  • Ways to treat internal hemorrhoids

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    Hemorrhoids are one of the most frequent and known to mankind diseases, in prevalence, not inferior to the common cold. According to the statistical data, this disease is diagnosed in every sixth inhabitant of the planet, and after reaching the age of 50 every second person suffers from it.

    In this case, hemorrhoids are often detected at a late stage, since up to a certain point this disease is practically asymptomatic.

    Basics of the

    Disease Hemorrhoids are a pathological change in the vascular "cushions" that are present in all people, under the influence of certain risk factors. With the development of this disease, veins located in the rectum begin to swell and bleed.

    In more complex cases, with the destruction of the ligamentous apparatus supporting the hemorrhoids, they can fall out of the anal canal when stooled. The tendency to hemorrhoids is transmitted genetically, and the occurrence of such a pathology often depends on the lifestyle that a particular person leads.

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    One of the most characteristic symptoms of the disease is the secretion of blood, as well as the prolapse of hemorrhoids from the rectum. However, hemorrhoids can also manifest themselves with other, less characteristic clinical signs. The latter include such symptoms as the appearance of anal itching, foreign body sensations, incomplete emptying, etc. As a rule, patients themselves with such symptoms immediately attribute them to hemorrhoids, but under them a more serious disease, for example, rectal cancer, may also be masked.

    Therefore, even with the most obvious manifestations of hemorrhoids, only a doctor can establish a correct diagnosis, and only he will be able to prescribe an adequate and most effective treatment in each case. It is worth noting that, from whether the patient is diagnosed with external or internal hemorrhoids, treatment can change significantly.

    Psychological problems

    In fact, hemorrhoids represent a rather "uncomfortable" disease, with which many patients hesitate to consult a doctor. Such false shame and fear of a possible operation can keep the patient from visiting a specialist, but at the same time the disease continues to develop and creates more problems due to recurrent pain and bleeding.

    Moreover, in the absence of adequate and timely treatment, the disease can significantly reduce the patient's quality of life, and its treatment will eventually become much more complicated - no longer help with internal hemorrhoids, more serious methods will be needed.

    Separately it should be noted that many patients come to consult a doctor with an already prepared, self-diagnosed diagnosis. Moreover, many prefer to first use folk remedies for internal hemorrhoids, and only when these methods do not give the desired effect, to handle their problem to the proctologist.

    Treatment and symptoms of the disease

    Depending on the location of the so-called hemorrhoids, specialists identify the internal and external types of the disease. With internal hemorrhoids, the nodes are located far in the rectum, so that they simply can not be felt and seen. As a rule, with internal hemorrhoids, the patient does not feel pain, since there is only a small amount of nervous sensation in the rectum.

    The only symptom of internal hemorrhoids may be bleeding. In some cases, the internal nodes increase and fall out to the point that they protrude beyond the anal sphincter.

    The appearance of anal bleeding and pain are pretty serious signs that should not be neglected. Such symptoms may indicate not only hemorrhoids, but also more serious diseases that pose a threat to the life of the patient.

    Stages of hemorrhoids

    Specialists identify several stages of the disease, depending on the intensity of the symptoms:

    1. for the first stage of hemorrhoids is characterized by an increase in pathological nodes, itching and burning, the sensation of a foreign body in the anus, bleeding during defecation. Such symptoms may appear occasionally, which is why many patients suggest that there is no problem as such. However, in the absence of treatment, chronic hemorrhoids always progress.
    2. internal hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree, as a rule, is characterized by the appearance of nodes from the outside and more frequent cases of bleeding. At this stage of the illness, the patient should be alerted and go to the doctor, but often the patient simply adapts to such "troubles" and continues not to pay special attention to the pathology that has arisen.
    3. in the third stage of the disease there is a very frequent loss of hemorrhoids to the outside, but they can only be repositioned by hand. At the beginning of the disease, the prolapse of pathological nodes occurs only with defecation, and later - with any increase in intra-abdominal pressure, for example, when coughing or lifting weights.
    4. the fourth stage of a hemorrhoids already literally forces the patient to visit the doctor, since at this stage of the disease the hemorrhoidal nodes can no longer be inserted inside. Often at this stage, there is thrombosis, severe pain in the anus and excessive bleeding.

    How to treat internal hemorrhoids?

    When diagnosing this disease, the tactics of treatment are determined depending on the stage of the process and the size of the pathological nodes. In the early stages of hemorrhoids, it is quite possible to manage conservative methods of treatment. At the same time, it is possible to treat internal hemorrhoids with folk remedies, as well as their combination with traditional medicine methods.

    Among all the existing medicines at an early stage of the process, specialists are most often prescribed suppositories for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. Often used and a variety of ointments, but the preference is still given candles, because in this case, their use is more convenient for the patient. With the help of different drugs, doctors try to reduce the swelling of the nodes, eliminate pain and inflammation, prevent the formation of blood clots.

    In parallel with the use of topical drugs, preparations for general strengthening of blood vessels are often prescribed, which prevents the formation of new and growing nodes. However, such funds should often be taken in long-term courses. In any case, to use these drugs should consult a doctor, because candles or ointment from internal hemorrhoids in the last stages of the disease will not help.

    Operational techniques

    The best solution in the case of hemorrhoids in the advanced stages will be the use of one of the modern operational techniques. Operation with internal hemorrhoids, depending on the number of pathological nodes and the intensity of symptoms can be performed by various methods, including both minimally invasive and conventional surgical interventions.

    About which method will be more effective, in each case can only say a specialist-proctologist, who has examined all the symptoms and complaints of the patient, will help him choose the most appropriate treatment option.

    Diet for internal hemorrhoids

    One of the signs of hemorrhoids can become frequent constipation, you can get rid of them with the help of nutrition correction. Patients with such a problem should refuse from consumption of rice and semolina porridge, pasta, mashed potatoes, strong tea or coffee, milk and some other products.

    In this case, you need to increase the consumption of meat, fish, cauliflower, fresh apples, grapes, raw grated carrots, fresh onions and garlic.

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