  • The secret is, how to become a happy person on earth?

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    How do we say?"And happiness was so close. .." This is one of the most common expressions, one way or another present in almost all the languages ​​of the world. It is peculiar for a person to mentally return to the past and be annoyed to realize that he passed by, did not notice, missed. .. And how often we scroll through the past conversation( and even more often - a quarrel) and we come up and come up with the most correct and biting words thatone could say. And it goes away, it's even frightening to think about how much energy - mental and spiritual. The very energy that could transform into happiness and make you become a happy person.

    What is it worth to become a happy person?

    What is happiness? How to really become his man? The more you read books and listen to intelligent people, the more you get confused. Whether you need to achieve something significant in the profession, earn a lot of money and become famous, whether to raise children, grandchildren, to build a nice house and garden. Whether to become wise, or win a million in the lottery. Or maybe, to meet the love of unearthly power - and not lose it after.
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    History knows examples of all these achievements - and, nevertheless, they did not lead to happiness at all. Here, for example, the life of Marilyn Monroe. She had everything that most women equate to happiness - amazing beauty, wealth, sexuality, fame, talent. However, in psychiatry, the term "Marilyn Monroe syndrome" already exists. She was completely unhappy. She loved those who did not love her, terribly afraid of loneliness and could not find a place in life. And, as you know, her life ended tragically.

    Some of the great ones were covered by guesses, as they thought, the right ones."There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and freedom," wrote Pushkin, 30.And many, however, much more at a later age, agree with him. However, in this case, everyone understands in their own way these very "peace" and "will."Will is like freedom, and peace is like the absence of shocks? Or will as an inner core, or rest as independence from external stimuli?

    Religion assures us that everything is God's will, that everyone is given the tests that are put to him and which he is able to endure. You just have to accept and give thanks for everything. Some people get it. But what to do to that overwhelming majority - and to us including you - to whom the truly Christian humility is not given. To all those who from time to time say to themselves( and maybe even out loud): Well, what is this, well, where is this happiness?

    Modern psychology is increasingly inclined to the view that happiness is a category internal, not external. And it turns out that absolutely anyone can be happy in any circumstances. The thing is, what to look for, what to concentrate emotions on. Therefore, the ability to happiness can be fully nurtured and trained - like many other things that depend solely on you.

    Specific examples of how to become a happy person?

    A very useful skill is to remember, record those minutes when you feel good. After all, everyone has such moments - the soul sings and sparkles, the bad does not exist, and if there is, then somewhere far away and not really. It can be sudden - a beautiful sunset, favorite music, someone smiled at you, the child suddenly snuggled up and whispered in my ear: "I love you so much, Mommy!".You can, of course, "run" in time this minute. And you can feel it with all your inner self. Enjoy it, absorb into yourself and say to yourself: now I feel real happiness. Remember your state, mentally put it on the cherished "happy" shelf of your soul. And, as a favorite book, from time to time to re-read.

    It seems like a trifle, but - believe me - it changes life tremendously. It's about the same as the habit of smiling. As much as possible and more often, with or without. In the morning, before the mirror - myself. On the way to work - nice people. Parents, children and friends of children. And even those who you do not really like. The number of smiles inevitably goes into the quality of mood. This is a proven fact. Based on the research of scientists, who found the editors of the site Vse-Sekrety.ru it became known that when you smile, the hormones responsible for a good mood immediately begin to develop in the body.

    It is necessary to balance sadness with joy. After all, if you think about it, there are many joys in life. Simply, we do not always notice it, but carefully and even as if purposely aggravate the sorrows and enjoy them.

    You can never tell yourself: I'm unhappy. NEVER! Because that's why you take away happiness from yourself. You can never say: I'm not lucky, nobody loves me, I do not need anyone.

    Because this does not happen in life. And because it's not the most important thing. And it is important - that I love, that I need, that I am worthy of happiness, and it is everywhere. And I can not not meet him, I can not pass by, I just can not notice him.

    So happiness is possible, and right now, today. If we do not confuse the true joy of life with the possibility of satisfying our desires, then it is easy to see that happiness surrounds each of us. To love another person, for example, does not mean to have him near. Perhaps he is far away, perhaps with another, but what does it matter compared to those feelings that overwhelm the soul. A child. .. of course, I want him to be exactly as we imagine. But the tenderness that we feel when embracing this very native creature is not happiness?

    And the smell of rain in the forest, the southern sea with its violent colors, a song that makes you want to cry and laugh at the same time, the face of a childhood friend who rushed to you in a difficult moment, the snow that goes down in large flakes, the main role of the daughter in the school play, the joy of the dogfrom your appearance in the house, the grandmother, baking your favorite patties, night swimming in the lake in the hot summer. ...

    Continue the list. Write your.

    And start to be happy - already it's time !