  • Treatment of fractures with folk remedies

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    Fracture is a trauma that breaks the integrity of the bone.

    Symptoms: with a fracture, there is a sudden sharp pain, deformity of the limb, bruising and swelling. Violated mobility of the damaged part of the body. For more information about the symptoms of bone fractures, see here.

    What's going on? The integrity of the bone is broken. Bone fragments can remain in place and may shift( this fracture is called a fracture with displacement).A fracture without damage to the skin is called closed, with damage to the skin( wound over the fracture) - open.

    What should I do? For first aid, it is very important to know under what circumstances the injury was received. When falling, there are often broken hands or feet. If the fracture is open, first of all, stop the bleeding and apply a sterile bandage, and then ensure the immobility of the injured limb or complete immobility of the body if there is a suspected fracture of the vertebrae. With a closed fracture, you only need to ensure immobility, so that the displaced bone does not damage surrounding tissues, blood vessels, tendons and nerves.

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    When the tire is applied, the joints are fixed above and below the fracture. In case of a hip fracture, it is necessary to immobilize the leg completely, starting from the hip itself, including the knee joint, and ending with the ankle.

    In severe injuries, it is best not to change the situation of the victim, but to wait for the doctors of the "first aid"!

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends taking a mummy for better bone splicing. To do this, dissolve 2-3 milligram mum in warm water( this is the dose per day) and drink. The mummies take 5 days, then they take a break for 5 days and repeat the course.

    1. Copper. In Russian folk medicine, the fractures were treated like this: a small copper file( nadpil) from the old copper coin was scratched with copper powder. Approximately 0.1 g of this powder was stirred in milk or sour cream or triturated with egg yolk and given to the patient 2 times a week. This contributed to the rapid fusion of fractures.

    2. Ointment. Spruce resin gum - 20 g, crushed bulb( crushed) - 1 piece, vegetable oil, better olive - 50 g, copper sulfate in powder - 15 g.

    All thoroughly rubbed and heated on fire, not boiling. Ointment has a burning effect, actively heals abscesses, bruises and fractures of bones.

    3. Cornflower. Fine crush the flowers and grass cornflower, mix with the juice of the turn. Take in the morning on an empty stomach every day for 8 days to 1-2 tablespoons. It is used for fractures of the ribs and other joints.

    4. Mumiye. The daily dose of 0.15-0.2 g. Take in the morning on an empty stomach, dissolving in warm water. After a 10-day appointment, take a break for 5 days. Then hold the second course of treatment. For fractures of large bones( pelvis, spine, hips, tibia), it is recommended to perform a third course of treatment - another 10 days.

    5. Comfrey, black-weed. In fractures of bones, as well as in tuberculosis, the lining of fresh or dried roots of comfrey or blackcock makes. For the same purpose, an ointment from these roots is prepared: the crushed fresh root( you can pass through a meat grinder) mixed equally with the pork unsalted melted fat. Make compresses and overlapping fractures.

    6. First you need to prepare homemade tires. Take thin plates, wind with bast or bark, willows, or cardboard. Prepare the mixture: whisk in the bowl 3-4 eggs, add a spoon of rock salt and 100 grams of wooden olive oil, 150 g grated soap: and 150 grams of strong vodka and alcohol. Stir thoroughly until the formation of gruel. Dampen a dense towel with vodka, cover it with wool or a patch, apply topped prepared gruel from above. Place the bones in the position of greatest contact with each other, apply a bandage and fix the tires. Every day, moisten them with a wooden oil so that the wound is not stained. In ten days, change the bandage. Continue treatment for 40 days, and the bone will grow together. If the bone pops out, again bring it to the desired position.

    - Fracture, fracture, where did it come from, go there. With the wind came, go to the wind! He came from evil people, go to evil people! With the good came, on the good go! Soothe, Lord, at the servant of God( name) break in the morning, a fracture of the day, fracture of the midday, a fracture of the night, a fracture of the midnight. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    The fragile bones of adults do break down. Soft bones of children rather bend or split( fractures of the "green shoot").Another type of fracture in a child is the loosening or breaking off of the growing end of the bone. Especially often this occurs in the wrist. When a child has a serious fracture, it's easy to see. But there are fractures that are completely invisible from the outside. A broken ankle can be quite straight, but it will swell and will be very painful. In a few hours, black-and-blue spots will appear on it. Only a doctor can distinguish fracture from stretching, and often he needs an X-ray. The wrist can be broken so that you do not even notice it. When the fingertips catch the ball, the bones of the fingers often break. The fingers only swell and then turn slightly blue. When a child falls on the back, one of the vertebrae may move or crack. Outside, nothing is noticeable, but when the child bends or jumps and runs, he complains of pain. In general, if pain in the limb is preserved, or there is a tumor, or black-blue spots appear, one must suspect a crack.

