  • Treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • What is endometriosis: symptoms, causes, types
    • Endometriosis: treatment with folk remedies
    • Prevention and useful tips how to prevent the formation of endometriosis

    Home treatment for endometriosis: folk recipes

    Endometriosis is a specific growth that is localized on the uterus andher neck, and also goes beyond it and affects neighboring organs.

    Traditional medicine is used to treat endometriosis with hormonal therapy or surgical intervention.

    To avoid surgery, it is recommended to use folk remedies together with hormonal preparations, which effectively help to get rid of pathological growths.

    What is endometriosis: symptoms, causes, types ^

    Endometriosis is a gynecological disease of women of reproductive age characterized by the proliferation of endometrial cells( inner uterine layer) on the uterus, cervix and beyond - on the genitals, bladder, intestine orovaries.

    Clinical signs of endometriosis are as follows:

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    • Malfunction of the menstrual cycle;
    • Painful, profuse menstruation and the presence of prolonged blood smearing discharge after it;
    • Pelvic pain;
    • Pain during intimacy.

    The main causes of endometriosis are regular abortions, hormonal or immune disorders and genetic predisposition. The danger of endometriosis is that it leads to infertility, neurologic disorders or the degeneration of endometrioid tissue from a benign tumor into a malignant one.

    Depending on the type and location of localization, endometriosis is classified into the following forms: genital external or internal, extragenital, retrocervical, chronic and adenomyosis.

    Initial symptoms of endometriosis in women in the form of malfunctions of the menstrual cycle and uncharacteristic painful and prolonged menstruation indicate that it is necessary to immediately go through the examination and start appropriate therapy.

    The main treatment for endometriosis at home consists of medicinal herbs, medicinal berries and beekeeping products that are used in the form of decoctions, alcohol tinctures, douching procedures and self-made natural tampons.

    Hirudotherapy in endometriosis

    Hirudotherapy with endometriosis is very effective, as the saliva of leeches has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects, and is also able to inject a lot of biologically active substances into the blood. In addition, leeches are able to normalize the female hormonal background.

    Douching with endometriosis

    Douching is one of the most effective procedures of traditional medicine in the treatment of endometriosis, consisting mainly of antiseptic, soothing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing healing decoctions. For their preparation, you can use calendula, chamomile, peony, bovine uterus, eucalyptus, cucumber or other herbs.

    Endometriosis: treatment with folk remedies ^

    Folk treatment of endometriosis: home recipes

    Treatment of chronic endometriosis

    • Ст.л.Brush red mixed with st.l.the uterus of the hog, pour in 500 ml of vodka and place in a dark place for 20 days.
    • Take ready tincture should be for three weeks before meals three times one teaspoon, diluted in a glass of water.

    Treatment of genital endometriosis

    • Prepare a collection - 20 gr.cones of hops and 25 gr.chamomile, root of elecampane, grass of plantain. Art.plants put in a thermos, pour ½ liter of boiling water. After 30 minutes, drain the decoction and consume during the day in three divided doses.
    • Ст.л.marigolds pour 200 ml of boiling water for half an hour, then sieved with infusion to douch the vaginal area with the cervix in the morning and before going to bed.

    Treatment of retrocervical endometriosis

    • Mix herbs in equal proportions-nettle, yarrow, cottonweed, cottonwood, calendula, lemon balm, St. John's Wort.
    • In the volume of four st.l.put herbs in a container, pour boiling water( liter), after an hour drain and take infusion before meals three to four times.

    Endometriosis of the uterus: treatment

    • The ground barberry root with a volume of 2 tbsp.pour for 10 minutes 0.5 liters of boiling water.
    • Then strain and use within a day in small portions.

    Cervical Endometriosis: treatment with

    • 2.5 g.mummy diluted in 100 ml of warm water, then soak the solution with a tampon and put it overnight into the vagina.
    • Number of procedures - 10.

    Endometriosis of the ovary: treatment

    • Ст.л.St. John's wort pour 250 ml of water, put on fire for 10 minutes.
    • Then insist an hour, strain and take 100 ml three times each day.

    Endometriosis of the intestine: treatment with

    • Place 150 g in a jar.fresh honey, kalinovyk sake, aloe vera and 150 ml of vodka.
    • Then add 100 gr.tinctures of celandine, calendula, plantain, mix everything and take the medicine three times each day for 20 ml before meals.

    Bladder endometriosis: treatment with

    • Ст.л.Bark with flowers of viburnum boil in 250 ml of water 10 minutes, then strain and take three tablespoons.three times a day.
    • Pound the leaves of plantain pour boiling water( tbsp for half a glass), insist two hours, strain and take two tablespoons.on an empty stomach three times a day.

    Boron uterus in endometriosis

    • Three tablespoonsdry borovoy uterus placed in a saucepan, pour three glasses of water and boil for 5 minutes;
    • Give the broth to infuse for three hours, after which it should be filtered and taken before meals of 20 ml four times daily.

    Red brush with endometriosis

    • Prepare a decoction from the root of a red brush - st.l.mix a half a glass of boiling water, boil one minute and insist an hour.
    • The received filtered broth is diluted in 0,5 l of warm boiled water and twice a day to carry out procedures of syringing.

    Treatment of endometriosis with propolis

    • 10 gr.pre-frozen propolis should be crushed to the state of small crumbs, then mixed with natural liquid honey( 100 gr.);
    • Within 20 minutes, it is necessary to warm this mixture on a water bath well, then to filter through a two-layer gauze;
    • After the mixture has cooled, it should be placed in the refrigerator. From the finished raw materials it is necessary to form the shape of candles and wrap it with food film.
    • These candles should be administered overnight in the vaginal area for 20 days.

    Treatment of endometriosis with herbs

    • Prepare a collection - according to the article.birch buds, leaves of plantain, celandine, juniper berries, tansy flowers, ayr root.
    • From the prepared mixture should take st.l, pour it with a glass of boiling water for an hour, then strain and take it every day after menstruation three times 50 ml.
    • The duration of the procedure is 15 days.
    We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the article Adnexit: treatment at home.

    Prevention and useful advice how to prevent the formation of endometriosis ^

    To prevent the formation of endometriosis, as well as its relapse will help to strictly adhere to preventive measures, including:

    • Regular preventive examinations at the gynecologist;
    • Balanced power;
    • Active way of life;
    • Fighting overweight;
    • Avoiding stress;
    • Timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.