  • Distillation - tulip - Tulipa L.

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    Tulipa( Tulipa Liliaceae) is the most widespread flower culture, which in its value stands in line with roses and carnations.

    It is grown in all countries, and the ability of a tulip to winter forcing allows you to have flowering plants almost all year round.

    About 140 species of tulips are found in nature in the mountain and steppe regions of Central and Asia Minor, the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and Western Siberia.

    The first garden forms of a tulip were obtained, in all likelihood, in Persia. There, this plant was called "tulip" for the similarity of its flower with the turban, head-dress of the eastern peoples. From Persia, the tulips came to Turkey, where work began on breeding varieties. By the fourteenth century there were already about three hundred of them. From Turkey tulips were brought to European countries.

    The most favorable for the tulip were the soil and climatic conditions of the Netherlands-21

    land, where they are engaged in the industrial reproduction of the tulip up to the present time, from where the bulbs of tulips to all countries of the world come.

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    This country conducts breeding work. The fascination with new varieties of tulips led to "tulipmania" in the middle of the 17th century, when the onion was sold for fabulous money.

    Currently, there are already more than three thousand varieties of tulips, various in shape and color of the flower.

    In Russia tulips were brought from Holland in the beginning of the XVII century, and they were used mainly for distillation.

    Bulb before planting in autumn consists of several( 4-6) fleshy scales, which are a storehouse of reserve nutrients.

    Scales are closed and covered with brown dense scales, protecting the bulb from mechanical damage. Scales are attached to the Donets, which is a shortened stem.

    Kidneys are laid between scales, from which daughter bulbs are formed. In the center of the bulb, the next year's shoot is laid, by autumn the rudiments of all the organs of the plant are already formed on it - a stem, leaves, a flower.

    On the underside of the bottom, a root roller is laid, from which the roots form, as soon as the bulb is planted in the soil. Rooting is better at a sufficiently low( 5-10 ° C) soil temperature, so early planting is undesirable.

    A stem of tulips with 2-4( less often 1-12) leaves and with 1-2 erect flowers, although buds in some species are drooping.

    Tulip leaves are broadly oval or lanceolate, usually 2-4, but only one leaf develops in young non-flowering plants 22.

    Their color is green, only in some species and their hybrids the leaves have violet-brown stripes and spots.

    The flower of most species and varieties of tulip is single, only in a small number of species( forest tulip, superior, Turkmen, etc.) and in multi-flowered varieties there are 2-5 on one stem.

    The shape of the flower is varied - from goblet to cup-shaped and lily-colored, there are varieties with double flowers.

    As the temperature rises, the flowers open wide - this is due to the expansion of the cells on the inside of the petals. When the temperature is lowered, the flowers are closed due to the expansion of the cells of the outer side.

    Asian, tubular, long-flowered hybrids are most suitable for forcing.

    The success of forcing, especially in the early stages, is determined by the successive exposure to bulbs and the developing plants of high and low temperatures.

    Preparation of bulbs begins during the growing of tulips. They are followed by careful care, frequent fertilizing, watering, decapitation - removal of flower heads - in short, everything that ensures the development of a full-blown bulb.

    During storage after excavation( June-October), new shoots are formed in the bulbs, including the flower.

    The temperature, time and duration of their exposure were determined, leading to an acceleration of these processes, which determines the timing of flowering of plants in the forcing. It has been established that exposure to bulbs at certain periods with a temperature of 9 or 5 ° C accelerates flowering for 2 weeks.

    The following mode of storage of bulbs of tulips intended for distillation is recommended.23

    Fig. Forms of a flower of a tulip: 1, 2 - oval;3 - cup-shaped;4 - lily-colored;5, 6 - goblet;7 - terry: 8 - parrot;9 - star


    Storage mode for bulbs of tulips destined for the day of forcing


    Storage temperature ° C







    Very early( up to 25 / XII)


    ( 25 / XII - 1 / CI) Average( l / II-25 / III)Late

    ( 1 / IV-yv)


    20 23 23

    7( 17 days) 9( 23 days)

    20 23 23



    23 23


    9 17 20

    17 17

    Only large bulbs of 1st fraction or extra class, not less than 4 cm in diameter, are suitable for forcing out. Excavated bulbs are dried at 20 ° C until a bud is completely formed in the bulb. After that, they are transferred to a cool room( 9 ~ 12 ° C) with an air humidity of 70-80%, where the bulbs are left until planting.

    Plant tulips in pots or boxes. The ghee mixture is prepared from 1 part humus, 1 part turf ground and 1 part river washed sand. In the pot, 2-3 bulbs are planted at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other, the depth of planting is such that the top of the bulb is at the soil level.

    Planting abundantly watered and put in a cool room( basement, shed, deep greenhouse) for rooting. To do this, they will need to be held for 40-45 days at a temperature of 4-5 ° C.If you do not provide such conditions, then the root system will be weak and in the future

    buds will die.25

    After rooting, the tulips are transferred to a room with a temperature of 12-15 ° C.At home, it can be a place at the balcony door, on the windowsill, fenced off at least with a newspaper from too warm and dry room air. At this time, the growth of escape begins. In order that the leaves do not delay the development of the bud and that the stem is stretched, the plants must be shaded. The boxes are covered with loose peat or a 10-12 cm layer of earth, and individual pots can be covered with black paper covers or an upside-down pot that has a bottom hole closed. In these conditions, leave the tulips until the plants reach a height of 10-12 cm( about 1.5-2 months).Then the shading is removed and put the plants first to scattered light, so that the leaves take on a green color( about a week), and then to the lighted and warm( 20-22 ° C) place where the forcing takes place, ie, the staining of the buds andbloom. To prolong flowering to 10-14 days, plants should be placed at least for the night in a cool( 10-12 ° C) place. During the entire forcing period, the soil must be moist( but not overmoistened).

