
Pain with menstruation - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Pain with menstruation - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Symptoms similar to menstruation pain:

    • pain during menstruation
    • painful menstrual period
    • painful menstruation

    In which case should I see a doctor with painful menstruation:

    • if the pain is so severe that you can not attend school, work or do ordinary things andlast more than 2 days.
    • if the pain is accompanied by nausea, headache, loose stools and vomiting.
    • if, in addition to pain, excessive bleeding or clotting is observed for more than one day.
    • with severe pain of a spasmodic nature in people taking contraceptives.
    • with sudden appearance of cramping pains during menstruation in middle-aged women.
    • if pain does not pass after taking aspirin or ibuprofen.
    • with the appearance of the first or second menstruation, accompanied by very severe pain.

    Causes of pain during menstruation:

    Cramping pains during menstruation are one of the few regularly occurring symptoms. They appear with the same frequency as the menstruation itself.

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    Why can pain occur during menstruation and is it considered normal? Scientists have found that in the body of a woman, hormones known as prostaglandins are formed. They provide uterine contractions and rejection of its internal membrane. With the contraction of the uterus, which many women feel like cramping pain, menstrual blood is released.

    More than 50% of women in one way or another feel cramping, but, fortunately, in most cases they are of moderate nature and usually occur during the first three days of menstruation.

    The degree of severity of pain during menstruation depends on the amount of prostaglandins in the body. However, in the case of very severe and painful cramping pains, one should also consider the possible action of other factors. For example, you may have an excessive growth of the inner lining of the uterus. Such disorders are called endometriosis.

    When you appear during menstruation of heavier spasms, you can think about the formation of blood clots and compression of the uterus due to the formation of fibroid nodes. Fibrooma is a benign tumor of the uterine muscles. In addition, sometimes in women, cramping pain can be a sign of spontaneous termination of pregnancy .Very often, pain during menstruation indicates a degree of endometriosis, a syndrome of polycystic ovaries, inflammation of the pelvic organs.

    Treatment for alleviating and eliminating symptoms

    What to do to relieve pain in menstruation:

    Swimming .Physical exercises not only contribute to the release of endorphins - natural pain relievers, but also help to distract your attention. Of all the remedies we recommend for severe pain, swimming is the least traumatic and most useful.

    Try to relax the muscles of .If you are suffering severe pain or experiencing other unpleasant sensations, along with swimming, try to perform light exercises. They will help you relax the muscles with which cramping pains are associated.

    Lie on the floor on your back or on the bed, bending your knees and leaning feet on the floor or on the bed. Put your hands along the trunk with your hands palm down. Start gently flexing the stomach up and down for two minutes. Keep your muscles relaxed at this time. During the exercises, take a short breath. One series of exercises includes ten breaths. Do a series of exercises five times.

    Arrange breaks for rest .(Quick shallow breaths can cause dizziness).For the next exercise, put a large, heavy book in a soft cover( a telephone directory will do) across your stomach. Begin slowly breathing through the nose, moving to the rhythm of the abdominal wall and lifting the book. Tighten the abdominal muscles and hold them in this state, counting to five. Continue breathing exercises with deep relaxation of the muscles for another two minutes.

    With the help of the book, pressure is created that helps relieve spasmodic pain in the abdomen.

    Apply heat to the sore site of .Heat is good for cramping abdominal pain. Applying a bottle of warm water or a heating pad, you contribute to increased blood flow in the uterus. Thus, the effect of naturally occurring chemicals that cause spasms is reduced. But do not overdo it, warmth on the stomach increases bleeding.

    Try to relax with a warm bath or a hot water bottle on the abdomen for 15 minutes. You can try to make a light massage with the help of special "warming" creams that penetrate the skin. You can do this by rubbing the liquid oil( you should be warned that you never used these creams and warmers at the same time, their combination can lead to severe burns).

    In addition, you can recommend hot drink in the form of liquid soup, broth or tea with herbs.

