
What are the benefits of bananas for our body?

  • What are the benefits of bananas for our body?

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    Bananas are fruits of a banana tree that grows in countries with a hot climate, mainly in Africa, Asia and South America. Bananas are an excellent snack between meals and a delicious addition to desserts. However, these fruits, despite their excellent taste and useful properties are often underestimated. Few people know that using the pulp of a banana can quickly relieve unpleasant pain after a burn. In addition, bananas are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. In 100 g of pulp of this yellow fruit contains only about 80 calories, and if you consume it in moderation, it will not pose a threat to our figure.

    Useful properties of bananas

    Bananas are a source of vitamins and fiber
    Banana is a rich source of vitamin C, which increases immunity and speeds up the regeneration of the skin. Vitamins B( vitamins B1, B2, B6), which are rich in bananas, support the work of the nervous system, improve memory and concentration. Vitamin B6 regulates the level of sugar in the body. Contained in bananas, vitamin A is responsible for the condition of our skin. These yellow fruits also affect the work of our intestines. People suffering from constipation, experts Vse-Sekrety.ru recommend regularly eating bananas. They, like apples, contain fiber, which helps regulate the work of this part of the digestive system.   
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    Rich in micronutrients
    In bananas is a large amount of magnesium. He is responsible for many functions in our body. In particular, magnesium supports the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems, and its deficiency in the body can cause so-called muscle spasms. It also prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. Bananas contain a lot of potassium, which has a positive effect on our body. Potassium improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduces the likelihood of hypertension. In turn, iron, which is contained in bananas, stimulates the production of platelets and prevents anemia. They contain a small amount of sodium, which in some cases can cause a water retention in the body.

    Serotonin and antioxidants
    Bananas are also rich tryptophan, which contributes to the production of serotonin. This substance is produced in the brain and positively affects the whole of our body. In particular, it improves our mood and gives energy. Thus, bananas are a good substitute for chocolate, which has similar properties. Bananas contain many natural antioxidants from the phenolic group. They strengthen immunity, purify the kidneys, strengthen and restore the mucous membrane of the stomach.

    Regularly consuming bananas, we can help our body to enrich with many necessary vitamins and microelements.