  • Treating goiter with folk remedies

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    Goiter is a tumor-like enlargement of the thyroid gland, visible to the eye, accompanied in some cases by a disorder of its function and disorders of the general state of the body. Distinguish between endemic goiter and diffuse toxic goiter.

    When the gland for some reason gets sick, for example, from unsuitable water( without iodine) or from a stomach disease, it increases in volume. While it is small, there is no danger to life. It is easy to treat with iodine, for example, taking potassium iodide twice a day, starting from 0.1 and to 0.5 and then after weeks to two back to 0.1.Especially closely monitor the stomach and periodically clean it.

    Endemic goiter - an increase in the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency. Usually the disease is associated with living in a region where there is a shortage of iodine in foods, in the ground, in water.

    Perhaps, in addition to Primorye, all regions of Russia can be called iodine deficiency. Symptoms of the disease are similar to those in hypothyroidism: swelling of the neck of varying severity( from imperceptible changes to the "thick" neck, when the volume of the neck can increase almost 2 times), memory loss, concentration of attention, fragility of nails, dry skin and hair andother

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    Symptoms: enlargement of the thyroid in the form of goiter, increased irritability, sharp mood swings.

    A characteristic sign of the disease is bluecloss.

    What's going on? Endemic goiter occurs in people living in mountainous areas, and the cause of its appearance may be a decrease in the secretion of thyroid hormone due to a lack of iodine in the body.

    Diffuse toxic goiter, or Graves' disease, is a disease caused by an increased function of the thyroid gland, releasing an excessive amount of hormones into the blood. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland leads to a violation of metabolism in the body, growth, to mental disorders.

    What does do? Treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland should be performed by a doctor. In case of Graves' disease, smoking and drinking alcohol are unacceptable.

    Recipes. For prevention and treatment of goiter folk medicine recommends:

    • eat ripe apples, chokeberry, lemons and oranges, sea kale;

    • drink fresh juice motherwort( 40 drops 3 times a day) or tincture of motherwort( 20 drops 3 times a day);

    • wear necklaces made of natural raw yellow amber;

    • eat fresh sea fish;

    • Avoid neck strain.

    Severe goiter is very useful for sea air, saturated with iodine, therefore, for the treatment of the disease it is recommended to spend a holiday by the sea, and if possible - to move to the sea.

    1. Licorice root bare - 20 g, root of madder dyeing - 40 g.

    One tablespoon of collection for a glass of boiling water. Take 1-2 cups of decoction in the morning.

    2. Treatment of goiter ( enlargement of the thyroid gland).Continually use fresh sea fish, it is even better to settle by the sea, so that iodine enters the body not only with fish, but also with bathing, with sea air.

    After 5 years of this treatment goiter usually passes.

    Modern endocrinologists treat diseases of the thyroid gland by surgical and therapeutic methods.

    Traditional medicine recommends for the sick to wear on the neck a short string of amber amber. Russian doctors of the end of XIX treated the thyroid gland with iodine appliqués. This method can be called figuratively "iodine massage."

    Signal for applying the prescription of Russian healers will be corns on the outer edges of the big toes

    - signs of a violation in the work of the thyroid gland. But the calluses indicate only bad things, and it is possible to specify in what direction the balance is balanced, according to such symptoms.

    Skin is thin, moist, elastic - means, the basic exchange is sharply increased. People are lean, slim, but with accelerated metabolism and decay processes are accelerated, hence the sweating, frequent diarrhea, elevated body temperature. And the processes of assimilation of the necessary substances are slowed down. Therefore, even with excellent food, everything burns for nothing. Hence the heart palpitations are tachycardia. The patients weaken, become irritable, quick-tempered, touchy, conflicting.

    Patients with a deficiency of thyroxine in the blood have dry skin, wrinkled, nails crumble, hair breaking, abundantly drop out. They have weakened sight, hearing, memory.

    For the treatment of endemic goiter is shown the constant wearing of amber beads( directly near the neck), as well as other ornaments from amber( earrings, rings, etc.).


    1/2 cup boiled sea kale, 70-80 grams of squid meat, 2 pickles, 2 boiled potatoes, 1 boiled beetroot, 1 boiled carrot, 2 pickled plums, 1/2 cup of mayonnaise, greens, salt,pepper to taste.

    Method of preparation.

    Ingredients finely chop, combine, mix thoroughly, season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs, salt, pepper.


    200 g of lentils, 1 medium sized bulb, 3 tbsp.spoons of finely chopped celery, 1 carrot, 1 strip of kelp, sea salt to taste.

    Method of preparation.

    Put a layer of laminaria, finely chopped onions, celery, grated carrots and lentils on the bottom of the enameled pot. All pour water to a level to cover the vegetables. Place the dishes on a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook until ready( 40-60 minutes), if necessary, adding water to the pan.10-15 minutes before the dish is ready to salt.


    200 grams of rice, 1 strip of kelp, 2 drops of sesame oil, sea salt to taste, 0.5 liters of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Rice thoroughly rinse, pour water and cook in enameled dishes. Add salt to taste, butter and sliced ​​laminaria. Ready to cook the dish for 5-7 minutes.


    1/2 cup boiled sea kale, 1/2 cup white cabbage, 2 fresh apples, 3 tuber boiled potatoes, 1 boiled beet, 1 medium sized onion, 3 tablespoons.spoons of vegetable oil, salt, pepper to taste.

    Method of preparation.

