
Blackberries: benefits and harms of berries, their vitamin composition, recipes for cooking delicious compote

  • Blackberries: benefits and harms of berries, their vitamin composition, recipes for cooking delicious compote

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    Blackberry contains vitamins, trace elements, minerals, tannins, organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, fiber, flavonoids and pectin.

    Especially a lot in the blackberry of vitamin C - almost as much as in the black currant, more than in blueberries. Slightly less vitamin E, according to this indicator, the blackberry is ahead of the raspberry. Other vitamins in the blackberry - A, K, PP and B vitamins. Here it is a little below the record levels, but still it's a big part of the daily rate of only 100 grams.

    Of the trace elements, it is especially necessary to note the presence of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, iodine and chromium.

    What is the use of blackberry?

    • Effective prevention of cold and flu in the cold season, fighting with avitaminosis in the spring. It helps to restore immunity after a course of antibiotics and a transferred infection.
    • Anti-inflammatory effect. Blackberry helps with inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
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    • Fight against malignant neoplasms. Scientifically proven that the blackberry stops the development of cancerous tumors. Small benign formations dissolve completely.
    • Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Blackberry effectively lowers cholesterol level, cleans vessels and returns elasticity to their walls.
    • Use for the brain. This point is closely related to the previous one. Clean vessels better supply all organs with blood. Especially noticeable is the effect on the brain - memory, sight and hearing improve, signs of atherosclerosis disappear.
    • A pleasant and useful addition to the diet. Blackberry is non-nutritive, but contains the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

    Useful not only blackberry berries. Folk medicine uses its leaves and even roots.

    Broth from leaves is recommended as an effective diuretic and diaphoretic. They are good for fighting worms.

    Tincture from the roots helps with healing of wounds, including with internal bleeding and with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Tea from dried berries and leaves helps to normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This is also useful for type 2 diabetes.

    Blackberry juice, half diluted in water, is used by patients with sore throat and pharyngitis.

    Applies berries not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. A decoction of her leaves rinses her hair to fight their loss. Regular baths with its addition improve the condition of the skin, toning it.

    Possible health hazards

    Blackberry's use and harm are interrelated. The intense dark color that the berry acquired because of the increased concentration of nutrients makes it a potential allergen.

    The berry should not be carried away in excessive quantities at all, otherwise, instead of the expected benefit, there is a risk of getting problems with the kidneys and intestines, a skin rash.

    It is better to reject fresh blackberries for those who suffer from heartburn and acidity of gastric juice. In this case, drink compotes, eat jam and cook broths. In moderate quantities, you can drink freshly squeezed juice, diluted with water 1: 1.

    How to eat blackberries?

    The maximum concentration of nutrients contains fresh berries. But even when freezing or drying, it almost does not lose vitamins and trace elements.

    The use of compote from blackberry, except that it is very tasty and helps to diversify the menu, also in that it does not affect the acidity of the stomach. It can be used with a suffering ulcer and gastritis.

    Compote drink freshly prepared or harvested for the winter. For a kilo of berries you need a glass of sugar and a liter of water. In the boiling water, add sugar, when it is completely dissolved, berries fall asleep. After 12-15 minutes the compote is ready. If you plan to drink it right away, just cool it down. Or pour over sterilized jars and roll them up.

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