  • Sowing in open ground

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    Many vegetables are sown directly into the soil, using ordinary or sometimes nesting. To obtain the maximum yield, each plant must be provided with sufficient area of ​​nutrition and lighting.

    Ordinary sowing is used for growing vegetables both on a flat surface and on beds or ridges. The rows need to be arranged so as to facilitate care, with minimal loss of area in the aisles. On the ridges, for ease of care, the rows are made transversely. Sowing is usually done manually. Rows of

    are marked with a string or marker. They make shallow grooves along them, using a peg or a hoe. The depth of the groove and seeding depends on the size of the seed that is sown. Very small seeds can be mixed with a lot of dry sand and sown from a bottle. The sown grooves with the underside of the rake are covered with earth and gently tamped. When sowing seeds that germinate slowly, it is advisable to mix seeds of plants with them, which quickly give seedlings. Thus, the rows are designated earlier, which allows earlier to begin weeding in the aisles.

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    Various ways of sowing seeds in open ground

    1. Ezhiadovy sowing.

    2. Wide-row seeding.3 - Nesting

    Plants that require a larger area at the end of vegetation, for example beans, pumpkin, zucchini, seed in a nested way. Along the intended line of inoculation at equal distances from each other pits are made, seed is placed in them, covering them with earth, which is slightly compacted. After the emergence of sprouting, remove excess plants in the nest.

    Schemes for the location of crops

    The layouts and calculation of the required area of ​​food are determined by the characteristics of the crops and the degree of soil fertility. When is an ordinary scheme, the width between the rows, depending on the biology of the crop, can vary from 15( pea, onion) to 140 cm( pumpkin).

    To save space in the rows, the plants are thickened somewhat, and the rows are doubled, - tape crops are produced: two-, three-, five-row( table root crops).With , the stripe pattern is sown with a strip of 50-90 cm, where the rows are made 6-8-10 cm. They are suitable mainly for small-seed cultures( onions, radish, lettuce, spinach, dill), which allows to increase the number of plants on one andof the same area.

    With square and square-socket circuits , plants are planted according to the 70 x 70 scheme, one or several plants in the nest.

    For cold-resistant crops, is used for sub-winter crops. When the temperature drops steadily to 2-3 ° C in late October - early November), we begin winter crops of carrots, beets, parsley, lettuce, spinach, parsnip, cucumber, katran and other cold-resistant crops. These crops are sown in such a way that the seeds do not have time to grow up in autumn. For podzimnih crops need to select varieties that are resistant to rifling. For sub-winter crops of dill, spinach, lettuce, cucumber grass and katran, any sorts are suitable.

    Seeds are covered with sand or a previously prepared unfrozen soil mixture is smaller than in spring sowing, by 0.5-1 cm, but the seeding rate is increased by 20-25 %. Podzimnie sowings mulch trade or compost with a layer of up to 5 cm thick. In spring, for sub-winter crops, the same care is required as for spring crops, but it should be noted that winter carrots are not suitable for long-term storage.

    Varieties for sub-sowing

    Beets - Sub-A-4 74, Cold-resistant 19.

    Carrots - Nantes 4.

    Parsley - Ordinary sheet.

    When cultivating a number of early-ripening green vegetable crops, so-called re-crops are practiced. Radish, turnips, parsley, dill, spinach, lettuce, onions on a green feather for use in the late-autumn period are sown on the potato, radish and other crops that have been released after the early potatoes, radish and other crops. Select crops for re-sowing, taking into account the absence of common diseases and pests in predecessors, adhering to the correct alternation of cultures. First remove the plant remains, weed and finely loosen the ground, make ash( 150-200 g / m2), level the top layer of soil and sow. In dry weather, beds are pre-watered. Cultures are sown by continuous sowing or multiline ribbons( 6-10 lines 10 cm apart).After sowing, the beds are rolled to ensure good contact with the soil. In dry weather, the crops are watered and covered with foil to obtain amicable shoots. By harvesting greens proceed when the plants grow to a height of 15-20 cm.