  • Than the habit of children to whine is dangerous

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    A whiff does not go away by itself. Closing our eyes to the disgusting behavior of the child and convincing ourselves that "this is just such a period, it will soon end," you are doing a disservice to yourself and the baby.

    The consequences of moaning persist for a long time and affect all members of the family. This is because:

    • The catch is contagious! If a child sees that a brother or sister controls parents with the help of whining, he will certainly try to do the same. For example, the elder sister wants a cookie, but her mother refuses her, because dinner will be ready soon. Immediately, the younger children join in and begin to whine: "We also want to eat. .. Why can not. .. Give me a cookie. .. I do not want to wait. .. I want a cookie right now."

    • A whiff can develop into self-pity. The child will cease to believe in oneself and will be afraid to try something new. For example: "I do not want to play football. .. I can not. .. I can not. .. Why do you force me!"

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    • A whiff can cause the child to become a loser, a weakling. Believing that constant nagging is an indicator of vulnerability and sensitivity, parents begin to over-patronize the child. Gradually, the kid himself begins to believe that he is weak, touchy and behaves accordingly. For example: "Bobby is not like all children. .. He's a very vulnerable boy. .. He needs to be protected from other children. .. This is a dangerous game: run, fall, hit. .. Better let him sit on the sidelines."A child can even harbor an insult to his parents, believing that he is underestimated.

    • A whiff does not go away by itself. If you do not take action, then the child can become completely unmanageable. For example: "You let me go, but now you say that you can not. .. Well, what are you forbidden. .. I'll still go."

    • Nytikov does not like teachers and is mocked by classmates. Becoming adults, they often conflict with the bosses and employees, family and friends. For example: "You do not listen to me. .. You do not understand me. .. I need more time. .. I can not do as you ask. .. I do not know how, do it for me. .. It's too complicated".

    • Snorting can easily degenerate into hysterics. For example: "I want to see a cartoon. Turn on the cartoon! You are bad! I hate you! Dad always allows me to watch cartoons. "Very soon nagging is replaced by a cry, the child starts to break and scatter toys, rolls on the floor, kicking and fighting off.

    Some children outgrow the whining, but this is more an exception than the rule. Bad behavior does not go by itself, without the intervention of adults. Sometimes children stop whining because they have found other, more effective, but no less destructive ways of influencing others. They begin to lie, steal, become secretive. The need for attention, which was previously satisfied by whining, is now realized with the help of such dangerous habits as the use of alcohol and drugs.

    Do not mock the whining. Mockery will only further damage your relationship with the child.

    Sometimes children stop whining because they are teased by their peers. In no case should parents use this method. Mocking a child( even for educational purposes), you are causing him a psychological trauma. In the future, he will also take revenge on the offenders with the help of ridicule.