  • What are food additives

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    Food is the best source of nutrients needed for life.

    But the quality of many products that we eat leaves much to be desired, and the application of modern methods of processing and storing products reduces the content of nutrients in them.

    When watching television advertising special food for cats and dogs, balanced for these animals for vitamins, trace elements and protein, it becomes insulting for people who care about animals, but about themselves do not.

    Food supplements( or dietary supplements - BAA) are balanced by vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, carbohydrates and fats. Supplements occupy an intermediate position between the usual diet, traditional vitamin and mineral preparations and medicines.

    How to select and administer food supplements

    Biologically active food supplements are generally taken with food in order to be better absorbed by the body.

    The daily intake of dietary supplements should be taken in the morning, so that the subsequent increase in activity does not interfere with sleep.

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    Between meals, take dietary supplements containing calcium, so as not to lower the level of acidity in the stomach, necessary for digestion.

    Take iron supplements with fruit juice, as iron is better absorbed in the presence of vitamin C.

    Nutrients are better absorbed by the body when they interact with each other, so it is recommended to take them in a complex way. For example, it is better to take the whole complex of B vitamins than one of the vitamins of this complex.

    It is very important to take biologically active supplements correctly.

    Begin taking the product first in small doses to check how your body reacts to it, then gradually increase the amount to the recommended dose on the label or in the annotation.

    You can only increase the dose on the advice of your doctor, your doctor or dietitian.

    We offer to your attention some domestic and foreign biologically active additives that can be used to reduce excess body weight.

    The main mechanisms of their action are reduced to three components: a decrease in appetite, improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the normalization of metabolism.