  • Open internal hydrocephalus: what to do?

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    Zoya asks:

    Hello, I'm 21 years old, I did an MRI and I discovered an open internal hydrocephalus, a cyst transparent to 0.5 cm wide - in the front, 0.7 times wide in the posterior, septum. I drank the medicine, but it's getting worse for me. Medications that I drank and drink: phenibut, mexidol, diacarb, fesam, amitriptyline. Tell me, what should I do?


    Zoya , the most important thing that needs to be done in such a situation is to visit a good literate specialist who will not only conduct a full examination and give an adequate assessment of your condition, but also prescribe a comprehensive and justified treatment.

    Open internal hydrocephalus - the disease is not easy, it can be congenital and acquired. The mild form of the disease is sometimes found by chance in an MRI performed for other reasons;in more complex cases, hydrocephalus is characterized by certain symptoms, depending on the form of the disease. Sometimes this pathology can develop after all kinds of head injuries, in particular - brain concussions, surgical interventions or transferred infectious diseases, in old age can develop against the background of cerebral arteriosclerosis or stroke. With open internal hydrocephalus, the ventricular systems of the brain are expanded, and the cerebrospinal fluid spreads through the cerebrospinal fluid system. The open form can be both internal and external. Treatment is usually appointed as a complex: drugs that reduce intracranial pressure, diuretics, desensitizing therapy, antibiotics( in the presence of an inflammatory process).If the process progresses, there is a need for surgical intervention.

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    As you can see, in order to give qualified advice, you need to at least see the results of MRI, know how far the process went, what symptoms bother, how the cyst behaves. If the cyst increases, and the prescribed treatment does not help, you may need a consultation from a neurosurgeon. In any case, since treatment does not give the expected result, do not delay the visit to the therapist and the neurosurgeon: the faster you go to the doctor, the more likely you are to improve your condition.

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