, molten metal, hot liquids, steam.

    Chemical burns are caused by acids and alkalis. When burned with acids, a dry scab forms;Later it is rejected, and in its place a scar is formed. Alkalides quickly penetrate into the eye due to tissue destruction and therefore have a more severe cauterizing

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    action. Especially severe in its effects burns lime. When you sharpen an aniline( ink) pencil, the lead particles, getting into the eye, also cause a burn. Aniline easily dissolves by tear and soothes conjunctival and corneal tissue, which can lead to tissue necrosis followed by coarse cicatricial changes.

    The severity of the process distinguishes four stages of a burn.

    Stage I - hyperemia of the skin, mucous membranes, superficial erosion of the corneal epithelium.

    Stage II - the formation of blisters of the skin of the eyelids, superficial conjunctival films, superficial translucent opacification of the cornea.

    Stage III - necrosis of the skin, conjunctiva, deep opaque opacity of the cornea( "frosted glass").

    Stage IV - necrosis of the skin, deep tissue, conjunctiva and sclera, deep corneal opacity( "porcelain plate").

    Treatment of .At once it is necessary to turn out the eyelid, so that the transitional fold can be clearly seen, and extract all particles of dense burning substances: metal, aniline, lime particles, and a slightly moist swab, etc. In cases of burns with aniline pencil, it is necessary to wash the conjunctival sac with 3%tannin solution or strong tea. In all other cases, immediately begin abundant washing with water, then lay 5-6 times a day ointment from antibiotics, carry out the installation of vitamin drops( A, B1 C, B2) with a solution of glucose. Crying is very useful 2-3 times a day, subconjunctival administration of serum of burn reconvalescent, and in severe cases, intramuscular injections of the same drug are carried out. Depending on the intraocular pressure( and it may increase), mydriatic and myotics are used;In the cases shown, surgical treatment( up to early keratoplasty) and many other methods are used.

    The outcome of eye burns depends on the severity of the damage, the cause that caused the burn, as well as the timeliness and usefulness of first aid and subsequent treatment. In some cases, complete restoration of the mucosal defect, transparency of the cornea and vision of the patient is possible, in other cases partial corneal opacifications worsen the functions of vision;It is possible the formation of coarse, extensive corneal leukomas, leading to blindness. Perhaps the fusion of both eyelids with the eyeball. The threat of severe consequences of eye burns dictates the need for a serious attitude to this type of damage, since the entire severity of the damage is not immediately apparent. Therefore, regardless of the first impression, which produces the appearance of a damaged eye, you should immediately begin active treatment.