  • Depth of breathing

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    People have long ago intuitively understood the importance of shallow breathing. Take at least the traditional tight swaddling of newborns, common in many peoples. After all, in essence - this is something other than unconscious training of children to "light" breath, protection from many diseases that can develop in adulthood. Respiratory gymnastics belongs to the leading place in folk medicine of many peoples of the world.

    So, the essence of the method: REDUCING DEPTH OF THE BREATHING

    By the way, the question often arises, - but how does this fit with the respiratory gymnastics of yoga? After all, there are many exercises based just on deep breathing.

    Buteyko's method does not contradict yoga. We often use yoga incorrectly. The most famous and misinterpreted exercise from yoga is complete breathing: a slow deep breath - a delay - a slow, smooth exhalation. And they say: here, deep breath. No. When there is a long deep breath, overpressure in the lungs is created, oxygen penetrates into the blood. And, it would seem, inevitably lowering the level of carbon dioxide. But no, after that, holding the breath and slow, albeit too deep, exhale for 1.5 minutes. Already 40-50 seconds after the delay of breathing, the level of carbon dioxide rises to normal.

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    And now we will consider in more detail the method of "shallow breathing".

    Lesson one

    Deep breathing diseases include:

    1. Bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchiectatic disease, pneumosclerosis, hypertension of the small circle( heart disease).

    2. Hypertonic disease, stenocardia, cerebral circulation disorders, obliterating endarteritis, Raymo's disease, senile diabetes, chronic nephritis( sclerosis of the kidney), cerebral vascular sclerosis.

    3. The outcome of the listed diseases is sclerosis of individual organs, resulting, respectively, by a cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction.

    Leading in all these diseases is:

    1. Increased smooth muscle tone and its spasms.

    2. The end result of all these diseases is tissue hypoxia.

    Consequently, these diseases are a consequence of the destruction of tissue respiration. They constitute approximately 70-80% of all arterial pressure diseases. These are the constants of the disease.

    From this we can conclude that the disease is a shift of vital constants beyond the limits of the physiological norm. The more important the constant, the more accurately the organism maintains it at an unchanged level. The purpose of the external respiration system is to maintain O2 and CO2 in the alveoli at the proper level.

    What is the most important constant for the organism: O2 or CO2?In the air, 21% O2.If the amount of O2 is reduced to 15% or increased to 80%, then the body practically does not react to it. If you change the amount of CO2 by 0.1% in one direction or another, then the body immediately notices it and tries to return CO2 to normal.

    Therefore, CO2 is 60-80 times more important for the organism than O2, and the function of external respiration can be determined by the level of CO2 in the alveoli. Insufficient function of external respiration leads to an increase in CO2 in the alveoli, and excessive function - to reduce it.

    In a healthy person, the volume of external respiration is 5 liters, and for an asthmatics - 10-15 liters. Thus, asthmatics have not weakened breathing, as we write, but strengthened. Bronchial asthma is a defensive reaction of the body to increased breathing, a reaction aimed at keeping C02 at 6.5%, while the asthmatic C02 is 4-4.5%.

    Symptoms of hyperventilation:

    1. Overexcitation of the nervous system, expressed in irritability, short temper, unreasonable fear.

    2. Vegetative disorders - sweating, fits of weakness, diencephalic symptoms.

    3. Depletion or obesity associated with abnormal regulation of fat and other metabolism.

    4. Hyperthyroidism.

    All that the patient has been associated with hyperventilation, with the normalization of breathing according to the method of VID( volitional normalization, breathing) first exacerbates, and then disappears( the thinning fuller grow fat, and so on).Smart strong-willed people are cured.

    Symptoms of bronchospasm are a feeling of pressure behind the sternum: chronic bronchitis, frequent colds, diseases, etc. Hyperventilation is a kind of aerial overeating. In asthmatics, breathing has no pauses( not automatic delay in exhalation), they have a deep breath alternating with a rapid exhalation, with the removal of CO2 from the body, the CO2 content falls below the norm( norm of 6.5%), and the smooth muscles of the bronchi feel a decreaseCO2 even by 0.5%, it is trying to slow the removal of CO2 - another asthma attack occurs.

    Normal breathing of a healthy person is a slow shallow breath( 2-3 seconds), a slow exhalation( 3-4 seconds) and then a pause( 3-4 seconds), during which the lungs relax after exhalation. All attention should be paid to reducing the depth of inspiration and increasing the pause after exhalation. In addition, periodic maximum breath retardation is necessary. The more delays( especially with an asthma attack), the better. It is recommended that asthmatics be delayed after 5 minutes, hypertensive patients after 15 minutes. Initially, the delay time is shortened to 10 seconds, then the duration increases. In a healthy person, it takes up to a minute or more. Begin training from 5-8 hours the first day with interruptions for 1-1,5 hours.


