
How to teach a child months of the year - teach the child months of the year

  • How to teach a child months of the year - teach the child months of the year

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    In the hustle and bustle of everyday life you do not notice how fast the baby grows. Every stage of child development is very important, because in the first years of life a foundation is laid for further successful development of the organism. It's like the blocks of a designer: the stronger the bottom row, the stronger the building.

    Sometimes you need to help children learn one way or another. Some grasp everything on the fly, but often training seemingly simple things requires parental patience.

    At the age of four, the child is already folding his thoughts and is actively interested in everything around him. The question of your own birthday generates interest in the seasons of the year and in the months. The parents have a task: how to teach the child months.

    Associative and developing games

    First of all, you should start learning when the child is already aware of what heat and cold are, is guided by natural changes. There are several ways for successful training of the baby.

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    1. You can make a map of the seasons together with the kid, in which you can display all the months of the pictures. Joint leisure will serve not only as a teaching method, but also as a good entertainment.
      On such an original map it is necessary to reflect the features of each month, so that the child can see and could later associate, for example, September with the school, and December - with the New Year.
    2. In the bookstores you will find a rich assortment of visual educational children's literature. Bright colorful illustrations will help the child remember each month of the year better. In such literature, there are usually assignments to the material that has been passed. Tasks are performed in a game form, which helps the child to better understand and consolidate information.
    3. Home theatrical performances will serve well in understanding and remembering the world around them. Imagine, for example, the tale "Twelve Months".In addition, various riddles, rhymes and songs about the months of the year will not only entertain the kid, but also will train his memory.
    4. Poetry of the appropriate theme and the "picture gallery" painted by the kid himself will help in the difficult memorization of all the months of the year. You can offer the child to depict every month, and then together to establish the correctness of the drawings.
    5. It is very important to give the child information interesting, colorful, bright. Children are very curious and active. They learn about the world with interest.
    6. Developing toys, for example, "Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn", are very convenient, because the child learns playing.
    7. This game can be done by yourself. And the child will be happy to help you in this difficult matter.

    For this it is necessary: ​​

    • To prepare together with the kid special cards from album sheets or white cardboard. There must be twelve of them.
    • Draw the drawings that characterize each month of the year. Give the baby freedom in expressing his artistic talents. You can also simply cut out typical drawings from magazines and paste them on the cards.

    Game "Seasons"

    Game in the seasons

    You can make the training game "Seasons" yourself:

    • Prepare a box of sweets with cells, twelve bottles, scotch tape, glue, scissors, cardboard and colored pencils.
    • Cut the candy package so that there are twelve cells that tape together in a circle.
    • Divide a piece of paper into four pieces diagonally and allow the toddler to independently depict the time of the year on each part.
    • The next stage is the production of game chips with the names of months of the year. To do this, cut out white cardboard mugs with a slightly larger diameter than the covers, and then glue them together. On each mug it is necessary to write the name of one of the months of the year.
    • It remains only to collect the game. A landscape sheet with drawings should be put in a candy box, and on top of it you put the cells with the chips in them. Done!

    The game is to correctly decompose all the chips: in order and in accordance with the time of year. In the course of the game, discuss the correctness and incorrectness of the child's actions, you can make mistakes when choosing a cell, so that the child himself has already made adjustments to your actions.

    The most important thing when teaching young children is the presentation of information in an easy game form, so that the baby's brain does not become overextended with the increased memorization of new words. Learning in a game form is the most popular and correct way of knowing the surrounding world and fixing the knowledge gained.

    It is very important not to miss any stage of development of the child's thinking. The lost trifle can later provoke the child's reluctance to go to school.

    It's hard to explain to a little man what time is and what it's eaten with. This concept plays an important role in the personal development of the baby. Realizing that such a time, the child will gradually learn to appreciate it, plan its working day, more or less organize its life.