
How to make an amulet from evil eye and envy, protective talisman from damage and evil eye

  • How to make an amulet from evil eye and envy, protective talisman from damage and evil eye

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    Wards of evil eye and spoilage appeared even in remote antiquity and each people had their own magic objects and rituals of their creation, but all had one purpose in common: protection of the creator and the owner from evil eye, spoilage, envy, bad glory, etc. And how to make an amulet from evil eye and envy in our time? Has anything changed in the rituals, or has everything remained as it was intended by far distant ancestors? Let's try to understand.

    How to make an amulet?

    In fact, protective amulets from spoilage and the evil eye can be made both from plant components, and from cloth and cold stones. You can freely choose which items suit you from the list.

    1. Natural stones that you can choose based on your date of birth, zodiac sign or name;
    2. Plants and bones, the ancients believed that amulets from something "living" gives special power, and this belief has not disappeared until now. With the help of a thread, you can tie up thin bones and herbs( laurel leaf, red carnation, young garlic with leaves).It is more desirable to put the grass in a small pouch, talk and carry it with you;
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    3. Rag doll. You can sew a small doll and use it as an amulet. Such an amulet was popular among the ancient Slavs, but they never made a puppet of the eyes, for fear that because of this evil spirits would penetrate into the amulet. This belief has survived until now, so the eyes make only dolls Voodoo.

    When a person creates a protective amulet from the evil eye, he always reads a plot or a prayer. Of course, the very belief that an amulet really helps is already a kind of prayer. When, during creation of the amulet, a person also reads a prayer or a conspiracy, he not only empowers an object with force, but also strengthens his own belief in protective properties.

    Consider several prayers and conspiracies on this subject.

    If you decide to make yourself an amulet made of stones, then you should definitely cleanse from someone else's energy( seller, strangers or animals), if your amulet with the image, then make sure that during washing it was not turned upside down.

    First rinse the amulet with cold running water, then wipe it dry with a cloth and put in the sun, then you can go three ways.

    1. Kindle a church candle and drive over her flame of amulets from left to right, imagining how all the excess energy goes away and only yours remains;
    2. Smoke the amulet with the smoke of herbs: wormwood, sage, saffron, St. John's wort, juniper;
    3. You can stir in a small amount of water a stone salt at night during a full moon, put an amulet in a bowl of water and put it on the moonlight for the whole night.

    How to protect yourself from problems?

    To reinforce both your own faith and the strength of the amulet, you can read short prayers daily. The prayer about. Ionic of Kronstadt, Psalm 50, the prayer of Macarius the Great. And every time you are pursued by doubts or misfortunes, wear an amulet and read a prayer. The main thing is not to doubt the action of the amulet.

    And to strengthen the action of the stone talisman, after cleansing, quickly breathe on it to fill the talisman with your energy, but the eye should touch the surface of the mascot. Then read the prayer "Our Father" over the amulet. And now you can be sure of the strength of the subject.

    Video stories and reasonings

    Around the theme of protection with amulets, there have always been various disputes, figuring out which way to keep yourself the most effective, many people put forward their theories and applied them in practice.