  • We meet spring with beautiful hair

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    In spring, we all experience stress, and our hair is no exception. Spring lack of vitamins and sun, temperature drop, overdried air in the room cause various problems: hair breaks, split and begin to fall out. Following the advice below, you can restore their previous health.
    Secant hair - this problem is familiar, perhaps, to everyone. The hairstyle with them looks careless, the split ends are capricious and do not want to fit. To fix this problem it is possible quite simply - enough to cut hair, the best effect will have "hot scissors".The tips will not be cut after the procedure for a long time and will retain elasticity, brilliance and strength. It is recommended to use the service "hot scissors" regularly, then the curls will always remain strong and healthy.
    For prevention it is useful to use special balms and masks. Care must be taken to the hair after waving and dyeing. Of the traditional recipes, experts recommend using honey, egg white and olive oil. From the salon procedures, the mask with silicone will help: it wraps each hair with the finest film and gives strings strength, without making them heavier.

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    Another common problem is overdried hair. In this case, additional nutrition with masks and shampoos with minerals, vitamins and oils will help. A good effect gives burdock oil.
    To avoid this problem, you need to constantly care about moisturizing your hair. Here's a simple homemade recipe: combine olive oil with a tablespoon of honey, dissolved in colorless henna. Add the egg yolk and apply to the hair. Wrap the hair with a towel and, after half an hour, wash it off.
    Often our hair in the spring becomes too greasy. All the fault - a glitch in the work of the sebaceous glands due to stress and hormonal disorders. To begin treatment it is necessary with visiting of the doctor-endocrinologist. Such hair requires special attention: you need to wash them often, every other day, using warm water and neutral shampoo.
    Use for oily hair such masks that contain white clay, - excess fat will absorb kaolin, and pores shrink. Balms and rinses apply to the ends of the hair.
    Many women in the spring notice that their hair has become thin and lost strength. The condition of the hair bulb decreases from the winter diets and the temperature drop. To struggle with this problem it is necessary in a complex: to watch over the food, using a sufficient quantity of fibers, microcells, vitamins of group B, vegetables and fruit.
    To strengthen fine hair, there is an excellent recipe: berry currants and knead with 1-2 teaspoons of honey and cottage cheese. Separately whip the yolk and combine with the previously prepared gruel. Apply to hair and, after waiting half an hour, rinse with water.