  • Equipment for mushroom hunting

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    In the forest it is best to take only the most necessary things, it is advisable to leave valuable things at home in order not to lose them accidentally. Mushroom equipment must be light and functional.


    For collecting mushrooms it is best to bring a basket to the forest. Plastic pail and, especially, plastic bags are not suitable. In them, mushrooms are not blown at all by air, quickly crumple, break. That is why it is desirable to stop your choice on the easiest wicker basket made of thick rods.

    The basket should also be selected correctly. It should be of such size that, even if it is full of mushrooms, you could lift it and carry it for several kilometers to your vehicle. The handle of the basket should fit comfortably in the hand.


    As you know, mushrooms in the forest should not be torn out, but carefully cut, so you should take a knife into the forest with you. To give preference to the best folding and multifunctional knife( Fig.).

    Fig. Knife mushroom knife

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    Knife must be sharp. In order to cut the mushrooms at the base, a garden knife with a curved blade will do. Such a knife? Also useful for cleaning or cutting off the legs of mushrooms.

    Knives in mushroom pickers are very often lost in the woods, therefore, in order for this trouble to not happen to you, it should be tied to a strap of trousers with a lace. The cord should be long enough, it is necessary to cut the mushrooms, and strong so that it does not tear.

    This spiral can also be used to tie a knife to a stick if you, for example, need to cut mushrooms that have grown high on trees.


    It, of course, can be found in the forest. It is best to choose a thin stick, but it should not be strongly bent. It is better if it is straight, about 1 m in length. It's good if there is a fork at the end of the stick. With the help of it, it is very easy to turn leaves or move the lower branches of bushes and trees.

    When navigating in search of mushrooms, the stick should be carried in front of you, this will help to avoid bruising or cobwebs.


    Compass to take with you to the forest necessarily. Having it at hand, you can always easily determine where the north or south, in which direction you will need to move, to get on the track or to the village.

    You can take the most ordinary compass, the main condition is that it correctly shows the sides of the world.

    The liquid compass is very functional. Arrow in it quickly calms down and it is convenient to use when driving.


    You can also take a map of the area to the forest. It is recommended to purchase a detailed map of the area where you plan to go for mushrooms.

    The map is necessary in order to be able to easily determine the direction of movement when leaving the forest.

    First aid kit

    First aid kit is also indispensable in the woods thing. It, of course, may not be needed, but you should not risk and refuse to use it. The first aid kit can contain a variety of medications, but it must include the following medicines:

    1) painkillers;

    2) antihistamines;

    3) cardiac;

    4) gastric;

    5) restorative;

    6) dressings;

    7) plaster;

    8) potassium permanganate( or 1 ampoule of iodine solution);

    9) clean razor blade.

    If a small company went to the forest for mushrooms, then the first-aid kit may be one for everyone. However, it is better to increase the amount of drugs.

    This first aid kit does not take up much space in your backpack. All medicines should be put in a moisture-proof package.

    In order not to get lost in the provision of first aid, you can attach to the medicine cabinet and a small memo, which describes the actions to provide emergency medical care.


    They are needed in the forest. It is advisable to take with you not only boxes of usual matches, but also a set of hunting matches. Spare matches should be put in a sealed package. This will help to protect them from getting wet.

    It is also necessary to check if the chirkash is working well and if there are no wet matches. Belt Belt

    This is one of the key elements of mushroom gear. It is best to use not a leather, but a strong woven belt. Such a belt can be used as a tourniquet in a severe wound.

    watch It is recommended to use a mechanical wristwatch. They are necessary in order to accurately navigate in time and not miss an hour of return to the collection point.


    Very useful when giving signals to each other, if several mushroom pickers have gone for mushrooms, and also when giving signals for help if the mushroom picker was in the forest alone. The sound of the whistle is heard for 1 - 1.5 km.

    Cell phone

    If you have a cell phone, it's better to take it with you. It is necessary to check the battery charge and recharge the balance. But it should be remembered that in some places in the forest cellular communication is unavailable.

    Threads and Needle

    These items do not take up any space at all, but they can come in handy if you, for example, accidentally torn clothes or you need to pull a splinter.

    Hand cloth

    Do not forget to bring a rag with you when collecting in the forest. It will come in handy for wiping her dirty hands on her.


    Very often long hours of walking through the forest in search of mushrooms tire and really want to slightly refresh. It is not necessary to take a large number of products to the forest. It is enough to take 2-3 sandwiches, a small thermos with hot tea and a bottle of clean water.