  • Do not make the child eat more than he wants.

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    In my opinion, the main difficulty of artificial feeding is that the mother does not see how much mixture is left in the bottle. Some children require the same amount for each feeding. But there are children with a very volatile appetite. You should not consider that your child should receive a certain amount of a mixture at every feeding. It is useful to remember that a child who is breast-feeding can get 280 g at six in the morning, and 120 g at 6:00 pm and be full and satisfied at the same time. If you trust a child who is breastfed, trust the child during the artificial feeding - he knows what he needs.

    This remark is absolutely necessary, because children sometimes have problems with feeding. It happens that a child who has a great appetite from birth suddenly loses it, starts to be stubborn, does not want to eat this or that food, or even refuses to eat at all. In nine out of ten cases, such problems arise because the mother, sometimes from the very infancy, is trying to get the child to eat more than he wants. When you once make a child eat more than he wants, you may think that you have achieved something. But this is not so. He will only eat less during the next feeding. He knows how much he needs, knows even what kinds of food his body needs. It is not necessary to force a child, this will lead to nothing. And it is harmful, because after a while the child loses his appetite and eats

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    less, than his body requires.

    Ultimately, compulsion to eat reduces appetite and leads to the fact that the child is losing weight. He stops looking at food as one of life's joys. Let the child in the first year of life often remain hungry, let him learn to demand food, rejoice over it, get satisfaction from food - let him succeed at least three times a day, week after week. This will help the child to believe in himself, make him sociable, inspire confidence in his mother. But if every meal turns into a fight, if the child is forced to eat, he takes a defensive position, becomes obstinate, looks suspiciously at life and at people.

    I do not want to say that you need to snatch a bottle as soon as the baby stops. Some children like to rest for a few minutes before starting to eat again. But if the child seems indifferent, when you again put the nipple in his mouth( and not because of the air in the stomach), then he is satisfied, and you, too, must be satisfied. Perhaps you will say: "If I wait ten minutes, he will eat more."It is better not to do so.