
Treatment of myocardial infarction with folk remedies

  • Treatment of myocardial infarction with folk remedies

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    • What is myocardial infarction: symptoms, causes, types
    • Treatment of myocardial infarction folk remedies: homemade prescriptions
    • Prevention and useful advice how to avoid myocardial infarction

    Rehabilitation after a heart attack at home: folk recipes

    Myocardial infarction is a manifestation of ischemic diseaseheart.

    After a heart attack, it is important to adhere to all the recommendations of a specialist. And for rehabilitation after the disease, the role of proven folk remedies sharply increases.

    What is myocardial infarction: symptoms, causes, types ^

    Myocardial infarction is a disease during which the heart muscle is affected due to coronary artery occlusion. A blood clot can clog the artery, causing the heart to lose oxygen and weaken.

    Classification of infarct distinguishes the following varieties: large-focal( extensive) and small-focal;depending on the location of the focus of necrosis: the right or left ventricle of the heart;the apex of the heart( isolated), the interventricular septum.

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    The course of the disease can be divided into the following stages: pre-infarction stage, acute, acute, subacute and scarring period.

    Main causes of heart attack:

    • atherosclerosis;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • elevated cholesterol level in the blood;
    • hypertension;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • obesity;
    • smoking.

    Symptoms of a heart attack:

    • pressing pain in the heart;
    • pain in hands, back, neck;
    • cold sweat, pallor;
    • a pre-unconscious condition.

    However, such symptoms do not always manifest themselves. There are cases when a person practically does not feel pain. You can feel only a slight discomfort in the sternum, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. Such cases are very difficult to diagnose.

    Treatment of myocardial infarction with folk remedies: home remedies ^

    Treatment after a heart attack folk remedies: homemade prescriptions

    Treatment of a heart attack at home is impossible. Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to such dangerous conditions as acute heart failure, cardiogenic shock, heart rupture.

    The first time after a seizure, it is recommended to adhere strictly to all the recommendations of the attending physician. Restorative treatment after a heart attack is not limited to medication alone. Folk treatment of infarction can be an effective addition to medication. Rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction at home is possible if it is conducted under the supervision of a specialist.

    Treatment of myocardial dystrophy

    In myocardial dystrophy, folk medicine recommends the following:

    • Once a week, spend a day of reloading on apples. During the day, only 2 kg of apples are allowed to be eaten. You can improve the unloading day by adding cottage cheese to it. In this case, you can eat a kilogram of cottage cheese and 300 g of apples.
    • Use a potato diet, during which the patient is given a boiled unsalted potato, which must be washed with yogurt.
    • Use a mixture made from onion and apple gruel. The therapeutic mixture should be eaten on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. This mixture is very useful, especially if the metabolic processes in the myocardium are disturbed.
    • You should also use a teaspoon of sea kale powder three times a day.

    Treatment of myocardial infarction with birch buds

    Not only birch buds, but leaves and birch sap are used. Recipes of folk medicine with birch buds are as follows:

    • A teaspoon of birch buds needs to be poured with 300 ml of boiled water, cover, insist for 2 hours and strain. Drink a tablespoon 4 times a day.
    • 2 teaspoons of kidneys should be filled with vodka( 0.5 liters) and infused for 10 days.3 times a day you need to take 20 drops of tincture.

    Treatment of myocardial infarction mum

    The use of mummies for treatment at any phase of the disease is very effective. Mumiye promotes normalization of blood circulation in cardiac tissues, restoration of heart rate.

    • It is recommended to drink 2% aqueous solution of mummy.
    • Begin the course with 13 drops of mummy and gradually increase the dose to a teaspoon.
    • You need to drink the solution 1-1.5 hours before meals for 10 days.
    • After this, you need to make a 2-week break and conduct 5 more courses according to the scheme described.

    Treatment of myocardial infarction with garlic

    Garlic is very useful for the work of the heart. For restorative treatment after a heart attack, it is recommended to use a mixture of garlic, honey and lemon.

    • It is necessary to grind 2 heads of garlic, to pass through a meat grinder 5 lemons.
    • Mix these ingredients, add a spoonful of honey, put the mixture in a jar and close it well.
    • Insist for a week. Eat 4 tablespoons of the mixture 1 time per day.

    Treatment of myocardial infarction valerian

    It is recommended to prepare a decoction of such herbs: the roots of valerian, calendula flowers, immortelle, angelica root, lavender and sage. All herbs should be taken evenly and mixed.

    • To prepare the daily portion, take 2 spoonfuls of collection and pour 2 cups of boiled water.
    • Put in a thermos and insist the whole night, drain in the morning.
    • Drink three times a day for a quarter of a glass for two months.

    Treatment of myocardial infarction by hawthorn

    After a heart attack of hawthorn, infusion of its fruits is prepared.

    • For its preparation, a tablespoon of raw fruit is poured into 200 ml of boiling water.
    • Insist half an hour and filter.
    • For effective recovery, you need to drink a glass of morning and evening.

    Treatment of myocardial infarction by motherwort

    Folk remedy from motherwort can be prepared as follows:

    • 1 teaspoon ground herb lettuce should be filled with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.
    • Drink half a cup 3 times a day.

    Motherwort refers to plants that lower blood pressure and improve the condition of the heart.

    Treatment of myocardial infarction with sprouted wheat

    • One hundred grams of wheat should be poured with water so that it covers them.
    • After a while, the grains will germinate. When the sprouts grow to one millimeter, they can be obtained.
    • It is necessary to thoroughly wash the grains and grind them.
    • Add to the grains for a spoonful of honey and vegetable oil.
    • Also in the mixture you need to add raisins and prunes, pre-chopping them in a meat grinder.
    • Take the medication in the morning on a tablespoon.

    Treatment of myocardial infarction with honey

    To prepare a useful honey product, the following components will be needed:

    • for 250 grams of honey, raisins, nuts and dried apricots.
    • All ingredients must be passed through a meat grinder and eat on a spoonful of delicious medicine three times a day before meals.

    Also very effective is the means of chokeberry and honey:

    • A kilogram of mountain ash, previously passed through a meat grinder, is mixed with two kilograms of honey.
    • Use a tablespoon a day.

    Treatment of infarction with herbs

    Very effective in rehabilitation after a heart attack is infusion of herbs. You can prepare it as follows:

    • You need to take 50 g of rose hips and 100 grams of viburnum, red mountain ash, hawthorn, raisins and dried apricots.
    • The collection glass should be poured with a liter of hot water and insist all night.
    • This infusion is recommended to drink 4 times a day for half a glass.
    • Continue treatment with infusion as much as you want, if it does not have side effects.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of stroke by folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to avoid myocardial infarction ^

    First aid for a patient during an attack:

    • If symptoms of a heart attack were noticed, it is recommended to call an ambulance urgently.
    • Before her arrival, it is necessary to put a person or put, give nitroglycerin for resorption and 30 drops of Corvalol.

    Prevention of myocardial infarction:

    • sufficient physical exertion;
    • balanced nutrition;
    • refusal to smoke and drink alcohol;
    • more positive emotions to prevent problems with the cardiovascular system;
    • weight control;
    • regular visit to the cardiologist.

    Diet after a heart attack:

    It is necessary to monitor proper nutrition in order to prevent a repeated infarction and accelerate recovery. Basic principles of the diet:

    • it is necessary to eat more vegetables and fruits, especially those rich in fiber;
    • the amount of protein in the diet should be reduced;
    • it is desirable to exclude from the menu food that raises the level of cholesterol in the blood;
    • is recommended to reduce salt intake.