  • How to grow wheat grass?

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    The cultivation of green grass of wheat does not require any big expenses, nor much labor. Seeds for sprouts can be broken in the yard of the house, on the balcony, in the room. Tray with a 3-cm layer of soil can be placed near the radiator, on the veranda or in the corridor. For "beds" you can use cardboard boxes( by cutting their edges in height) or ordinary plastic trays.

    The first step is to prepare the soil. Take the usual land and mix with peat in a ratio of 1: 1.Water the soil often, but not very abundant, so that there is no mud and marsh.

    The second step is soaking seeds. Seeds soak for 10-12 hours, then drain the water and leave them in a cool place for germination. Tray or box with planted seeds covered with thick paper or another tray to protect future seedlings from the sun, bright light and drying. The first watering - after 4 days. After that, the tray moves closer to the light, and the seeds are watered daily. After the sprouts grow to 35 cm, they can be cut to the root and used for the preparation of

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    chlorophyll and juice. Cut and unused greens should be stored in the refrigerator, be sure to clean it.

    It should be remembered that small seeds should be soaked for 5 hours, medium - 8 hours, and large -12 hours.

    To obtain the juice of green wheat, the sprouts are grinded in a meat grinder or passed through a special juicer( where there is a green processing device).To obtain juice, you should not use a mixer( with rapid processing of the herb chlorophyll oxidizes and loses some of its medicinal properties).

    If in a healthy person's life the right nutrition plays an important role, then in the life of a sick person this role becomes decisive. After all, nutrition is the possibility of a constant renewal of body cells, material for energy production and all activities. And if the disease has arisen as a result of gross dietary errors, then one has to admit that the kitchen for the patient becomes more important than the pharmacy( noticed by the ancient doctors).Doctors, naturopaths, who recognize only natural methods of treatment, are sometimes limited only by the fact that they put the patient on a strict diet and only achieve amazing results."Dietary method" can successfully treat such diseases as diabetes, obesity, various diseases of the intestines, stomach, kidney and urinary system.

    But it becomes a pity when other doctors, accustomed to the "meat cult", appoint patients concentrated broths, abundant food and even wine.

    And after all for a long time it is known, what not proteins support a human body, and first of all, carbohydrates. Carbohydrates dissolve quickly in the body, giving it the necessary energy. It takes less time and energy to process them, which is especially important for the patient( for the processing of meat and protein foods, up to 70% of all energy, from the amount that will be obtained after their complete cleavage, is taken out).Therefore, pure meat broth that does not contain carbohydrates is less nutritious to the patient than ordinary potato soup. In addition, any meat contains a number of excitatory substances, which spur on the already weakened organism. The process of excitation always follows the process of inhibition, and this constant alternation exhausts the patient. This continues until victory is left either for the disease, or for the body of the patient, despite the efforts of the physicians.

    Of course, not in all cases, the diet of naturopathic doctors prohibits or restricts meat, for some diseases( for example, tuberculosis), meat dishes are needed and useful. But in any case, simple, natural food is always much more useful than food recycled or combined.

    One of the most important rules that each doctor should adhere to is the following: never force a sick person to eat if he does not have an appetite. Pay attention: any animal, as soon as it gets sick, first of all refuses to eat. Nature is wise and she tells us how to behave in this or that way. You just need to be able to catch this clue.

    We often have a different way. Relatives and acquaintances( often even doctors) try to feed the patient

    by all means, give him "nutritious", difficult digestible dishes, on which a sick watch) can not even look. It is necessary to explain more often to people that the sick organism spends all its energy on the fight against the disease, and any food for its processing requires high energy costs. And you do not need to weaken the body "chicken" or "meat broth".The organism is wise, like nature itself, and during illness, he always chooses what he needs for recovery. Usually he chooses hunger. Therefore, patients usually have no appetite. Therefore, the patient asks for "sour juice" or "orange".

    It is known that starch is mainly broken down by saliva enzymes. In febrile patients, the amount of saliva decreases sharply. Accordingly, the number of enzymes that process starch decreases. Therefore, febrile patients should not be fed a beggar with a high content of starch, but it is easier to give a simple water soup from boiled bread. This is another of the rules of diet and nutrition.

    Any patient can always be advised to take in writing such easily digestible products as yogurt, fruit or vegetable soup, juices( apple, plum, hips, raspberries, blueberries, etc.).Useful for him and various home-made compotes. Of course, juices and compotes should not be too sweet. On the second you can offer porridge from semolina, barley, oats. When it comes to recovery, you can gradually switch to potato dishes, give the patient a little veal or low-fat lamb, dishes from boiled fish with potatoes, liver, eggs.

    Special attention should be given to bread and bakery products. Bread should be wheat and

    stale, even better - from flour with bran. For patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is best to prepare the bread without yeast. We must ensure that the patient thoroughly chews it and does not drink it with liquid.