
Precious stones by the signs of the zodiac: how to choose your stone

  • Precious stones by the signs of the zodiac: how to choose your stone

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    Astrology, which originated as a scientific discipline in ancient India, is now very popular. And this despite the fact that many scientists do not perceive it as a serious science.

    Astrological teaching is closely related to the science of minerals, precious stones. In a special section of astrology - astromineralogy - distributed precious stones on the signs of the zodiac ─ Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius. Let's analyze in more detail, what element and the sign of the zodiac corresponds to which stone.

    Fire Stones

    If we talk about the elements of Fire, then it includes the following signs of the zodiac ─ Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. They are on a zodiac horoscope suitable stones that have pulsating yellow, red, orange colors. Of metals, it is preferable to choose gold or platinum( in them, stones should be sent to create jewelry).

    Aries is a stubborn and quick-tempered being. Slightly cool his irrepressible fiery temper will help the diamond. He will direct the energy in the right direction. Rubin will help Aries cope with heartache and awaken such a feeling as compassion, and amethyst, the "stone of wisdom," will help to be more sensible and not to make hasty decisions.

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    The stone of the sign of the zodiac Leo is, first of all, amber as the warmest, "sunny" mineral. This stone perfectly removes stress, treats cardiovascular diseases, helps with delivery. Also, the Levites recommend astrology wear chrysolite( olivine) and topaz. The first one helps to make the lion's nature more understandable to others, to win their favor, and the second brings wealth and tames the rage.

    If we talk about the third fire sign, Sagittarius, then it is very suitable for such stones as turquoise, chrysolite and topaz. Since Sagittarius is naturally optimistic, turquoise helps them maintain this attitude, promises good luck in business, especially in trade. Chrysolite and topaz help Sagittarius as well as Leo.

    Stones of the elements of air

    The "air" signs of the zodiac include the following: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Let's analyze the correspondence of precious stones to the signs of the zodiac of the air element.

    Gemini should pay attention to agate, alexandrite, beryl and topaz. Agate calms too nervous Gemini, alexandrite helps to reach balance, beryl ─ bring to completion the business started, and the topaz protects from dangerous passions.

    As for the sign of Libra, for its representatives the best stones-talismans will be aquamarine, lapis lazuli, opal and tourmaline. Aquamarine helps Libra move sharp mood swings, lapis lazuli awakens intuition, opal keeps from apathy and all sorts of extremes, and tourmaline gives hesitant Libra optimism and faith.

    Aquarians will certainly be happier if they wear amethyst, zircon or hyacinth. Amethyst helps to tame the fickle nature of Aquarius, zircon improves mental abilities, and hyacinth helps to improve positive karma and is especially recommended for those born in the solar or lunar eclipse.

    Stones of Water

    The watermarks of the zodiac traditionally include Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Water signs are the most emotional representatives of the zodiacal circle. As a rule, "water managers" understand only one another and, possibly, some signs of the Earth. In general, it is very closed and incomprehensible for other representatives of the zodiac people.

    Gemstones for the sign Pisces can be the following: aquamarine, pearl, amethyst. Aquamarine gives the shy Pisces of courage, teaches you to cherish your self-esteem. Pearls bring longevity and happiness, and amethyst helps to keep fidelity to the object of love.

    Cancers will be very comfortable with such talismans as moonstone, pearl, emerald, "cat's eye".The Moonstone symbolizes the magical power of the lunar fields, so it is very suitable for those born in the full moon. Pearls are traditionally a sea stone, protecting from unrequited love."Cat's Eye" helps to draw attention to its owner( which is often lacking in cancerous Cancer for gaining weight in society).

    Mysterious Scorpions as an amulet will suit aquamarine, pomegranate, black opal. Aquamarine helps to cool passion and relieve stress, garnet returns good mood and positive thoughts, black opal weakens stubborn disposition, helps to establish contact with people. Earth Element Stones

    The signs of the Earth include Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. These zodiac signs also have their talisman stones. For Taurus, the best talisman is the emerald, the stone of the wise and the soothsayer, which gives spiritual harmony and awakens the sleeping talents, as well as the green stones - chrysoprase and chalcedony.

    But what precious stones for a virgin will be the most suitable: chrysolite, jasper and jade. Chrysolite helps Virgo get rid of excessive criticality, jasper makes Dev wiser and allows you to place your audience, and nephrite strengthens vitality and protects against migraine and kidney diseases.

    Finally, among the precious stones for talismans for Capricorn can be called ruby, onyx and green malachite. Ruby brings good luck in love, onyx strengthens the position in society, helps guide people, and malachite positively influences the state of the nervous system, drives away bad thoughts.

    Thus, it can be said that each of the twelve signs of the zodiac has a precious talisman of its own, not just one.