  • Allergic cough: symptoms in adults and children, treatment

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    An allergic cough according to the latest data refers to the specific form of bronchial asthma, when in response to some substance( it is for each individual), basically the one that is inhaled with air, the bronchi react not by narrowing, but trying to push it out.

    This symptom is very similar to a cough that develops with pharyngitis, laryngitis, or inflammatory bronchitis, in other words, with a cold.

    Allergic cough can occur for the first time at any age;To treat it, especially at the child, it is obligatory.

    The essence of the disease

    Allergy is an incorrect reaction of the immune system to some protein substance - an allergen. It can be a protein contained in the saliva of an animal that has fallen on its coat, pollen protein, protein contained in the drug.

    Some substances are not proteins, but tend to bind to them in the human body, modify them in such a way that this complex also induces the immune system to fight it.

    As people suffering from allergies are becoming more and more in the modern world, scientists began to ponder over the root causes of this condition.
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    Here is what generalized opinion they have:

    1. 1) The allergy arises from the general adherence to the ideal purity: the body, not seeing the real danger in the "ideal" houses, as its own training begins to fight with various substances that are innocuous in nature. This theory is based on the observation of large families with the presence of a dog: such children are less likely to suffer from allergies than in those houses where the child is alone and the purity is ideal.
    2. 2) It is noted that allergies occur more often at an early age in those children who had to take antibiotics in the first year of life.
    3. 3) Some associate so many allergy sufferers in the world with the fact that the food we eat contains a huge amount of chemicals: hormones, additives to improve taste, color and smell, and so on.
    Cough is a natural reaction of the body to a substance that causes irritation or swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

    So the microscopic processes of the cells lining the trachea and bronchi from the inside, called cilia, move their substance "to the exit" with their vibrations, which triggers a coughing thrust.

    Causes of an allergic cough

    There is an allergic cough in response to getting into a predisposed organism of the substance to which certain parts of the human immune system respond with hyperactivation. Most often, a cough will be accompanied by the entry of aeroallergens( that is, those that are in the air).

    Provoking factors that may cause an allergic cough:

    1. 1) Pollen: trees, medicinal and weed grasses, flowers - field, garden and ornamental, flowers of vegetables, flowers growing on fruit trees( see bloom allergy);
    2. 2) Household allergens: aerosol forms of household chemicals and cosmetics( sprays, volatile substances, powder, shadows, blush), house pliers, book and house dust, tobacco smoke;
    3. 3) Airborne allergens of mold fungi and those that grow on the street;
    4. 4) Particles of the epidermis: wool, down, feathers, dandruff of domestic animals and birds.
    Also an allergic cough can develop as a result of ingestion of an allergen:

    • with food. Especially dangerous in this regard, chocolate, tropical berries and fruits, seafood, nuts;
    • in the form of a medicine injected into a muscle, vein, or by mouth;
    • with bite of an insect or arthropod;
    • of industrial origin.

    Symptoms of an allergic cough

    As a rule, the first symptoms of an allergic cough in adults occur suddenly. Usually this is preceded by contact with an allergen: work in a dusty room, in the garden, in the cellar, buying new decorative cosmetics or household chemicals. But not always such a connection can be traced.

    Its main characteristics are as follows:

    1. 1) Allergic cough paroxysmal, seizures are most frequent at night;
    2. 2) It is almost always dry, at the end of the attack, vitreous sputum may be released. Purulent sputum as in tracheitis or bronchitis will not be;
    3. 3) Accompanied by a tickling sensation or sensation in the throat;
    4. 4) Not accompanied by fever or chills;
    5. 5) Runny nose with a lot of mucous transparent sopley can be in ARVI, and with allergies;
    6. 6) On the allergic nature of cough may also indicate itching of the skin, the appearance on it of hives;
    7. 7) Weakness can be in both cases - and with colds, and with allergies, but nausea, lack of appetite for allergies should not be;
    8. 8) In severe cases, an allergic cough is accompanied by difficulty breathing;
    9. 9) Allergic cough lasts more than 7 days, not accompanied by the appearance of pain in the chest during breathing, significant difficulty breathing, sputum discharge of white, yellow, rusty, green or with blood veins;
    10. 10) With allergies, there is no night sweats;
    11. 11) Cough disappears when contact with the allergen is eliminated.

