
What does the color of the machine say about its owner? Which color should I choose?

  • What does the color of the machine say about its owner? Which color should I choose?

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    For a person who wants to buy a car, one of the main parameters when choosing is his direct coloring. As for the coincidences, they practically do not occur.

    Established the fact that there is some connection between the color of the car and the temperament of its owner. The color scale of the car is not just a matter of taste, but also a rather weighty factor of impact on the psyche of the owner himself, as well as of all road users.

    Based on the words of car dealers, if a person says that the color of the car does not matter, he is still not ready to buy a car of some exotic color, mostly they refuse such a color option and require a car of a specific shade.

    Judging by the results of research by scientists and psychologists, the color scale of the body of the car depends on the assessment of its speed surrounding and the distance to it. Basically, it seems that cars of red color move much faster than they actually are. But as for cars green and blue, but in this case, a reverse visual effect is created. Including color directly affects the perception of the dimensions of the car, so the car of dark color appears less than the same model, but light.

    According to traffic accident statistics, the darkest cars( dark blue, dark green, dark red, black, dark gray) account for the largest part of collisions - this is more than 61% of cases. It should be noted that cars of dark colors collide with light vehicles in 32.6% of cases, but as for accidents involving only light cars, they occur only in 6% of cases.

    Colors and their features

    Based on the results of the research, scientists have developed a unique symbolism of color perception, which in turn explains why the owner chooses to choose one color or the other.

    Drivers of red cars like to assert themselves at the expense of other participants in the movement. They are characterized by speeding, pruning at corners, overtaking is not according to the rules. Do not also expect the driver of the red car that he will give you to pass first or pass at the intersection. In particular, it is believed that such motorists are not completely attentive, so it is recommended to stay away from them at a distance. Although there is another statement that says that: red color is in turn a color of courage, passion and will. He is preferred by imperious, sociable and at the same time quick-tempered motorists. It is generally accepted that this color helps the brain to some extent and stimulates the activity of the body. But some "categorical" characteristic of the red color, mainly causes some distrust, irritation and fear from other participants in the movement.

    The black color of the car says that its owner is grimly perceiving life and not quite sure of himself. Basically, these people look happy and self-sufficient, but in reality they often experience bouts of depression. According to other sources, drivers of black cars are calm, principled and demanding people. With them, you can agree on the road without conflict, if necessary, they will give way and help in case of need to rebuild in another row.

    The owner of the white car can be described as a light, clean and to some extent melancholic person. They are balanced, calm and somewhat gallant. On the road, confident drivers.

    Gray or silvery color car favored by sensible people who directly perceive the world around with caution. Gray is the color of compromise. This type of people does not show a desire to stand out from the crowd even on the road. Owners of cars of this color do not swear and do not scandal, calmly stand at traffic lights or in a traffic jam, and they do not have to wait for any surprise.

    People buying yellow cars are cheerful and sociable people. They relate to everything with ease. Owners of yellow cars are intelligent, have a calm character, and adapt easily to any situation on the roads. Basically, these are creative people, because to some traffic rules can go from the creative side, which in turn can differ in originality, but can not always be understood by other drivers.

    Regarding orange color , then, in turn, he speaks about the developed intuition of man, and about his hypocrisy and pretense. Due to the fact that the orange color can enhance the emotional state, it is characteristic for such a person to create around him the illusion of joy and well-being.

    The green color of the car is preferred by the balanced and quiet people. But at the same time, the owners of cars with an emerald shade, people are somewhat uncertain and want to assert themselves. Psychologists advise with such motorists to be on the road more cautiously, as their behavior can be absolutely unpredictable. In the case when the color of the car is more approximate to the salad color, then in this case the driver, as a rule, is a stubborn and imperious person, it is characteristic for him to change his driving style at any moment and thereby provoke an accident. Although such cars are rarely in an accident.

    The blue color of the car speaks about an open and pure soul of a person. Owners of cars of this color are somewhat flaccid and melancholy people, next to them they would like to see cultural and confident members of the road. These people are serious and you can even say that they are too concentrated. They do not tend to drive on roads, do not allow liberties and do not violate the rules of the road.

    The color of the car , as well as its shades, is chosen by those motorists who feel themselves absolutely confident in any situation. This color indicates a certain conservatism of the owner. Owners of this color of cars have an original taste and craving for art. According to the opinion of psychologists, people who like brown color are often mean, they act extremely cautiously and rarely take care of other people's interests.

    Purple machines are quite rare, the owners of such machines can be said to be nervous and contradictory, prone to jerks, and are distinguished by a not quite stable ride, which makes cars of this color better shun.

    Regardless of the conclusion to which psychologists came, having done a number of specific studies, all people can not be measured according to these criteria. Each person is an individuality, we are all very different, therefore these conclusions are given only to some part of us. In addition, not always we get to buy a car of the color that we would like, and as a result we take the one that is more suitable. On the road, you need to be attentive to everyone, no matter what color your car is. Rules are designed to follow, not violate, exposing many lives to danger.