    Avoid further damage in the area where you suspected a crack. Do not move the injured limb. If the child is comfortable enough and the doctor can come to him, leave the child in place. If the child has to move, first put something like a tire.

    To be useful from the tire, it must be long, to the entire limb. With an ankle fracture, the tire should reach the knee;with a fracture of the shin - to the hip. If the hip is fractured, a board from the tip of the leg to the armpit will be needed. At a fracture of a wrist the tire should be from tips of fingers to an elbow;with a fracture of the lower or upper arm - from the fingertips to the armpit. For a long tire you need a board. A shorter tire for a small child can be made from cardboard. When imposing the tire, move the limb very carefully and especially try to avoid movement at the fracture site. Tie the limb to the tire in four or six places with the help of handkerchiefs, stripes from clothing or bandages. Do not tie tightly. Two bandages should be near the fracture on either side of it and one at the ends of the tire. With back injuries, it is even more important to leave the patient in place, making it as comfortable as possible. If it needs to be moved, use a stretcher or door. Raising a child with a damaged back, keep his back straight or slightly concave inside. Do not allow the back to bend outwards. This means that if it is carried on a mattress or on an improvised stretcher that bends, it should lie on the belly.(The head should not bend forward.) If the clavicle fractures( at the top of the chest), make a sling from the triangular piece of material and tie it by the neck so that it presses the hand to the chest.

    If a child with a serious fracture has to hold for a while in the cold, cover it with blankets and clothes. Put a blanket under it. Now it is not considered useful to warm the person in shock, using a lot of blankets and a heating pad.

    If the child can not move a damaged limb, or if it looks deformed, then probably it has a fracture of the bone or a dislocation.

    General recommendations of

    • When bleeding from a wound, it is first necessary to stop the blood.

    Do not attempt to put the bone yourself;it should be done only by a specialist.

    • Stay calm and keep your child warm while waiting for medical attention.

    • Do not feed or feed your baby - anaphylaxis may be required to reposition the fracture.

    • If the ambulance is already on the way, do nothing, in particular, try not to move the child.

    • If the doctor continues after a while or you need to move the baby, fix the limb in a comfortable position with a bandage or a tire.

    • As soon as you have given the first aid, call an ambulance or, if the child can be transported( as for example with a hand injury), take it to the emergency room of the nearest hospital.

    The tire is a solid support that fixes the damaged part of the body( usually the arm or leg) in order to reduce pain and the likelihood of more damage. In an emergency, you can make an improvised tire from household items - for example, from a brush handle or folded newspapers( see the picture).

    Securely tie the tire in at least two places and not too close to the damage site - it is better on both sides of it. Use wide ribbons or strips of fabric( rather than a rope or cord) and do not tie too tightly( under the bandage finger should pass through).


    A skeleton is a body skeleton consisting of 206 bones that serve as levers for muscles and create a counterweight to them, thereby providing movement. The skeleton is a rigid structure that supports and protects the body, surrounding and fencing vital organs in the head, chest and abdominal cavity. The skeleton of the newborn consists mainly of cartilage - soft, fibrous and elastic tissue, from which, together with the bones, a mature skeleton is formed.

    The structure of the bone

    The solid outer part of the bone consists of cells arranged in the form of thousands of cylinders, which help to evenly distribute the forces acting on the bone. In the bone marrow, located in the middle of the bone, the majority of leukocytes( white blood cells) and all red blood cells( red blood cells) are formed. In young children, all bones contain a hematopoietic bone marrow( in adults, the bone marrow functions only in the bones of the trunk).Bones contain salts, mainly calcium and phosphorus, which contribute to their strength and rigidity.

    How the bones develop

    In childhood, at certain stages of development, including the adolescent period, the cartilaginous tissue turns into bone, and then the skeleton is formed definitively.

    Bone is a living, but firm tissue that grows, develops and is renewed. Old bone cells are constantly dissolving, and new ones are formed in their place. In childhood, there is a continuous reconstruction of the skeleton and its consolidation. Tubular bones grow mainly in the region of the epiphysis, or in the "growth zone" of the bone. Trauma to this area can upset the growth. The development of healthy bones depends both on physical exercises, and on sufficient intake of vitamins( especially vitamin D), salts( primarily calcium) and protein.


    All movements of the body and internal organs are performed with the help of muscles. Muscles consist of thousands of individual fibers, which, when cutting, cause motion. There are two types of muscles: voluntary, performing the movements of the body itself, and involuntary movements of the internal organs( for example, the digestive tract, the muscles of which are rhythmically contracted to promote food).From the work of the muscle "blossom" - physical exercises improve their blood circulation, increase mass and increase work capacity. A child is born with certain instinctive reactions, which are called reflex movements. Gradually, as the central nervous system and muscles develop, they disappear, which allows the child to control his body more confidently.