    During training, it is necessary to ensure that the breath is shallow, i.e., incomplete, so that the chest does not rise and there is always a feeling of lack of air.

    When carrying out a delay in breathing, it is desirable to cover your nose, and after a delay, inhale to do a little. Women can do grace, and men can tighten the belt. If the attacks happen at night, then about an hour before the attack it is necessary to stand up and hold a breathing exercise. In the morning, training is done again. At attacks every 3-4 breaths, the maximum delay on exhalation is made.(Without high voltage).Holding the breath quickly removes the attack.

    Lesson two

    Reaction of recovery( breakage of the disease)

    Any disease begins in jumps, in the form of crises. For example, bronchial asthma( although it is prepared for years), hypertension, angina, etc. Sometimes the symptoms of hyperventilation start from childhood( spasmophilia, diathesis, pneumonia, whooping cough, cutaneous croup, etc.).The disease begins with a crisis and should end with a crisis Asthma breaks down with an attack of asthma, angina pectoris with an attack of angina, hypertensive disease with an A / D jump, etc. The delay and respiratory rate are two indicators that determine the disease, and they must be monitored continuously. The patient's state of health has nothing to do with it. During a breakdown in bronchial asthma, seizures are lighter and shorter, and a large amount of sputum is released, with stenocardia during a break, instead of aching pains in the heart, there are burning sensations behind the sternum. Before breaking the patient feels like resistance( it is unpleasant to train breathing, disgust, fear), the delay is shortened, the breathing becomes quicker, the indicators deteriorate somewhat.

    General symptoms of withdrawal: insomnia, headaches, nausea, vomiting, food aversion, weakness, apathy, pain in the calf muscles, chest, side surfaces of the neck, tinnitus, pulsation, stool disorder - liquid and even with mucus - 2of the week.

    Asthmatics have an increased cough with copious purulent cork. Pain of different nature of all parts of the body, kidney and liver pain, frequent urination, rezy, thirst, drooling. Can appear - a skin itch, a urticaria, an edema Quincke. Reduces puffiness, weight, pain in the gums, orbits, pain in the palms, soles. Bleeding from the gums, nose, menstruation intensifies.

    In sputum, blood( in patients for a month), tearfulness, temperature up to 40 ° C.Most asthmatics have chills.

    The chair is black, the intestinal capillary networks are being reconstructed. A / D increases, especially in coronary patients who had latent hypertension. The aggravation of these phenomena indicates that these phenomena are associated with deep breathing.

    All old bone fractures begin to ache strongly. The break may begin one day after the beginning of the training or a month later.

    The break-up time depends on the severity and duration of the disease and on how the patient is engaged. Symptoms of withdrawal do not necessarily appear at the same time. What has dragged on for years, disappears in days. If the patient changes the situation or place of residence, then the breakdown can happen again. Therefore, it is advisable to stay in one place for a year( breakdown cycle).After breaking the disease, the patient's condition immediately improves. During the break-up period, you can give medicines, but in a half dose. Avoid ACTH and protein preparations If the patient was walking on hormones, then during the breakdown, you can give corticosteroid hormones, the heart is given low-strength cardiac drugs.

    When you have a disgust for food, do not forget to eat, it is undesirable to apply food( dairy), fish and chicken broth.

    Do not swallow saliva, rinse your mouth with plain water. The intake of liquid is not restricted. Avoid mineral water. At obese patients to support hunger-strike, to limit sugar. It is desirable to use products in poorly cooked form. Within a month, this food is expanded. During the breakdown of the disease, it is imperative to continue breathing training, otherwise the breaking will be delayed and may turn into an aggravation. Severe patients, if there is no hepatic insufficiency, give potassium chloride( 0.5 g three times a day), reduce table salt to 5 g. Giving products with phosphorus( millet, buckwheat).Training breath before going to bed doing on the stomach.

    Lesson three

    In the morning, it's necessary to make a breath delay - to check yourself( this is how life is).If the delay is shortened, then the illness is approaching.

    World record delay - 5 minutes. Sperm whale - 150 min. Yoga - 30 min. But this is a sport, not a normal breathing.

    For repeated pneumonia, a protective reaction is asthma, but pneumonia stops, and asthma attacks cause to deep breathe and lead to pulmonary heart failure. With the appearance of pulmonary heart failure asthma attacks stop( protective syndrome of conservation of CO2), but it's too late, it's a lethal outcome, but not from asthma, but from pulmonary-cardiac failure.

