  • Treatment of the ankle joint with folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • Ankle Diseases: Symptoms, Causes, Types,
    • Treatment of the Ankle: Folk remedies: home recipes
    • Prevention and useful tips on how to maintain ankle joint health

    Home Ankle Treatment: Folk Recipes

    In modern life,motor apparatus take second place after hypertension. Particularly vulnerable in this respect are the ankle joints.they account for the bulk of the body.

    In the recent past, these diseases were correlated with the elderly. In our time, the pathology of the ankle becomes younger with each generation.

    Arthritis diseases: symptoms, causes, types ^

    Consider what kinds of ankle problems can occur, what are their causes and the main symptoms:


    This is a collective diagnosis of inflammatory articular diseases, the causes of which are a variety of factors - from infectious agents to autoimmunereactions.

    Their common symptom is the inflammatory process, which is accompanied by swelling, pain, increased body temperature - both local and whole body. Incorrect or untimely initiated treatment of arthritis is fraught with increased inflammatory reaction, development of deformation processes and complete loss of joint mobility.

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    Osteoarthritis is a chronic progressive ankle disease, the cause of which is the destruction of the cartilaginous layer. As a result, the joint loses its natural mobility, the bones begin to slowly deform, leading to stiffness. The main symptom is pain.

    The diagnosis is made only after X-ray examination, tk.the nature of pain, its frequency and intensity varies, and is not an objective indicator. Factors provoking the development of arthrosis are large physical exertion, improper body position, metabolic disturbances and even bad habits( in particular, smoking).Treatment of this disease - a long.


    Bursitis is an inflammation of the anus joint bag, accompanied by accumulation of pathological exudate.

    • The causes of bursitis can be injuries, overweight, deformities of the foot, etc.
    • The inflammatory process is accompanied by severe pain, noticeable swelling, when sensation is noticeably a fluctuation of the fluid.

    Sprain of the ankle joint

    Ankle sprain is a ligament injury characterized by acute pain, swelling, and sometimes a local increase in body temperature.

    Dislocation of the ankle

    Characterized by partial displacement of bones, accompanied by symptoms of an inflammatory reaction - swelling, pain, discoloration of the skin.

    Injury of ankle

    In ankle injuries, the muscular tissues surrounding the joint are affected, painful sensations occur, the site of the injury can become swollen, with severe bruises, hematomas are possible.

    Treatment of the ankle with folk remedies: home remedies ^

    Ankle joint treatment: home remedies and prescriptions

    Modern medicine offers a wide range of medicines for the treatment of ankle diseases. But the effectiveness of therapy is repeatedly increased if the methods of official medicine are combined with folk remedies and physiological procedures, as well as nutrition and lifestyle adjustments.

    Treatment of arthritis of the ankle with folk remedies

    • For rapid relief of pain and improvement of blood circulation in the affected joint, folk medicine advises to wrap the ankle at night with burdock leaves, in the spring - leaves of mother-and-stepmother, in the winter - with cabbage leaves.
    • Well warm up and relieve inflammation of flax seeds. Warm and folded in a bag of cotton cloth, they are applied to the inflamed area.
    • Effectively warm up the ankle, thereby facilitating the inflammatory process, the usual mustard plasters that last for 15-20 minutes, and then wrap the joint with a woolen cloth.

    Only it is necessary to remember - all procedures related to warming up can not be done during the acute course of the disease.

    Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle

    For the treatment of arthrosis in folk medicine, the burdock prevails.

    • The burdock leaves must be crushed into gruel, cover the patient ankle, wrap it with a whole burdock leaf and warm it.

    Mother - nature has in its bins a whole arsenal of medicinal plants, which contribute to the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue. These are birch leaves, dandelion root, horsetail grass, thyme grass, saber herb, willow bark.

    • Decoctions or infusions of these herbs( preferably separately from each other), cooked according to the traditional scheme - 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water, should be taken 2-3 times a day by courses from 14 to 21 days, with 1-2 months interruptions.
    • The criterion for the duration of a course of treatment and a break between treatment is a subjective sensation - a weakening or strengthening of pain, an improvement or deterioration of the joint mobility.

