
Jealousy is good or bad;how distrust destroys relations

  • Jealousy is good or bad;how distrust destroys relations

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    There is still no consensus on how to treat jealousy. It is inseparably connected with the concept of love. Some believe that jealousy destroys relationships, others - that it is an indicator of the degree of attachment to a person, his indifference. So is jealousy good or bad? Psychologists divided people into different categories, according to which this feeling manifests itself in relation to the opposite half.

    Jealousy of the weak

    The jealousy of the weak is experienced by people with low self-esteem and an inferiority complex. Such people believe that they have nothing to love. Because of them, and there is a constant feeling of jealousy. Appears externally it is very weak, however, internally destroys a person. Jealousy for them is an attempt to attract attention.

    Jealousy of the tyrant

    Jealousy of the tyrant is a consumer attitude towards his second half. Such relations are built on unquestioning obedience. Feeling occurs not only to people, but to everything that surrounds a person, to his activities. This jealousy destroys the relationship, suppresses the partner.

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    Jealousy of a man and a woman: differences

    For a man, a woman is a component of his status, therefore everything related to her is perceived by him as a threat. For a stronger sex, it is important that the companion's body belong to him, and feelings are of secondary importance.

    Similar experiences for men are given more difficult due to the fact that they are used to keeping everything in themselves. Strongly expressed jealousy undergo individuals with low self-esteem or self-doubt.

    There are also egoists who are used to everything only belong to them. Often, they themselves change, because they are afraid of the exposure or the response of the woman.

    In women, jealousy arises from the emotional attachment to the companion. To the weaker sex to forgive physical treason is much easier. Women's jealousy has many manifestations. One of them - after the conquest of a man, a woman tries to direct all his thoughts and emotions only to himself, and his disobedience leads to scandals.

    Sick imagination gives an incorrect interpretation of his words, unanswered calls or accidental sms. Suspicion is indicative of a partner's insecurity and often serves as a reason for parting.

    Jealousy destroys relationships, as in the case of selfish men, selfish women forbid their half to go to football, meet friends. Such relationships are doomed. The only way out is to find a girl for her hobby and let her go.

    Normal jealousy

    The total absence of jealousy speaks of indifference. This feeling is normally indicative of attention to the partner. It is thoroughly only with obvious flirting before your eyes. Do not leave this behavior without explanation and try to find out the reason. Perhaps, your partner especially provoked you, or the fact happened accidentally.

    Is Jealousy useful?

    Good jealousy only in the minimum dose. Then she warms up the relationship, makes them sharp. It should be pleasant and not cause suffering to either side.

    The basis of pathological jealousy is low self-esteem. In this case, start to develop. Change only for yourself, not for another person. With this behavior you can achieve a lasting and warm relationship. Use negative feeling as a stimulus to growth.

    The use of jealousy is a sign of interest and attention to the partner. Jealousy is an engine, with skillful treatment it only exacerbates feelings. She forces to keep them in a tone, therefore in small quantities it is simply necessary for development of harmonious relations.

    Jealousy for each other is a way to show your concern, attention and warmth. The main thing is not to play with this feeling and be able to stop in time.

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