    Try to "freeze" your pain .Some women note a more beneficial effect of cold, rather than heat with pain in the lower abdomen. Try putting a bag of ice on your stomach for 15-20 minutes. There is a narrowing of the blood vessels, which can bring relief,

    Follow the calcium content in the food .Do not you think that your diet mainly contains foods low in calcium - fruits and vegetables? Then increase the consumption of dairy products with low fat content.

    At least four studies have shown that calcium significantly alleviates cramping pain in menstruation. Nevertheless, on average, American women consume only about 600 mg of calcium every day( the recommended dietary rate is 800 mg).

    During the implementation of a research program of the Department of Agriculture, it was found that women who consumed 1,300 mg or more of calcium daily a day, the intensity of pain was reduced. They also noted a decrease in fluid retention in the body, improved mood and increased concentration.

    One cup of low-fat yogurt will provide you about 400 mg of calcium. About 300 mg of calcium is contained in a cup of low-fat milk.

    Keep your usual activity .Do not give up your usual business. If you get out of bed and move, you will be able to escape from your pains.

    Pamper yourself a little .Anxiety can increase pain by 30% or more. Therefore, you can afford something that gives a feeling of comfort and contributes to the easing of pain. It is good at this time to drink tea, hot milk or even chocolate, if the relief of your condition depends on it.

    Try to soften the pain with ibuprofen .Although naturally occurring prostaglandins are involved in the normal menstrual cycle, some women suffer from hypersensitivity to them. Ibuprofen derivatives, such as edval, are among the most effective drugs that suppress the formation of prostaglandins.

    It is important to take into account the time factor. The sooner you start taking the drug, the sooner it will work. Take these medications while eating with pain or initial signs of menstruation. Usually, to stop pain, it is enough to take ibuprofen on the first or second day of menstruation.

    Try to get rid of the pain with sex .Cramping pains during menstruation are often accompanied by unpleasant sensations of overflow and heaviness in the pelvic area. This is due to congestion in the dilated blood vessels. Sometimes in such cases, a decrease in discomfort is achieved with the help of orgasm. The contractions of the uterus that occur during orgasm lead to a narrowing of the blood vessels. Use a condom during menstruation, even if you use other contraceptives - the uterus during the months is very sensitive to any foreign microorganisms.

    Treatment of pain during menstruation

    Unfortunately, painkillers, which many unknowingly take during painful menstruation, do not act on the cause of the pain, but only on its consequence. That's why the pain comes back again and again, every month. In addition, these drugs do not provide a therapeutic effect in endometriosis, which is often hidden under pain during menstruation. If menstruation is too painful and the pain lasts for more than a few hours - this is not a normal state and the doctor's consultation - the gynecologist - is called for. Further choice of drugs for the treatment of painful menstruation depends on the cause of the pain, medications and dosage are selected individually.

    Medications for menstruating pain

    If painful menstruation is caused by a low level of the hormone of progesterone, doctors recommend that medications that are analogous to progesterone be used for treatment.

    One of the most modern preparations of this group is DUFASTON.It is made from vegetable raw materials - yams and soy. The molecular formula of Dufaston is almost identical to that of natural progesterone, and at the same time it has features that make it more effective than conventional progesterone. In addition, Dufaston does not give androgenic effects. This means, taking it, the patient can be sure that her skin will remain clean, there will be no undesirable hair growth, but the body weight will not increase. The safety of Dufaston is confirmed by the fact that it is widely prescribed during pregnancy to preserve it.

    Dufaston compensates for the lack of progesterone in dysmenorrhea, contributing to the normalization of prostaglandin levels, so pain during menstruation does not arise. In addition, Dufaston is used for many gynecological diseases, including endometriosis.

    Duphaston is prescribed only by a doctor after the examination, only on certain days of the menstrual cycle, the dosage of the drug the doctor chooses individually.

    It is important to remember that pain is a signal that our body sends, saying that there are problems that need to be addressed.