    If the morning delay increases, then the number of hours of training in a month can be reduced to 2 hours - one hour - in the morning and one hour in the evening.

    Barriers obstacles

    1st barrier - 30-40 seconds, during which the blood from the lungs will pass a small circle and part of a large circle and reach the tissues. If this barrier is passed, then a delay of 50-60 seconds will be easy.

    2nd barrier - 70 sec, in during which the blood passes the entire large circle and returns to the lungs. It's also difficult to step over.

    Subsequent barriers after 50 seconds.

    3rd barrier - 120 sec.

    4th barrier - 180 sec.

    5th barrier - 240 sec.

    6th barrier - 600 sec, etc.

    A bit of history

    Earth was born about 4.5 billion years ago, then there was no atmosphere. And then the sublimation of gases( degassing) and volatile elements on the surface of the Earth( nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon) began.

    This degassing process continues to this day. At that time there was no CO2 in the air.

    About 2 billion years ago, the first life, anoxic or anaerobic life began to appear. Such a life exists even now. The anaerobic processes lasted up to 1 billion years in an environment where there was a lot of CO2, but there was no oxygen. Emerged terrestrial organic substances( algae) began to isolate O2 as a waste of their existence, as a result, oxygen was accumulated in the earth's atmosphere. The level of oxygen in the atmosphere began to rise, and the level of CO2 - to decline. Currently, the O2 level is 21%, and the CO2 level is 0.03%.

    When the 02 content in air and water was 1%, and CO2 - 7%, a living cell began to appear. It began to absorb oxygen from the air and release carbon dioxide( plants do the opposite).As a result, the atmosphere has reached equilibrium, and on Earth a new process has appeared-aerobic respiration phase or oxygen breath. The air surrounding us contains 250 times less carbon dioxide than necessary.

    Therefore, the air around us, if it is inhaled full, becomes toxic to our cells. We are rescued by a protective barrier - the skin, - impermeable to gases, and bronchi, having a leathery appearance. Nevertheless, increased breathing brings us closer to death.

    Biological role of oxygen and carbon dioxide

    Oxygen entered our life late, it is necessary for oxidative processes in order to satisfy the energy nodes of the body.

    If the tissues reduce the oxygen level, they will not die, and a decrease in the carbon dioxide content leads to paralysis. Carbon dioxide in the body is regulated by the breathing system, the vasomotor center, its content is associated with metabolic processes. The pH of the blood is regulated by the content of carbon dioxide( an important factor).If you breathe clean air, then there is lung damage - itirotitial pneumonia. In the mountains there is less oxygen, which is why asthmatics are usually treated there. Probably, for asthmatics, 15% of oxygen is sufficient, and not 21%, as in the atmosphere.

    All nine months of intrauterine life in the blood of the fetus of oxygen is three times less than in the blood of an adult. They say the fruit is cyanotic. Such a normal oxygen content in the fetal blood completely ensures the development of tissues.

    The high oxygen content causes the tissue to die. In the arterial blood of an adult, 97% of oxygen, and venous blood - 70%, in a fetus - 30% of oxygen. The breathing system is attached to the circulatory system already at the third stage of evolution. These two systems arose in order to ensure the correct exchange in the body, determine the level of carbon dioxide and oxygen. The carbon dioxide content is regulated in the alveoli with an accuracy of 0.1%.The oxygen content can be changed and nothing significant will happen. The importance of CO2 in the system of breathing regulation can be judged from the concept of Anokhin. The entire breathing system is regulated by CO2.The most important constant in the system of regulation of respiration is CO2.With deep breathing, CO2 is removed from the body and the defeat of the major vital organs develops. To prevent this, the body develops a protection mechanism( adaptation) from the weathering of CO2.

    1. Polyps on the mucous membrane of the nose do not allow for deep breathing.

    2. Allergic vasomotor rhinitis.

    3. Laryngoscopes.

    4. Bronchospasm.

    The critical level of CO2 in the alveoli is 4.75%, if this level is underestimated, then bronchospasm sets in. In the impregnable period of CO2 in the alveoli - 4.75%.Bronchospasm to some extent increases CO2, but does not normalize it. The tone of the bronchi is an important factor in the regulation of the alveoli.

    Smooth bronchial muscles regulate breathing. The concept of Anokhin is as follows: if the CO2 content is close to normal, then its further regulation in the body is carried out by the respiratory center, if the CO2 content is reduced, then the emergency system - bronchospasm is connected. The level of CO2 affects the musculature of the bronchi after 20 seconds. Uneven ventilation of the alveoli gives a picture of wandering rales. If the bronchus that feeds the alveoli is spasmodic, then the air ruptures the alveolus and spontaneous pneumothorax is obtained. In a patient with bronchospasm, the lumen of the bronchi decreases, not only the bronchospasm occurs, but also the damage to the lung tissue - pneumosclerosis.