    Treatment of sprain of the ankle joint

    When stating this diagnosis, the first thing to do is to ensure complete immobility of the joint.

    • One of the most effective means is applying to the injured joint gruel from raw potatoes.

    You can attach a slurry of crushed aloe leaf:

    • Hold until the mixture is warm, then remove this mixture and replace it with fresh.
    • Aloe juice multiplies the regenerative processes many times, this method is good in case it is necessary to quickly overcome the disease.

    There is a very simple way to remove swelling and pain sensations in just a couple of days - it's a vodka compress:

    • Any cotton fabric is saturated with vodka, wraps around the patient's joint, cellophane is superimposed on top, and all this is insulated with a woolen bandage.

    Treatment of ankle bursitis

    As in the previous case, treatment of bursitis requires complete rest for the inflamed joint.

    • At this time compresses from herbs with anti-inflammatory action are applied to the sore spot - these are infusions of chamomile flowers, yarrow, burdock root, St. John's wort, linden flowers.
    • The herb infusion is cooled to a temperature of 45 degrees, and is applied to the affected area. If the pain is severe, then in this case the warm and cold compresses alternate.

    When bursitis is recommended intake of the following mixture:

    • in 250 ml of warm water dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
    • This mixture should be drunk for a day in 2-3 hours.
    • If the disease is chronic, the duration of admission is 2-3 weeks.

    Treatment of ankle dislocation

    • Traditional medicine in this case offers a mixture of crushed onions and sugar, in a proportion of 1:10.
    • The mixture is applied overnight and fixed.

    An effective remedy for dislocation is a tanshopper compress:

    • It is prepared by infusing 3 tablespoons of flowers in 200 ml of boiling water for an hour.
    • Then, any natural fabric is impregnated with the prepared solution, and wrapped with compress paper on top.

    Treatment of ankle bruises

    • For centuries, the proven method is applying a plantain leaf to the bruised place.
    • A good remedy are warm soothing baths every night at night. Their composition should include decoctions of herbs, such as the herb of St. John's wort, the leaf of the mother and stepmother, the birch buds.

    Universal methods used for all inflammatory diseases of the ankle


    • This procedure allows not only to improve blood circulation in the inflamed area, but also promotes better absorption of drugs used locally.
    • The only contraindication to massage is an acute period of the disease, characterized by intense pain.

    Local basins of essential oils of cedar, pine, fir

    • For this, 3 to 5 drops of essential oil is diluted in 2 tablespoons of sea salt, milk or honey, and this mixture is added to a tub with warm water.
    • Take such baths for 10-15 minutes.

    Baths made of paraffin and ozocerite

    • Wonderful joints from paraffin and ozocerite are miraculously treated.
    • The temperature should not exceed 45 degrees.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of spinal protrusion with folk remedies.

    Prevention and tips on how to maintain ankle health ^

    What should be done to avoid ankle disease:

    • All people who have reached adulthood should revise their menu in favor of increasing products containing cartilage and collagen in it. These products are various meat and fish filling dishes, fruit jelly, seafood.
    • Limit salt intake and increase the amount of clean drinking water. And if this water is infused with silicon or shungite, then this is generally the best option.
    • The products containing oxalic acid - canned tomatoes and pepper, sorrel, spinach, spicy seasonings should be limited.
    • It is necessary to adjust body weight all the time - excess weight will not slow down reflect on the "well-being" of the ankle.
    • Exacerbates the course of joint disease alcohol consumption and smoking, therefore, these habits must be disposed of.
    • In order to maintain the integrity of bone tissue, it is necessary to increase the intake of foods high in calcium.
    • An important role is played by the selection of shoes, which should be comfortable, warm, on the heel of the optimum height.

    But, in any case, it is necessary to remember - if the measures taken do not lead to an improvement in the condition and the disease progresses, then this is a mandatory reason for a visit to an experienced traumatologist.