    Neither the doctor, nor even the parents, can at first sight determine whether the bone is broken or not. You can only make an accurate diagnosis after examining the X-ray.

    In most fractures, the fragments of the injured bone are already arranged in such a way that the healing is normal and there is no need for any intervention and displacement. If the injured area is protected and is at rest, a tire or plaster bandage may not be imposed for several days.

    A fracture can occur in the immediate vicinity of the nerve or artery. If the damaged limb is cold, blue or swelling is visible, immediately seek help from a specialist!

    Fractures of the hip are most dangerous. Fortunately, such injuries are rare.

    If the injured child has turned pale, feels dizzy, thirsty and sweats profusely - these are the consequences of post-traumatic shock. In this case, a doctor's help is necessary.

    Some limb curvature, pain during movement is an obvious sign that a fracture occurred. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to take an X-ray. Damage to soft tissues( skin, muscles, fat layer, tendons) usually does not interfere with the movement of the limb.

    The baby's bones are younger and therefore more flexible and elastic than adults. In some cases, instead of breaking, the child's bone bends, and a crack forms in it. Such fractures are called cracks.

    Apply a cold compress to the injured area. This will help avoid excessive swelling and inflammation.

    If there is even the slightest suspicion that the bone is broken, the affected limb must be immobilized for 48 hours. To the broken bone was at rest as effectively as possible, it is necessary to immobilize the joint above and below the bone. For example, if there is a suspicion of a fracture of the forearm, the tire should be placed on the wrist and elbow. Do not tie the injured area too hard to squeeze blood vessels.

    If the pain does not pass within 48 hours, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor. Minutes and even hours of delay can affect the correct splicing of the fracture and have an undesirable effect on the nerves and arteries.

    If the injured limb is adequately protected and immobilized, the likelihood of a positive outcome is significantly increased, even if the tire or plaster bandage is not applied in time.

    As a rule, the doctor sends the victim to the X-ray. But sometimes the examination of the damaged place gives a complete picture of the injury.

    The doctor will then decide whether to hospitalize the child or impose a gypsum in the emergency room.

    For fractures of some types, such as, for example, a fracture of the elbow, it is necessary to connect the fragments surgically by means of special spokes.

    Depending on the degree of damage, bone fractures are divided into closed and open fractures. When open, the integrity of the skin is compromised. In this case, the vessels, nerves and soft tissues, such as cellulose and muscle, are damaged, pain appears, the fracture site swells and its configuration changes, normal movement becomes impossible. At the site of the fracture, usually a bone callus is formed, which ensures fusion. The timing of adhesion depends on the nature of the fracture, bone thickness and age.

    To make the healing process with closed fractures more successful and more quickly, massage and therapeutic gymnastics should be used.

    Do not apply massage with open fractures, because they are usually accompanied by a local and common infection.

    To accelerate healing with closed fractures, massage should be done 2-3 days after the fracture. If the massage is done at an early stage of fracture healing, the pain sensations will decrease significantly, the resorption of the hemorrhage in the fracture region will be much faster, the trophicity of the damaged tissues will improve, the time of the formation of the callus and the normal life of the injured limb will be reduced.

    You can massage the injured limb in a plaster bandage or when applying glue or skeletal( nail) traction.

    1. Reducing pain.

    2. Achieving more intense blood and lymph circulation.

    3. Reducing muscle tension.

    4. Acceleration of the process of tissue repair.

    5. Prevention of muscle atrophy.

    If the bones of the hand are broken, then massage should be done in the region of the upper thoracic and cervico-occipital parts, in the area of ​​the rootlets on the right and left. The zones of innervation of the spinal segments are 05-01, СЗ-С1.

    If the bones of the lower limb are broken, massage should be done in the area of ​​the lower thoracic and lumbosacral areas, the innervation zones D12-D11, L5-L1, S3-S1.After this, it is necessary to do massage of the intact limb and segments of the affected limb, on which a plaster bandage is not applied. With local injuries on the upper limbs, you should massage the upper back from the line connecting the lower corners of the scapula to the shoulder, where 1-2 strokes are used( rectilinear, alternating), 1-2 types of squeezing( palm base, palm ridge)and the circular movements used in the massage of the fascia of the trapezius muscle( a circular pincushion of the thumb, a circular pincushion of four fingers, a circular phalanx of bent fingers, a circular knee of the thumb).

    In the places where the roots are to be released, you need to apply the massage technique used for massage along the spinal column, - the rectilinear pads of the 2-3rd fingers, the effect on the gaps between the spinous processes.

    In this case, the zones of innervation of SZ-C2 should be massaged according to the method used in the massage of neck muscles and trapezius muscle-smoothing, squeezing, kneading( ordinary, double circular, circular with bent fingers) on one side, then on the other side. Along the spinal column on the neck apply rectilinear and circular kneading pads of the thumbs.