    All the ingredients cut, join, season with oil, salt, pepper.


    1 cup boiled sea kale, 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 fresh apples, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 1/2 cup sour cream or sauce, greens, salt, pepper to taste.

    Method of preparation.

    All the ingredients cut into small pieces, mix thoroughly, season with sour cream or sauce, salt, pepper.


    1/2 cup boiled sea kale, 150 g white cabbage, 1 withered apple, 1 bell pepper, 1 fresh carrot, 1/2 small onion, 2 tbsp.spoons of vegetable oil, salt, pepper to taste.

    Method of preparation.

    All the ingredients are cut, combined, seasoned with oil, salt and pepper.


    1/2 cup boiled sea kale, 1/2 cup sauerkraut, 150 grams of boiled meat, 1 boiled beetroot, 1 boiled egg, 2 boiled potato tubers, 1 boiled medium-sized carrot, 2 pickles, 2 tbsp.spoons of pickled cranberries, mayonnaise, greens, salt, pepper to taste.

    Method of preparation.

    All the ingredients( except cranberries) cut, combine, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Sprinkle the prepared dish with herbs.


    1/2 cup boiled sea kale, 1/2 cup sauerkraut, 50 grams of boiled beef, 30 grams of sausage, 2 pickles, 2 salted tomatoes, 1 medium sized onion, 1 boiled carrots, 2 teaspoons of butter, 2 tbsp.spoons of tomato paste, greens, salt, pepper to taste.

    Method of preparation.

    Sauerkraut to fry in butter, add chopped sea kale, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, meat, sausage, add tomato paste.

    Mix thoroughly and cook until ready. Finished dish sprinkle with herbs, salt, pepper.


    for 1 tbsp.a spoonful of feijoa and sugar.

    Method of preparation.

    Fruits of feijoa thoroughly grind( you can pass through a meat grinder) and mix thoroughly with sugar.

    How to use.

    The mixture is taken at 3-4 st.spoon once a day( morning) for 20-30 minutes before meals.

    1. Wear a yellow thread around the neck of the current amber, which prevents the appearance of goiter.

    2. Wipe the neck and goiter daily with oak bark or at least dry, but soaked. Such a bark can simply be tied to the neck and worn to reduce the goiter.

    3. To drink the decoction of the grass zombnik, is otherwise called in the people "kartovochnaya grass", it grows in deserted places. It should take 2-3 pinches of dry grass on a glass of water, a day to drink a cup.

    4. If the goiter is avoided, the neck strain should be avoided, and the women of

    should follow the menstruation, as their delay leads to a worsening of the disease.

    The hereditary Russian healer PM Kurennoy recommends:

    The way to treat goiter without surgery

    If the goiter is already very large, the owner of his first duty should settle for permanent residence somewhere on the beach. Necessarily, either the patient himself or his close relatives have little to do with amateur fishing and catch sea fish, which contains a huge amount of iodine. The patient should eat this fish daily as a soup, so boiled and fried. One indispensable condition: the fish should be fresh. If the fish lay more than forty-eight hours after catching, it should be thrown away, because the healing qualities of such fish are considered to have disappeared.

    People who get rid of goiter with this method of treatment, firmly insist that the fish is caught either by the patient himself or by his family members, because the fish traders almost never sell quite fresh fish.

    After five years of this treatment, sometimes goiter disappears completely. As for the goiter in the initial stage, it is cured extremely quickly. It is curious that the goiter, once cured in this way, does not return even if after the treatment the patient does not at all eat sea fish for several years. In China, from time immemorial, goiter is treated with seaweed, because they are rich in iodine.

    Recipes from different znacharian books

    1. In folk medicine of Belarus, the broth of black currant flowers is drunk in goiter.

    2. Other sources report that the juice of fresh grass jerboa prickly treated goiter. The daily dose is a juice of 10 g of the plant. Only use fresh juice.

    3. Potatoes( root crop). Crude potatoes contain easily digestible sugars, which when cooked turn into starch. Persons suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, as well as prone to sexual arousal, should not eat potatoes.

    The juice of raw potatoes cleans the entire body well.

    With carrot juice and celery juice it is good for digestive disorders, nervous disorders, for example, in sciatica and goiter. In these cases, daily consumption of 500 ml of carrot, cucumber, beetroot and potato juice, as a rule, gives a positive result in a short period, provided that meat and fish products are excluded from the diet.

    4. Oak is an ordinary oak( bark).

    2 tablespoons of bark pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, drain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes.before meals.

    For external tumors and goiter, apply compresses. There are no contraindications.

    5. More products containing iodine: marine fish, seaweed ( especially sea kale).

    6. The celandine of the celandine is abundantly lubricating the striae outside. Tibetan medicine recommends in goiter:

    6. One teaspoon of honey per tongue, one teaspoon of seaweed on the tongue, boiled with boiled water or infusion of mint, nettle, dog rose, linden, St. John's wort, chamomile. Try to drink tea herbal( 1 item spoonful for 1 glass of water).And to place the disease with decoction of oak bark. Compress is best done in spring, when the bark is with fresh sap flow. Wear bark before drying, then remove and repeat again.

    7. Alcohol tincture from thin partitions walnut. Take 1 tbsp.spoon once a day.

    8. 15 g motherwort herb infuse 2 hours in 1 tbsp.boiling water in a sealed vessel, drain. Take 1 tbsp.spoon 3-5 times in the day.