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    Father. .. I remember his kind face, tall figure.

    In 1946, on the territory of the western regions of Ukraine, bandits waged, death awaited everyone who loved the road to the socialist Motherland. At the hands of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists, evil enemies of Soviet power, my father, the communist Efrem Ivanovich Ryadnenko, also died.

    To this day, I carefully store documents dear to the heart. Here is a yellowed sheet dated May 16, 1933.Motrensky rural council of the Kharkov region in a certificate testified: "Ryadnenko EI - a poor man, before the revolution farmer. His father is also poor. From 1917 to 1928 he worked for the cooperative and chairman of the village council. "Then my father was a foreman, for a great job I received a rolling Red Banner.

    Despite the fact that Father met the Great October poorly literate guy, he passionately imbued with the ideas of Soviet power and educated his children with ardent patriots of the Motherland. Sons Aleksey and Vladimir died fighting against the enemy in the first months of the Great Patriotic War. In one of the last letters Alexei wrote: "Dear parents! I swear to be loyal to my beloved Motherland, the Bolshevik Party. My native country will be protected to the last drop of blood, as long as my heart beats in my chest. "Vladimir echoed him: "I expect the team to fight. Smash this pack, finish it and return home! "

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    These family relics are carefully kept in our house. They help my children grow patriots.

    D. Ryadnenko, teacher of the Department of Psychology. Drohobych Pedagogical Institute


    In June, young people of our country went to a subbotnik to transfer their earnings to the Peace Fund. My "youth" also joined this. I wrote the word "youth" in quotes because my oldest daughter is ten, the youngest is six.

    How can children of this age make money? Collection of medicinal herbs, waste paper. So they did: they collected waste paper. Thanks to those who supported my girls. When they found out what they were getting paperwork for( I put a pigeon cut from a paper on their dresses), many gave the paper.

    In general, my girls collected 80 kilograms of waste paper. Moreover, at the "Solidarity Fair" they sold their work - burning. So during the summer months they accumulated their own money. We went to the bank, and the elder herself filled out a voluntary contribution form to the Peace Fund.

    N. Vorobyova, Kirishi, Leningrad region

    Grandfather NAME

    - Dad, let's go tomorrow to change the name. They tease me in the courtyard: "Vaska's cat, Vasya Vasya!" Could not you have called me another name? "The son blurts out reproachfully, smearing tears of resentment on the cheeks.

    How many times you and your wife were going to tell your son about your grandfather, after whom he received his name. Everything was postponed, but in vain. ..

    I get up, go to the closet, pull out the bag with family documents. I say:

    - Vasily is a good name, son. My mother's father, your grandfather, was called Vasily. Grandfather fought, was an artilleryman. ..

    Son stops sniffing. There are no tears in my eyes.

    - Once in battle our artillerymen hit several enemy tanks, but there were a lot of them, and they shot with might and main. .. Grandpa was left alone. One loaded shells into the gun, one aimed at the fascist tanks and himself commanded: "Fire!" In that battle grandfather was seriously wounded. .. For courage and courage he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner!

    - My grandfather is a hero! My grandfather's name!- with a joyful shout runs son to the guys.

    I look out the window. The boys surrounded Vasya. He tells them something with a fervor. Now the son will be proud of his name. It is a pity that he had not been explained before why he was called Vasily.

    V.Pashkovich, Magadan Region


    One evening in a village street I saw guys from eight to twelve playing lapta. A wonderful Russian game, developing dexterity, accuracy, strength of muscles! Then the guys sat on the bench. I hear that they are playing in the "gardener".Wet names of flowers. Many of them are known to village boys and girls.

    I asked the guys: now they are cleaning the bread, but what do they know about how they did before harvesters? One, it turned out, knows about the skiddles, the other - as they were being threshed by hand. And about the barns, and about the windmills heard. And I told them about the sickles.

    I remember with warmth the summer evening spent in the circle of village children. They are really rustic. But sometimes you do not distinguish a boy or a girl who grew up in the village, from their urban peers - so little is known about rural life, they do not feel it well. Sometimes, parents are also proud of it. I would very much like to have more parents read the clever, good book of Vasily Belov "Lad".There are words in it that are directly related to family upbringing: "Out of memory, beyond the traditions of history and culture, there is no personality. Memory forms the spiritual strength of man. "

    S. Popov, Vyazovka village, Saratov region