    When doing massage of an intact limb, you should use techniques and techniques according to the classical principle, ie, the shoulder joint, shoulder, forearm and hand.

    In the massage of the pectoral muscles, stroking, shaking and one or two kneading techniques are used at a slow pace.

    In case of fractures of the bones of the hand and fingers, massage is done in the following order: the muscles of the shoulder, forearms and places above the plaster bandage are massaged. Then, when the langet is removed, the tricks of stroking, rubbing and kneading the fingers of the hand are performed, the fingers of the fracture site are made vibration. As far as possible, active and passive movements must be used.

    If the forearm bones are broken, then the shoulder, the elbow joint, the places above and below the fracture, and also the brush are massaged. After the time when the callus gets stronger and the gypsum bandage is replaced with a removable langette, they begin to massage the forearm. It should be done in the following way: easy stroking and puncturing, then there are tricks and kneading.

    For fractures of the humerus, a massage of the forelegs and neck, forearm and hand is performed. After replacing the plaster bandage with removable gypsum langets, a shoulder massage is done, the fingers are used to vibrate the fracture site. At this stage, you can also do active and passive movements.

    It is recommended to massage for 10-15 minutes.

    In case of local injuries on the lower extremities, massage is done on the lower back, in the lumbar region, in the pelvic region, on a healthy limb, after which the segments are massaged above the fracture, limb sections located below the fracture site. After removing the gypsum massively directly affected area.

    Techniques for stroking and squeezing( 1-2 types) on the lower back are made from the iliac bones to the line connecting the angles of the blades.

    Cleansing techniques are used on the long back muscles from the sacrum to the lower angle of the scapula( circularly with the thumb pad, circularly with the phalanges of the bent fingers, circularly beak-shaped, "tongue-shaped").First on one, then on the other side.

    Techniques used for massage along the spinal column, straight-line stroking with 2-3-finger pads, effect on the gaps between the spinous processes.

    Techniques used on the lumbar spine are rectilinear stroking with the pincushion and the thigh bun, rubbing is circular with the thumb pad, circular with the pads of the four fingers, circular, beak-like, circular with the base of the palm, on one side and the other.

    Techniques used in the massage of the pelvic area and healthy limbs, are performed in accordance with the generally accepted methodology, their number should be somewhat reduced.

    If the foot bone fractures on the aching leg, you need to massage on the muscles of the thigh, knee joint, shin. Then, when the langet is removed, stroking, rubbing the foot, vibration of the fracture site is done.

    If the bones of the lower leg are broken, then a thigh massage is performed, and the areas above and below the fracture site are massaged. After a fracture of the bones of the forearm and lower leg takes a week, it is recommended to make a hole in the gypsum and massage with light vibration at the site of the fracture. You can carry out vibration with the help of the device, or simply with your fingers. When the gypsum is removed, the massage is done for the entire limb.

    In case of a hip fracture, it is necessary to do a chest massage and massage the abdominal muscles, and also massage above and below the fracture site, to pat and rub the patella. For fractures of the hip and shoulder, from the third week, vibration should be applied in the gypsum windows. When the plaster cast is removed, the massage is applied to the entire limb.

    Regardless of the place of fracture, it is always necessary to conduct therapeutic gymnastics for a healthy limb.

    Massage is necessary for residual bone fracture phenomena: retardation of bone callus formation, development of excessive callus, muscular atrophy, contracture, late edema.

    If muscle hypotrophy is observed, strong kneading techniques are used at a fast pace, shaking and quilting. Place the fracture should be massaged as follows: do zigzagging and spiral stroking( these stroking techniques less irritate the skin), hold gentle vibration, perform the techniques of shearing and stretching of soft tissues, soldered to the bone callus.

    In case the fusion of the fracture occurs slowly and there is a soft plastic corn, it is necessary to apply stroking, pressing, puncturing, percussion techniques. Of course, massage should not cause pain.

    Massage the place of fracture in a completely specific way: all receptions must be performed rhythmically, alternating them with breaks and stroking. In addition, several times a day to do self-massage in the form of effleurage of the fracture area with the pads of the fingers. During immobilization of the limb with a plaster bandage it is desirable to apply a vibrating massage through gypsum.

    Strong exposures to the fracture site should be avoided in the event of the formation of excessive callus, possibly even bypassing the site.

    To promote the healing of open fractures and the faster formation of bone calluses, it is necessary to do massage on the paravertebral zones of the back and intensive massage of healthy areas of the body.

    Massage will be most effective if it is used in combination with curative gymnastics.

    The optimal course of massage is 16 sessions. With a larger number of accustomed to the methods of massage, as a result, the response may be very weak or completely stop.

    If after the course there is residual stiffness, muscle contractures, etc., then after a two-week break one more course of procedures should be conducted.