
Pear: Benefit and harm of dried and fresh pears, application in dietology

  • Pear: Benefit and harm of dried and fresh pears, application in dietology

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    Benefits and harm of pears, its application in dietetics and in folk medicine

    Pear, the benefits and harm of which have long been the subject of many disputes, is now one of the most popular fruits.

    It is believed that in the distant past, raw pears were not used for food, they were prepared in various ways and served even on the royal table. Only comparatively recently, an edible type of fruit was introduced, which spread throughout the world. On its basis in the future, a large number of tasty and useful varieties were taken out.

    Benefits of

    Useful properties of pears have found application not only in cooking, but also in medicine, cosmetology and dietology.

    In folk medicine, the pear is used as a disinfectant, antipyretic and diuretic. Also, the pear facilitates expectoration of phlegm.

    Pears for weight loss are useful for large amounts of easily digestible fructose. Due to this, pears are recommended for people with excess weight and even for diabetics.

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    Main useful properties:

    • Pear is rich in various tannins and organic acids, as well as rare enzymes that are necessary for the human body. These fruits contain a sufficient amount of vitamin PP, C and B1.And the presence of flavonoids, phytoncides and carotene makes the pear even more valuable. Pear is one of the few fruits that contains a large amount of iodine and folic acid.
    • Pears have a positive effect on the intestines. Therefore, these fruits are often recommended to use during problems with the intestines. But it is not necessary to overeat them, as pears possess fixing properties.
    • With gastric diseases pear is not less valuable. Pear promotes the formation of a special environment in the stomach, in which pathogens can not multiply. In addition, the beneficial substances of the pear strengthen the walls of the stomach. For all these actions pectin and tannins meet.
    • Juice or a decoction of fresh pears can have antibacterial effect due to the presence of a natural antibiotic arbutin in its composition.
    • Pear fruit promotes rapid regeneration of blood. Due to the high content of iron and folic acid, the pear strengthens the blood vessels.
    • Some substances in the pear can heal wounds, and also contribute to the reduction of high fever in humans.
    • In cosmetology, the pear is used to create numerous facial masks. Useful pear substances affect the structure of the skin gently and without any harm. Masks from pears are suitable for all skin types and have a smoothing effect.

    In cooking, a pear is often used as a dessert or a sweet snack. The fruits contain enough sugar and fiber, which are necessary for the body. Despite a certain sweetness, the pear is not the record holder for the sugar content.

    Dried pears are perfectly combined with cereals and sour-milk products, and pear dried with cheese and ham.

    But to use the useful properties of the pear to the maximum, it is necessary to use it in its raw form, drinking with a sufficient amount of warm water.

    Pear harm

    Despite the huge list of useful properties of the fruit, the harm of the pear has its place.

    Categorically contraindicated unsweetened pear varieties to elderly people who have disorders of the nervous system. Such fruits can arouse appetite. A large number of acidic and tart varieties of pears is very difficult to digest in the intestines.

    Another unpleasant property can be called possible irritation of the walls of the intestine due to the presence of solid cells in the flesh of the pear.

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