    In the process of vital activity, the composition of cells changes. Only the nerve cell does not change, the enzyme regulates the resorption of the formed scars on the tissues.

    Protection against weathering CO2( continued)

    5. Due to pneumosclerosis, the permeability of the cell membrane decreases, which makes weathering of CO2 difficult.

    6. Small-circle vessels with hyperinflation in the patient are narrowed. Alveoli and capillaries are pierced, which, previously washed with blood, now the blood goes to a small circle bypassing the alveoli. The lesion of the lung tissue, protected from hyperventilation, develops.

    7. Functional, it is associated with the function of small vessels. Pulmonary hyperventilation develops, arterial spasm arises, A / D of the small circle rises and more blood is discharged into the small circle, as a result functional munts appear and the blood flowing through them is not ventilated.

    Symptoms of blue eyes are explained by asthma: spasm of bronchioles, spasm of the artery, increase in A / D in a small circle. There is an increase in the amount of unoxidized blood in a large circle and the person turns blue.

    8. The gyndynamic is associated with the reaction of a large circle of blood circulation. With deep breathing, A / D in hypertonics in the first 3-5 seconds, decreases, and then rises again, and a healthy person deep breathing will lead to hypotoxia and go into shock. Then death can come. Hypotension is the first stage of hypertension.

    The meaning of hypertension reduces to the fact that less blood flows through the blood vessels and then CO2 will be washed less and will stay in the tissues.

    9. Spasm of smooth muscles of arterial vessels. The whole arterial system spasms, especially in artels, since there are fewer walls and they are like cranes, regulating the flow of blood.

    CO2 acts on smooth muscles in two ways: a) central action, b) peripheral or local action These two actions are directly opposite. Central action - narrowing of the vessels, local - expanding them. The farther from the center, the less central and more peripheral( local) influence. Local influence on the vessels reduces their tone, relaxes them. Local action is shown for a long time and steadfastly. When hyperventilation spasm of the whole body appears, and with decreasing hyperventilation, the vessels expand. Deep breathing with pure oxygen is worse than air, t, to quickly comes the hypoxia of the brain. The amount of O2 in the tissues is directly proportional to the amount of CO2 in the tissues in the blood. The more CO2 in the tissues and blood, the more O2 and vice versa. The determining factor is CO2, but it can not be said, the more O2, the more CO2

    The deeper the breath, the less O2 enters the body and, conversely, the smaller the breath, the more O2 gets into the body.

    The air spoils the poisonous products produced by the production, and not because there is more CO2 somewhere, but somewhere less.(CO2 in the air is only 0.03%, and in the human body 4.5% or more).Minor fluctuations of atmospheric CO2 do not play any role. To increase the content of O2 in tissues, it is necessary to increase CO2 in the blood. Only with acute pneumonia it is necessary to give O2, , since the lungs almost completely do not work and O2 is necessary, but O2 should not be given often, since it damages tissues.

    In case of vasospasm, do not give spasmolytics( dibazol, euphilin, etc.), as they immediately remove spasms of blood vessels and thereby increase the release of CO2, which leads to heart attack, stroke and other pathologies. The more O2 in the blood, the narrower the blood vessels.

    Vessel spasms cause a decrease in CO2 and an increase in O2, CO2 is the main vasomotor. If in alveoli in O2 blood is lower than normal, then oxygen should be given, if the norm is not necessary, because it increases oxygen starvation.

    Concomitant factor Veripe-Veri

    If blood reduces CO2, the blood begins to hold O2 firmly and does not give it to the tissue. Oxidized hemoglobin is a weak acid, and the reduced

    is a weak alkali. When CO2 is added to the blood, carbon dioxide splits the oxidized hemoglobin and blood pumps its oxygen into the tissues.

    The deeper the breath, the less O2 will go to the tissue of

    - the 2nd factor of tissue hypoxia. The third factor of hypoxia is the disruption of the activity of respiratory enzymes. This factor reduces CO2 in tissues, causes a violation of tissue metabolism, because tissue hypoxia is caused, despite the spasm of blood vessels, the content of CO2 in tissues decreases. Tissue hypoxia is dangerous, it disrupts the exchange in cells, thereby damaging them.