    For tulips to flow from 15. XII to 5. I, after digging out their 28 days stored at a temperature of 20 SS, 10 days at a temperature of 17 ° C, and then before planting - at a temperature of 9 ° C.Plant bulbs from 20. IX to 1. X, rooted at a temperature of 9 ° C.In the greenhouse, the pots are transported 20-25.XI.Expel the flowers at a temperature of 23 ° C.

    To receive flowers from 6. I to 30. I, after digging out the bulb for 21 days, it is kept at a temperature of 20 ° C and then at a temperature of 17 ° C.Plant them 1. X-15.X, are rooted at a temperature of 9-5 C. Pots are transferred to a greenhouse 20. XII and the flowers are expelled at a temperature of 20-22 ° C.

    Bulbs are also stored if tulips are needed in February-March.26 th of October, first half of November or

    in the first ten days of December. The rooting temperature is 9 ~ 2 ° C( the later distillation, the lower the temperature). The pots are transferred to the greenhouse, respectively. 10. I, 1. II, 20. IIPlant flowers at a temperature of 20-16 ° C.

    In recent years, a less laborious method of forcing out tulips has been developed, called. Th "method degrees-color" It is next after digging out soil tulips for weeks maintained at 34 ° C, followed by two weeks -. At 20 0C


    After this, the bulbs are stored for not less than nine weeks at a temperature of 5 ° C, after which they are used for early forcing. For late forcing, the bulbs are stored first at a temperature of 17-20 ° C, then at least 12 weeks at 5 ° C.

    Bulbs are planted in greenhouses, and after 5-6 weeks the tulips bloom.

    Therefore, if you plant bulbs on November 1, flowers can be obtained on December 13-20;November 15 - tulips will bloom on December 27 - January 3, December 1 - January 5-12, etc. During the rooting in the room, keep the temperature 12-12 ° C, and then - 15-17 ° C.

    Tulips are cut when the buds are completely colored, but not yet opened.

    After the bloom, watering is gradually stopped, and when the leaves turn yellow, completely stop watering and leave the plants in a dry ground until the shoot dries up completely, after which the bulbs can be excavated, cleaned and stored at room temperature until autumn.

    After the forcing, the bulbs are small and no longer suitable for secondary distillation. They can be planted in autumn in the ground and grow to a large bulb.

    Not all types of tulips are suitable for forcing. The best are the Classes of the Classes of the Early, the Early, the Triumph, the Darwin's Hybrids.

    Description of the stand-by varieties. Lucida. The height of the plant is 35 cm, the flower is dark red, with a yellow border, 27

    the center of the flower is round, bright yellow, the edges are light green, the diameter of the flower is 5.5 cm.

    Sunberst. A powerful plant 35-40 cm high, reaches 60 cm. Blooms in May, blooms for 2 weeks. The flower is large, up to 10 cm high, broadly ovate, golden yellow with carmine-red strokes, yellow bottom and anthers yellow. Gives a stable early cut, does not suffer from variegation.

    Dante. The flower is purple-red, 6-7 cm in diameter, densely-terry, anthers black. The height is 20-25 cm. The bottom is yellow.

    Oranje Nassau. The flower is 7 cm high, orange-red, on the outside and at the base with a purple hue. The height of the plant is 25-30 cm.

    Sonod. White with a yellow base, large, terry flower 7.5 cm high. The height of the plant is 35-40 cm.

    Aviator. Carmine-red, with a grayish-white border, a flower, a cream bottom, anthers black. Goblet, 7-9 cm high. The height of the plant is 40-55 cm.

    Virtuoso. The flower is lilac-pink, the bottom is white, the anthers are purple. The height of the plant is 50-60 cm.

    Jacques Fet. The height of the plant reaches 60 cm, the flower is 5 cm high, goblet, red, with a yellow border, the center of the flower is round, bright yellow, the stamens and anthers are violet.

    The Creed of Triumph. The flower is elongated, 8.5 cm high, ruby-red, the bottom is blue-green, with a yellow border, anthers are purple. Height of 30-35 cm.

    Olga. Violet-red, with white edges, the bottom is white with a violet border, anthers are black. Goblet, large, about 7-8 cm high. The height of the plant is about 45-50 cm.

    Remagen. The flower is crimson-red, the bottom is white, the anthers are dark. Goblet, large, height up to 28 9 cm. Plant height 35-45 cm.

    Apeldoorn. Bright red inside, outside with a cherry hue, the bottom is black, with a yellow border, anthers are black. Goblet flowers, 8 cm high. Plant height 55-60 cm.

    Beauty Apeldoorn. Golden-yellow, with a black bottom and black anthers. The flower is very large, up to 12 cm high, goblet. The height of the plant is 65-70 cm.

    Canopus. Bright red, dull outside, glossy inside, bottom greenish-black, with small yellow corners. Anthers are purple. Large, with a height of 9 ~ 10 cm, a spherical flower.

    Niefetos. The plant is 60 cm high, blooms at the end of May, blossoms one to two weeks. The flower reaches 10 cm high, graceful goblet shape, with a beautiful interception in the middle of the perianth. Painted in milky-white tone. The bottom and anthers are yellow.

    Spring Song. Bright red, with a pink tint, the outside is dull, the bottom is light blue with yellow, anthers are dark purple. Beautiful goblet shape with slightly bent outer leaves of the perianth.

    Helen Rubinstein. Plant 65 cm high, blooms in May one to two weeks. Flowers outside the mandarin orange, with a silvery tinge, inside the red-tangerine, the center of the flower is hexagonal, yellow, the stamens are light yellow, the height of the flower is 8 cm.