  • Secrets of eating long-livers

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    Read in article:
    • Secrets of centenarians
    • Feeding of long-livers
    • The formula for longevity is found?

    Secrets of centenarians - in their nutrition

    The greatest Greek physician and educator Hippocrates, whose name in our perception is inseparably linked with the famous oath of Hippocrates, rightfully considered the "father of medicine", claimed that any disease of a person is due to a violation of their nutrition, habitsand way of life.

    It is Hippocrates who owns the famous phrase: "We are what we eat!", Thereby emphasizing the most important role of nutrition for human life and health.

    Everyone without exception would like to live a long time, but at the same time be sure to stay healthy, vigorous, in a solid mind and memory.

    Scientists around the world are trying to find the answer to the secrets of long-livers, carefully studying this phenomenon, trying to understand why only a few people manage to live without diseases for so long, although genetically the human body is designed for about 150 years of life.

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    Secrets of centenarians ^

    Despite the huge number of hypotheses about the secrets of health and longevity, as well as the fact that all long-livers have different living conditions - climatic, geographical, social, the opinions of all scientists are consistent in that the nutrition of centenarians is very closely related to longevityand plays in it one of the most important roles. A little paraphrasing the famous phrase of Hippocrates, you can add that a person is not only what he eats, but what he drinks. All the long-livers of the world drink only pure, spring water, which is the most important secret of longevity, since the human body is 75% water and therefore it is very important what kind of water it replenishes its internal reserves.

    On the most important role of water in human life, the norms of its consumption and the right drinking regime for health, read the article on our website.

    Feeding of long-livers ^

    Long-living: low-calorie and low-fat diet.

    For all its differences and peculiarities, long-livers of all regions of the Earth have very similar features and rules for eating food. Secrets of centenarians, it turns out, are quite simple, like all ingenious ones:

    Food in small portions

    All the long-livers of the world eat very little, never overeat and get up from the table without feeling overwhelmed. They do not have excess weight and obesity, which, as you know, does not add health and longevity. On the dangers of overeating and the benefits of short-term rest from eating read in this article.

    Nutrition products growing in their climatic zone

    The long-lived world eat only those products that grow in their climatic zone, without using anything imported and exotic. This is so right that we should also consider whether we need to include in the diet, for example, bananas, which are undoubtedly a storehouse of vitamins, but only if they are ripped off and immediately eaten.

    But, as you know, we do not grow bananas, they are plucked green, and therefore immature, covered with wax and other harmful chemical compounds for safety and long-term transportation. Well, we ask, we need such fruits, is it not better to eat an apple?

    The same question arises about imported strawberries and watermelons, which have neither taste, nor smell, nor benefit. Is not it better to wait for the season and eat plenty of delicious and useful fruits and vegetables that grow in our region?

    Food of centenarians - low-fat, low-calorie

    Food in the diet of centenarians is dominated by low-fat and low-calorie, which is very useful for maintaining the vessels in an ideal state and preventing hypertension. The use of low-calorie diet of long-livers, which has high biological activity, has long been experimentally proved by many scientists.

    The scientific experiment conducted on rats is well known:

    • In a subgroup of animals, which reduced the calorie content of the diet by a quarter, life expectancy increased by 32%.
    • In the same place, where the calorific value was reduced by 50%, rats lived twice as long.

    Less meat, more greens

    The nutrition of centenarians practically does not include the first dishes and rich broths, and the meat in their menu is present mainly in cooked form. On the table there are always a lot of different greenery that helps to keep the intestinal flora in perfect condition.

    In long-livers of Abkhazia and Azerbaijan, the intestinal microflora is similar in composition to the flora of healthy children, which is achieved by the regular consumption of national dairy products, which are known to be very useful for normal digestion.

    Food - only fresh

    Food longevity is consumed exclusively in fresh form, which preserves the maximum vitamins and nutrients of food. Naturally, they reject canned food and other harmful products. No fast food, re-heating and yesterday's dishes from the fridge, all the half-eaten animals give to the cattle.

    By the way, according to some studies, such an irreplaceable thing in the modern kitchen as a microwave oven, just destroys vitamins, microelements and nutrients in products that have been microwave treated. Therefore, if possible, we need to take an example from long-livers - to weld a mush and then eat it, and not to warm up in a microwave three-day soup, in which there is nothing useful left. Especially do not recommend warming up food in the microwave for young children.

    Refusal of sugar and preservatives

    An important secret of long-livers is also the lack of sugar in their pure form, as well as various jams, sweets and other modern sweets that can trigger the development of diabetes.

    Sugar longevity is obtained in the form of glucose, which is necessary to quickly replenish the body's energy deficit by eating honey, raisins and various sweet fruits. Fruits and vegetables make up most of all the food of centenarians.

    We also recommend that you read the article on the use of onions for health and immunity.

    Is the formula for longevity found?^

    Chinese gerontologists are absolutely sure that the longevity formula is found and looks like this:

    • food is extremely low-calorie,
    • with the minimum amount of fats and animal proteins,
    • with a lot of daily ration of fruits and vegetables.

    As far as this is true, time will tell, but to make useful conclusions for ourselves and to adopt the simple secrets of long-livers in nutrition we simply owe. Starting to eat right, like the long-livers of the whole world, we will stop getting fat, sick, we will be in great shape and, consequently, we will live longer.