  • Truthfulness: Myth or Reality

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    • Read in the article:
      • RENEWAL: benefit or harm
      • Transition to triviality: a description of
      • RENEWAL: opinions and opinion of doctors

      Prana food: truth or fiction

      Disputes about the benefits and harms of a long-standing situation have been going on for a long time: some people believe that you can eatonly by solar energy, while others argue that the lack of intake of normal food in the body leads to negative health consequences.

      Ruling: Benefit or Harm ^

      In traditional Indian medicine, there is the energy of Prana, which provides nutrition to the heart and other internal organs.

      People who eat solar energy, called sun-eaters, Bretarian or pranodami, tk.nutrients and vitamins, according to the teachings, can enter the body directly from the air during breathing.

      According to the Brethren, a person can live without food for the rest of his life, but doctors have a different opinion about this: the time without food depends on many factors, but it can be done without it for up to 8 weeks if you drink only one water.

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      When talking about what is a trifling, it is necessary to take into account its essence: this doctrine implies a complete refusal of food and sometimes - from water. Instead, they are invited to eat solar energy, but the transition to this regime often takes decades.

      The sun and the pride: the pros and cons of the

      There are several aspects in which nutrition prana benefits human health:

      • It is possible to provide the optimal flow of vital energy and get rid of food dependence - it's enough just to follow certain rules;
      • Thanks to sunshine it is possible to cleanse your body of toxins and toxins, get rid of excess weight, normalize metabolism, but there is no official confirmation of this.

      Negative aspects of Bretarianism are much greater:

      • In some cases, all ends with complete exhaustion and anorexia, when a person is already physically unable to eat;
      • Doctors believe that only with the help of products you can get vitamins, minerals and trace elements - the sun does not provide the supply of these substances, as a result of which nails can begin to break down, hair weakens and skin condition worsens, and sometimes a fatal outcome.

      Reasoning: Myth or Reality

      Actually, there are a lot of pranoods that claim that their way of life is very different from other people, and it's actually like this:

      • They pay more attention to spiritual and physical perfection;
      • Psychological comfort is very important for them;
      • As a rule, they do not have excess weight and health problems.they do yoga.

      There is also a downside: there are many cases where pranoods simply died of hunger, but those who still manage to eat only the sun and air for a long time say that such people simply did not have enough motivation.

      Transition to triviality: a description ^

      What are the pros and cons of Brethrianism: the opinion of

      doctors How to switch to the pride of doing

      There are a lot of options for switching to Prana food, but they all boil down to one thing - a person must himself believe that he is pranodom. From a nutritional point of view, it usually looks like this:

      • First you need to give up meat products in favor of plant foods, i.e.become a vegetarian;
      • Refusal of usual food should occur smoothly: it is necessary to reduce gradually its quantity within several months.

      Olodia Podorovskaya's reigning

      A well-known pragmatic and leading seminar on Britarism, Olga Podorovskaya, asserts that there should be no transition to another way of life - this is at the moment when the person realizes that he has no taste for food. However, it highlights several basic principles:

      • For two weeks it is necessary to drink 2-3 liters of fresh juice daily, gradually reducing their volume and weaning the body from digestion;
      • In the same period, you need to kindle an internal fire and convince yourself that the body does not consist of products, which means that you can quite successfully manage without them;
      • Balancing the processes of ying-yang is a prerequisite, becausewithout this, spiritual development is impossible.

      To whom such a technique does not apply:

      • Those who have sexually transmitted infections suffer from nasopharyngeal or caries diseases;
      • In the presence of parasites in the body, as well as toxicosis, dysbiosis.
      We also recommend that you read the article "Raw Food": benefit or harm.

      RENEWAL: Opinion and opinion of doctors ^

      Modern physicians unanimously assert that tranomonism clearly does not lead to anything good, and there are a number of reasons:

      • With the abandonment of food, the production of vital hormones ceases, internal organs contract andtheir work is completely disrupted;
      • In most cases, eating habits result in anorexia and more serious illnesses.

      To keep to the prudence, or not - every person should decide, but beforehand it is necessary to study all the positive and negative aspects of this way of life.

      Comments on the true thinking:

      Galina, 28 years old:

      "I did not last 3 days without food, and I do not want to practice this more - not mine. On the second day, my head began to feel very dizzy, so I do not recommend other experiments. "

      Tatiana, 34 years old:

      "I have been without food for 2 weeks. Of course, it's hard to bear, but I have left water for now. I think that I will have a maximum of another 5-7 days, and after that I will still return to proper nutrition. "

      Julia, 38 years old:

      " I do yoga, and the common sense for me is a common thing, but I practice a maximum of 2-3 months for the whole year, and then with interruptions. It is impossible to live without food without food, because a person has an esophagus, intestines and other organs to work for, and, alas, can not provide solar energy ".