
Cleansing the body on with.at.bog - the excretion of radionuclides and salts( purification by enzymes).

  • Cleansing the body on with.at.bog - the excretion of radionuclides and salts( purification by enzymes).

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    Excretion of radionuclides from the body is a difficult task. The most complete cleanses the human body enzyme celandine: 3 liters of milk whey, 1 glass of sugar and 1 glass of freshly cut celandine grass. It is best to take stems and leaves. Grass put in a bag of gauze and using a sinker( pebble) to lower to the bottom of a three-liter bottle. Cover the jar with 3 layers of gauze( so as not to start the wine gnats).For 2 weeks in the serum formed a very strong layer of lactic acid bacteria. The products of their life activity have the ability to update and purify everything they fall into. Moreover, it is not only the surface of the skin, but also the mucous membranes-eye, nasopharyngeal, ear, vaginal, gastrointestinal tract.

    If the obtained enzyme is consumed 1-2 weeks by 0.5 cups half an hour before meals, then the epithelial surfaces of both the stomach and intestines are almost completely restored. Insoluble heavy metal chlorides, stuck in the epithelial hairs of the gastrointestinal tract, are easily excreted from the body by the enzymes of the celandine. Lighter metals of radionuclides due to gastric enzymes are not absorbed because of the formation of insoluble complexes.

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    Cleansing the body with chestnut enzymes. Chestnut enzyme is not necessarily cooked on whey. It is enough to take 3 liters of water, 15-20 chestnut fruits, peeled( and it should also be used).Chestnuts should be cut in half, and not tinned slices, otherwise the drink will be very bitter. Then add 1 cup of sugar and put 0.5 cup of milk whey into the can. Instead of whey, you can take yeast or sour cream.

    Within 2 weeks, fermentation will take place, resulting in a very tasty beverage. It very quickly removes radionuclides from the body, thereby strengthening it, and also supplies the body with calcium, copper, cobalt, which, with increased radiation, are lost by the body. It also contributes to the accumulation of iodine in the body, which can be used in the treatment of hypothyroidism.