  • Uterine bleeding

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    A serious complication in labor is the bleeding from the uterus. It can be associated with the placenta, atony and hypotension of the uterus, as well as with the violation of the blood coagulation system. In childbirth after the birth of a child, the latter( the placenta) is usually separated independently by contractions of the uterus. As a rule, this happens in the next 30 minutes after the birth of the child. The latter is carefully inspected to make sure it is intact. It happens that for various reasons( due to the absence or weakness of uterine contractions, improper attachment of the placenta), the latter is not separated. There is a danger of bleeding. Therefore, the doctor must insert his hand into the uterine cavity and separate and isolate the placenta with his hand. The same intervention is also carried out in cases where the placenta remains in the uterus. Most often this operation is carried out under general anesthesia.

    It happens that after the birth of the child and the expulsion of the afterburn, bleeding occurs. It is called hypotonic, because it is caused by an inadequate contractility of the uterus due to a decreased tone. Such bleeding in the postpartum period poses a great danger to the life of a woman. Their causes may be the inferiority of uterine musculature as a result of extensive inflammatory processes, abortion injuries, the presence of tumors in the uterine wall( fibromiomas), prolonged overgrowth of the uterus in twins, large fruits, in many women giving birth. In this situation, it is important to find out the cause of the bleeding: it is possible that the part of the placenta or its accessory lobe has remained in the uterus, as well as to exclude the probability of damage to the uterus( rupture) during childbirth. The physician conducts a thorough examination of the uterine cavity and a massage of the uterus. It is necessary to take into account the volume of blood loss and the reaction of the puerpera to this. Usually in childbirth, blood loss is within 250-300 ml( such blood loss is considered physiological, it is compensated by the woman's body).The loss of blood above 300 ml can lead to decompensation in the body of the puerperium, as well as to hemorrhagic collapse.

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    Here is an example from my medical practice.

    Catherine M.( 32, a resident of the countryside) entered the hospital during the sixth birth. She had five pregnancies that ended in normal childbirth. Has five healthy children. At admission to the reception room, amniotic fluid passed away. M. transferred to the delivery room, 30 minutes later gave birth to a live boy weighing 4500 g. After 10 minutes independently separated himself with all the lobules and shells. And immediately began heavy bleeding. The blood loss was 1200 ml. Only thanks to the skilled and timely actions of the team of doctors, midwives and nurses the woman managed to save, the bleeding was stopped, blood loss was replenished by transfusion of donor blood and blood substitutes.

    Catherine M. was my patient for another year after giving birth. Here is the entry she made in the women's consultation book:

    "I gave birth to a wonderful baby, a midwife showed it to me. And soon everything swam before my eyes, only a bright lamp on the ceiling and people in white coats were remembered. When I regained consciousness after anesthesia, I learned that I was on the brink of an abyss. In the maternity hospital I had to stay not for 5 days, as with previous births, but all 10. The baby fed only a month, there was little milk, and then completely disappeared. I was discharged home with lots of recommendations on nutrition and the continuation of treatment. After 2 months, I felt completely healthy, blood tests were already normal. But for a few more months, I continued to take the medication that my doctor recommended to me, which helped me recover and regain my health. I will gladly share these recipes, perhaps they will help someone else, as they helped me in their time.

    Required: juice of aloe leaves, honey in equal proportions.

    Preparation: Insist in a dark place for a week.

    Application: 1 tbsp.l.2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals for a month. After a ten-day break, this course can be repeated.

    Required: 3 tbsp.l.rose hips, carrot seeds, nettle leaves and 1 tbsp.l.berries of mountain ash.

    Preparation: pour 2 cups of boiling water and insist for an hour, drain.

    Application: 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day for a month.

    Stay healthy! Your Catherine M. ".