    All of the following symptoms of tissue hypoxia are a consequence of a lack of CO2 in the tissues. These include: atherosclerosis, nephritis, asthma, rhinitis, endakritis, migraine, urticaria, Quincke's edema, eczema. These symptoms disappear when the CO2 is normalized.

    Allergic theory of bronchial asthma

    The search for an allergen is an unjustified labor. The allergy itself is a secondary sign for hyperventilation.

    Factors associated with a decrease in blood CO2( hypokarbia):

    1-st - spasm of smooth muscles.

    2nd - damage to the vascular tissue, increase its permeability.

    The vascular wall damages the lack of CO2.When hyperventilation, CO2 falls into both arterial and venous blood, hence thrombophlebitis.

    3rd - increased cholesterol( hypercholesterol).The synthesis of cholesterol goes only in the liver and only 1/5 of it comes from food. Cholesterol is a biogenic insulator for enveloping cells in order to preserve CO2 in them. When the walls of the vessels are damaged, the cholesterol penetrates into the damage and is deposited there.

    CO2 regulates the deposition of cholesterol. Reducing CO2 by 1/10 in the alveoli and in the blood increases the cholesterol content by 10%.

    4th - increase in blood clotting, which is the cause of many diseases

    A / D increase - a compensating factor for tissue hypoxia. Most doctors are of the opinion that A / D increases with age, but this is not true.

    Hypertension and angina are corrected. The average A / D figures do not depend on age and are equal to 130/80( life constant).In women, they are 5 mm lower. Chronic hyperventilation leads to a decrease in C02, which leads to all subsequent pathology.



    concept of the benefit of deep breathing;

    negative emotions and nervous system;

    Unreacted negative emotions are especially harmful, they dramatically increase deep breathing;

    lack of stress means - hypodynamic illness. It is a disease of the absence of constant physical labor;

    increased respiration in a horizontal position. Sleep better in the armchair, sit more, walk, stand. In sleep, breathing intensifies;

    our habits - coffee, tea, nicotine - enhance breathing. Cigarettes reduce CO2 for 1-1.5 hours by 0.25%;

    protein substances and fats strengthen breathing, vegetarian dishes - reduce;

    fasting reduces breathing;

    intoxication with heavy metals( mercury, lead);

    chronic infections - streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus;

    sleep on the back increases deep breathing( normal sleep - on the stomach or on the left side).

    Lesson seven

    Reduce breathing - menthol, validol, mint, bromides, valerian, preparations rauwolfia, sleeping pills.

    Codeine, dyspin, heroin increase the tone of smooth muscles. Expectorant - plantain.

    In healthy people breathing in sleep decreases. The disease of hyperventilation is polyethyl.

    Pathogen hypertensive disease

    When hyperventilation of CO2 in the blood is lowered, this causes a spasm of the arterial vessels. In capillaries, CO2 leaves, and the cell takes more O2.Water procedures reduce breathing, while the water temperature should be pleasant. Physical exercises are necessary, but without deep breathing. Sunbathing is recommended in March, April, September and October, when the sun is weakened.

    You can oppress the respiratory center by willpower. Hyperventilation reduces CO2 in nerve cells, which leads to their excitation, to an increase in their sensitivity, emotions are perceived more sharply. Increased breathing reduces CO2 - a vicious circle.

    In asthmatics, hyperventilation leads to lung damage. In the blood, the content of CO2 decreases, and it excites the respiratory center, it increases respiration and leads to a decrease in CO2 in the alveoli, causing hypoxia of the blood. Hypoxia of the blood, continuously exciting the respiratory center, increases breathing and ultimately leads to pneumonia, pneumosclerosis, and emphysema. There is no asthma without emphysema. The first attack of asthma is prepared for years.

    Delay after expiration is the main indicator of asthma, hypertension, angina pectoris.

    Methods of lengthening the delay

    Using the symptom( rolling up the eyes).Distraction( self-massage, stroking).Skiing movements. Adoption of water procedures. Delays in the fresh air.

    Complete relaxation of the muscles before the delay and sharp their tension towards the end of the delay.

    Paradoxes of respiration

    Deep breathing, considered a panacea for all diseases, on the contrary, is the source of all diseases.

    The deeper the breath, the less oxygen enters the body cells.

    The more carbon dioxide in the cells of the body, the more oxygen.

    The deeper the breath, the stronger the sick person.

    Deep breathing is easy( a vicious circle closes or, in other words, positive feedback occurs), and making it superficial is difficult.

    Knowing the norm of your breathing is very important, but nowhere is it written.

    In healthy people in a dream, breathing becomes less frequent, the patient, on the contrary, becomes deeper.

    With physical activity, CO2 increases in healthy people, but decreases in patients.