  • A deadly ray of earth, or where do you sleep?

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    People's healer from Bulgaria Ivan Iotov believes: human health directly depends on where he sleeps, and the quality of work, respectively, the location of the workplace.

    To this unusual at first glance conclusion, he came, having examined more than 10 thousand people, of whom more than half suffered from cancer. It turned out that they all slept without exception in "dying" places.

    Yotov's conclusions are not new. The fact that there are favorable and harmful to health sites, guessed from ancient times. About the "cancer houses", where from generation to generation people were killing death, it was known in the last century. Then the dowsers, checking the accursed dwellings with the help of a bifurcated twig of the vines, identified in them, as a rule, deadly zones. ..

    German scientist Gustaf von Paul was one of the first to seriously study this problem. After conducting research in the homes of 58 people who died of cancer, he concluded that they all slept in places of strong earth radiation, that is, in geopathic zones. The researcher reported on the results obtained at the medical congress in Munich in 1930.It is said that Paul's report made such a strong impression on the world-famous Max Planck physicist that he decided to create the Institute for the Study of the Earth's Rays.

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    In our country, unfortunately, there are no such institutions. But there are people who understand the importance of geopathic zones and are engaged, despite all sorts of difficulties, by studying them. For example, the biophysicist A. Dubrov, a member of the All-Union Committee on Problems of Energy-Information Exchange in the Nature of the Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies of the Russian Federation, has been conducting research in this field for more than a decade. About them we asked him to tell.

    - Alexander Petrovich, what prompted you to tackle such an unusual issue? After all, as far as I know, among your fellow scientists, they are engaged in units, and then mostly on a voluntary basis, since in the higher administrative and scientific circles this problem, frankly, is ignored.

    - In 1977, I was in charge of the department of environmental protection at the All-Union Research Institute for Standardization of the State Standard of Russia. It was there that I realized for the first time how truly the influence of earth processes on man. Then he was convinced of his conclusions once again, already at the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation named after O.Yu. Schmidt, where he worked as a senior researcher in the field of the electromagnetic field of the Earth.

    - What is this, geopathic zones?

    - In translation, "geopathogenic" means "pathogenic earth"( geo-earth, pathogenic - pathogenic).

    As you can see, the very word itself speaks of the destructive nature of this phenomenon.

    A geopathic zone is most often a small piece of land on which there is an unclear nature of radiation that is harmful to all biological objects and, in particular, to humans. Long stay in such areas leads to different diseases, and especially cancer.

    Under the guidance of Dr. E. Hartman in Germany, an interesting experiment was conducted. Several volunteers for a short time were placed in the geopathic zone. The state of their health, as expected, immediately worsened, the pulse increased, the pressure jumped, the heart arrhythmia began. In addition, the biochemical analysis of blood and the electrical resistance of the skin changed. Similar results were observed in their experiments by the Bulgarian physician V. Sarachev, which was described in the pages of the newspaper Pravda.

    A somewhat different plan was conducted by K. Bachler from Austria, whose work, among other things, was funded by the Salzburg Pedagogical Institute. She studied the influence of terrestrial radiation on schoolchildren. Having questioned 11 thousand people in 14 countries and verified by the bilocation method of 3 thousand living quarters, the researcher came to the conclusion that the success of children in school depends strongly on the impact of the earth's rays. Simply put, if a student's desk or table falls on a harmful zone, then the productivity of his thinking decreases dramatically.

    In addition, Bachler analyzed 500 cases of cancer and found a regularity: patients were in the disease zones for a long time. With their influence, it binds not only cancer, but also sclerosis, asthma, arthritis, bronchitis.

    - I think that the "pathogenic earth" harms not only the person.

    - Sure. Low yields, poor grain quality can be a consequence of abnormal zones in those cases, of course, where they are larger in size.

    There are also animals. The Latvian scientist M. Ligers for many years conducted observations in his republic for cows. Of the 35,000 animals, he found 800 patients. Later, as it turned out, their disease developed under the influence of strong pathogenic zones in which their stalls were located.

    In general, it can be said without exaggeration, geopathic zones affect absolutely everything: on faults of brickwork, gas pipeline ruptures, corrosion of pipelines, sewer systems, etc. Even, paradoxically, for car accidents. At one time, I made a report at the Research Institute for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and talked about a number of places on highways marked around the world, where accidents occur too often, and for no apparent reason. The quality of roads, it would seem, is excellent, but cars still face. When the lozohodtsy tested "devil" sites, they all fell on the anomalous zones.

    By the way, after the lecture, the traffic police officers themselves pointed out to me several such places on the roads of Moscow and other cities of the country.

    - Where, in what places do geopathic zones arise, and is there any pattern here?

    - The most strongly they manifest themselves at the intersection of water channels or the discharge of groundwater, as well as in places of formation of karst voids, mountain faults, at the bottom of dried up reservoirs, near the bends of river beds. In floodplain and flooded lands of the house it is dangerous to build: there these zones are especially pronounced.

    It is noticed that the terrestrial radiation acts vertically and is practically not shielded. Therefore, the pathogenic zone will be equally harmful, say, both on the first floor of a skyscraper, and on the last.

    - Is it possible to neutralize dangerous rays?

    - Scientists around the world are fighting this question. The mass of devices and devices has already been invented, but all of them require the most thorough verification.

    And in the West German magazine "Space and Time"( No. 45, 1990) it was reported that the famous scientist E. Kurbler from Vienna produced a special type of blanket, which, in his opinion, could neutralize the dangerous influence of telluric rays.

    - Of course, it's great that there are such unusual coverlets, but, alas, we do not see them anyway. So let's talk about something more accessible. For example, about animals that, unlike humans, react sensitively to geopathic zones.

    - Yes, it is believed that cats feel them and find them somehow. And they even prefer to be in negative, unfavorable places. But the dogs, those, on the contrary, leave them. And if the dog is located somewhere in the house by its own choice, know: the place chosen by it is favorable for you. The same can be said about horses, cows.

    - Geopathogenic zones are determined by the biolocation method, but few know it, although they have heard it many times. Explain, please.

    - The method of biolocation is fairly simple. There is nothing supernational in it. It is carried out with the help of an ordinary wire frame, with which the operator bypasses the apartment and rotates the location of the malicious zones.

    - Alexander Petrovich, judging by the examples given above, problems of geopathic zones are given great attention abroad. And how do we relate to it the official authorities represented by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation?

    - Not yet. But I think that this issue should be solved at the state level.