
Symptoms and treatment of a disease such as hydradenitis under the arm

  • Symptoms and treatment of a disease such as hydradenitis under the arm

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    Hydradenitis or "bony udder" is a purulent inflammation of sweat glands. Develops most often hydradenitis under the arm, much less often observed around the nipples or in the genital area and anus.

    Causes and symptoms of hydradenitis under the arm of

    1. The causative agent of the disease, as a rule, is staphylococcus, less often other microorganisms.
    2. Provoking factors: non-compliance with hygiene, untidiness and excessive sweating.
    3. Perestroika in the endocrine system.
    4. Low immunity.

    Axillary hydradenitis is manifested by the formation of one or more dense knots in the armpit, which are first located under the skin, and as the inflammation progresses begin to increase in size and become sharply painful. Inflamed knots are soldered to the skin, which acquires a bluish tinge. Their size can vary from 0.5 to 3 centimeters. In the affected area, there is an unbearable itching and pain. The body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees. If the surrounding subcutaneous tissue is involved in the process, then the phlegmon develops-a diffuse purulent inflammation. Purulent hydradenitis can be complicated by lymphadenitis if axillary lymph nodes are involved in the process. In this case, the patient is worried about headache, severe weakness, fever above 39 degrees. Painful sensations in the armpit grow.

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    If hydradenitis is not treated, most often the abscesses break out for about 5 days from the onset of the disease, heal with the formation of scar tissue, and fistulous lesions can form. The development of phlegmon is unfavorable.

    Treatment with traditional methods

    The earlier the treatment with hydradenitis is started, the more likely it is to do without surgical intervention. Treatment of this disease consists in the appointment of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Antimicrobial therapy consists in the admission of the following drugs: tetracycline at 250 milligrams 4 times a day, or doxycycline according to the scheme, or erythromycin 0.25 grams4 times a day inside. The course of treatment is usually 7-14 days.

    In no case should you open and squeeze out the abscess yourself! Since this will lead to the spread of infection in the tissues, with the bacteria can enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body, and then develop sepsis - a very dangerous disease, often leading to death.

    As a first aid, you can apply Vishnevsky's ointment with hydradenitis on an inflamed area or a semi-alcohol bandage.

    Hydradenitis under the arm is recommended topically treated with disinfectants and antiseptic drugs( 2% alcohol solution of salicylic acid).

    In case of ineffectiveness of conservative methods, surgical intervention is shown - dissection of the abscess with excision of affected tissues and fistulous passages. At the same time, antibiotic therapy continues, and local dressings with Levomecol are used - it is an ointment from hydradenitis and other purulent diseases. Bandages are changed every two days: the wounds are washed with solutions of antiseptics and a sterile napkin with ointment is applied, the bandage is fixed with a band-aid. In severe cases, with large defects, skin plasty is indicated.

    With recurrent hydradenitis, specific immunotherapy with a staphylococcal vaccine or gamma globulin is carried out.

    Methods of traditional medicine

    For axillary hydradenitis, the patient should be restored to rest. Food should be easily digestible and rich in vitamins and trace elements.

    Of the folk remedies tested by time, you can distinguish such recipes:

    • Cabbage leaf rinse with water and apply to the inflamed place at night, it has a pronounced dissolving effect. It helps in the early stages of the disease.
    • The aloe leaves are washed with warm water, then cut and applied to the sore spot. Aloe juice has a pronounced bactericidal effect and "pulls" pus on itself, accelerating the process of self-emptying of the abscess.
    • The leaves of plantain are warmed up in hands until the juice begins to separate. Such a sheet is imposed on the hydradenite under the arm for 20 minutes to four times a day.
    • The washed leaves of fresh celery are warmed up, then applied to the pathological focus up to six times a day.
    • Dressing with sea salt solution. In a glass with warm boiled water, dissolve 2 teaspoons of sea salt. This mixture is filtered through gauze, folded in several layers, and used to wash the inflamed area several times a day.
    • An infusion for washing the abscess can be prepared by filling a glass of boiled water with one teaspoon of camomile flowers, sage herbs, eucalyptus leaves and calendula inflorescences. The solution is filtered through cheesecloth and insisted for about a day. Rinse the inflamed area with this solution several times a day.

    The course of hydradenitis is usually a long one, with sometimes exacerbations of the disease. Self-recovery is rare, almost always requires treatment. How to cure hydradenitis, the surgeon will tell you.

    Prevention of hydradenitis

    • Compliance with basic personal hygiene requirements: clothes should not be cramped, underwear is preferable from natural materials, frequent water procedures.
    • Maintaining normal body weight, with obesity - weight loss.
    • Regular underarm toilet.
    • Exclude from use irritating perfumes and cosmetics.
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