    Allergic cough in children - symptoms of

    Allergic cough in a baby can develop in response to any of the air, food, household or medicinal allergens. The cause of this condition in the child may be helminthic invasion, in particular, ascaridosis.

    Anatomical features of the child's airways are such that they are shorter and narrower, but at the same time they are richer in blood supply. Therefore, with the development of an allergic reaction, the mucous membrane very quickly swells and increases in volume.

    Because of this, the diameter of the airways decreases, and air is more difficult to pass to the lungs. This very dangerous condition is called respiratory failure and requires emergency care.

    Symptoms of an allergic cough in a child:

    1) A dry cough attack, during which tears can flow from the eyes, and a mucous transparent discharge separates from the nose, it torments the baby most of the time while he goes to bed;

    • cough accompanied by itching in the nose and throat;
    • separates clear sputum;
    • there is a cough connection with a contact with the allergen;
    • after the administration of "Eryus", "Fenistila" or "Suprastin", the severity of the cough decreases.


    Diagnosis of an allergic cough set by:

    1. 1) The results of examination of the throat: in ARD it will be very red, on the back wall of the pharynx you can see thick snot, on tonsils may be raids;
    2. 2) A general blood test: there is almost no inflammation, but more than 5% of eosinophil cells are detected;
    3. 3) In the venous blood, an increased level of immunoglobulin is detected. E.
    Allergens, when several injuries are made to the forearm of the person by a sterile disposable scarifier, and then allergens are dripped into such wounds and they look where the allergic reaction will be expressed, only in children over 3 years old andonly after recovery. At the height of the allergy, such tests are dangerous.

    Treatment of an allergic cough

    The most important in the treatment of an allergic cough in children and adults is the detection of an allergen and the cessation of contact with it. If this is not possible, the following activities are performed:

    • switch to a hypoallergenic diet with the exception of orange vegetables and fruits( citrus fruits, persimmons, melon), nuts, chocolate and seafood. In the diet should also not be sharp, smoked, pickled and fried foods;
    • remove the pet from the premises, then perform a thorough wet cleaning;
    • the dry food of the animal must be outside the premises where the patient is;
    • carpets need to be removed;
    • pillows with feather filler and duvets with feathers replaced with hypoallergenic( with sinteponovym filler);
    • does not use decorative and therapeutic cosmetics;
    • wash to carry out household or children's soap, without powders, air conditioners and so on.
    At the same time, medicinal treatment of allergic cough is connected:

    1. 1) Antihistamines of short( Suprastin, Diazolin) or long-acting( Erius, Zodak) actions.
    2. 2) During the breaks between meals and food( must pass at least an hour) it is necessary to take a sorbent: "Atoxil", "White Coal".
    3. 3) Rinse the nose and do inhalation with saline solution of sodium chloride.
    4. 4) In case of difficulty breathing, the doctor may prescribe inhalation with Berodual, Eufillin or even Pulmicort.
    5. 5) In severe cases with respiratory failure, "Prednisolone" or "Dexamethasone" is given in the form of tablets or injections.
    After relief of an acute condition, a person undergoes such a study as allergens, after which he is given specific immunotherapy: the administration of ever increasing doses of the allergen intradermally, and then subcutaneously.

    Prevention of an allergic cough

    If a person knows what type of allergen it can develop a cough, it must be excluded. If the type of allergen is not yet established, then in order to avoid attacks of cough, it is necessary: ​​

    • to observe a hypoallergenic diet;
    • do not wear wool products;
    • not live in a house with a pet or a bird;
    • bedding - made of synthetic materials;
    • in the house must be daily wet cleaning;
    • carpet on the walls and the floor should not be;
    • curtains - thin, which do not collect dust, and they can easily be washed;
    • household chemicals and decorative cosmetics to use allergy sufferers only as a last resort, it is advisable to buy those on which "Hypoallergenic" is written.

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