  • Laminaria - sea ginseng

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    Of all kinds of marine plants, the most popular sea kale, or kelp .

    Scientific name - kelp, it comes from the Latin word lamina, meaning "plate" in translation, because the thallus of these brown edible algae are ribbon-like plates - smooth or mesh-wrinkled, reaching a length of 20 m.

    From the genus of laminaria, which includesmore than 30 species, in medicine use 3 kinds - sugary, Japanese and palchato-dissected.

    Laminaria is sugary, growing in the coastal zones of the northern and far eastern seas of Russia, is most famous. It is named so because of the high content of sweet substance - mannitol.

    Japanese kelp derives its name because it lives in the northern part of the Sea of ​​Japan, as well as near Sakhalin and the South Kurils. Laminaria, Japanese people have long learned how to grow artificially, because its thickets cause great damage to strong storms and ice hummocks in cold winters.

    Laminaria palmate-dissected is common in the North Atlantic. The plant is named so because, with age, its thallus breaks into separate narrow tapes-"Papa".

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    Chemical composition.

    Nutritional and therapeutic value of all types of kelp is due to the presence in it of a whole complex of biologically active substances, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Sea kale contains up to 88% of water, proteins, fats and various forms of carbohydrates are detected, primarily laminaria polysaccharide. In addition, isolated mannitol, brown pigment fico-xanthine, fatty oil, alginic and other edible organic acids. Sea cabbage contains vitamin C( in its content it is not inferior to oranges at all), vitamins of group B, carotene( provitamin A), vitamin D, folic acid, etc. Laminaria is an excellent source of iron and copper, but there are a lot of iodine and bromine in it.

    In the East, kelp is called sea ginseng, appreciating the healing and nutritional qualities.

    Thorns of kelp also contain a large number of mineral salts of potassium, calcium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, zinc, chromium, vanadium, selenium, nickel. It is very important that all useful substances of kelp are absorbed by the body practically by 100%.

    Therapeutic effect of .

    Wise Chinese were the first who thought of using seaweed for nutrition and treatment.

    For a long time in the country there was a custom: when a child was born a woman was given a raw leaf of sea kale, because it was believed that the mother's milk after that becomes full, and the baby will grow healthy.

    In eastern folk medicine, kelp is prescribed as a diuretic for cardiac and renal edema, inflammatory diseases of the bladder and ureters, endemic goiter and hypertension. Korean doctors recommend that in tonsillitis knead laminaria on thick honey and cook tablets the size of an apricot bone. One tablet of honey-laminar should be absorbed 3-4 times a day.

    The richest set of vitally important biological substances has determined the wide spread of sea kale in the medicine of many countries. Laminaria is used as a preventive and curative remedy for diseases of the cardiovascular system - coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, as well as anemia. Systematic use of algae helps reduce cholesterol, inhibits blood clotting and normalizes the level of iron in it.

    Sea kale regulates the activity of the stomach and intestines and has a mild laxative effect, eliminates constipation. Thanks to a diverse range of nutritional elements, it improves the overall metabolism, normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, removes toxins and radionuclides.

    Laminaria is necessary for women, because it is an indispensable tool for menstrual disorders. Seaweed is considered a good dietary product, it promotes fat burning, improves metabolic processes, supports vigor and health. For preventive purposes, it is enough to eat 1 teaspoon of dried seaweed before the meal and at night, drinking half a glass of boiled water. Laminaria powder, containing a large amount of iodine, is considered an effective means for the prevention of atherosclerosis and goiter.

    In the XVII century.the mighty ruler Xuan Kangxi of the Manchu dynasty issued a strict decree obliging all Chinese people to eat at least 5 pounds of sea kale per year to promote health and longevity. Nutritional properties.

    In the East, cooks like to say: "Cooking is the key to health".Among the products that give health, rightly considered kelp. The sale of sea kale comes frozen, dried, as well as in the form of canned food. In any of these types, it can be used to make first and second courses, snacks, various sauces and culinary products - pastilles, sweets, etc. Use kelp as a substitute for salt, adding cabbage powder to dishes.


    When using laminaria, it is necessary to consult a therapist, as inaccurately matched norms can cause side effects. Sea cabbage is not recommended for use in nephritis, hemorrhagic diathesis, pregnancy, furunculosis, certain endocrine disorders and individual intolerance to iodine preparations.

    Nowadays, sea kale is no longer considered exotic, and therefore edible seaweed is firmly included in our daily menu. From vegetable "seafood" you can prepare not too complicated, but very tasty and healthy dishes.