  • "Notion" and the independent play of children

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    Of course, you should not flatter yourself, in usual conditions preschool children independently, without an adult, will not play the "notion", but we did not set such a goal. After all, before the adult was another task - to teach the child to freely operate with plot events and in coordination with the partner to build them in sequence( jointly build the plot).But the experience that children have acquired in this game with an adult will have a significant impact on their individual self-study, on a joint game with their peers.

    First of all, watching now for the independent play of the child, you will see that it becomes more interesting, more diverse. Plots of the game cease to be stereotyped, stereotyped. This applies to all types of plot game, which were discussed at the beginning of the chapter( role-playing, directing, fantasy-game).

    Experience of fantasy, inventing is transferred to other types of children's activities, related to the development of creative design - drawing, modeling, free design, storytelling.

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    As a result of the joint development with an adult, the opportunities for a child's speech communication also develop, the ability to take into account another person's communication, it is coherent, it is understandable for another to talk about something( about an event, an incident, a cartoon, etc.).

    But most of all, this game with an adult has an impact on the independent joint play of children. At home, where the child mostly plays alone, it is difficult for parents to observe this effect, so we turn to the game of children in kindergarten.

    6 kindergarten children 5-6 years with no less pleasure than at home, play with an adult in the "notion."This is even more interesting, since we play three together, or even four( with 2-3 children at once).Three participants - three designs, and the stories each time turn out different and interesting.

    If right after the "notion" an adult gives children the conditions for independent activity, it turns out that the invented plot becomes, as it were, the framework, the general program of their game. He lays down in its basis, and along the way it is supplemented, changes.

    If immediately after the game in the "notion" the conditions for independent play do not add up( children go for a walk, have lunch, etc.), "transforming subjects" gradually accumulate, something is forgotten, mixed up. But the children once again came together to play in the "notion", and the adult says that he now has no time, let them play alone, as they want. In such cases, the independent play of children in the "notion" may arise. Before starting to play "really", they say: "Let's first come up with."Of course, their independent thinking does not flow as smoothly as with an adult: shorter stories, the sequence of "moves" is not so clearly observed, more disputes. But the main thing here is that co-inventing becomes a kind of preliminary planning of the plot of the game, not imposed from the outside, but on children's own initiative.

    The very same joint game( already with toys, subject actions, roles) is much more complicated than before. Prior to coming up with an adult, children playing together, unfolded the plot of the game each in itself, did not really understand the partner's plan, often did not explain the introduced story events, and if acted in a coordinated manner, then within the "played", many times repeated plot, with 2-3 consecutive events.

    After the "notion" the content of the game became more diverse, the uncoordinated subjects of the participants disappeared, the general story began to include up to 5-7 consecutive events. The explaining speech intensified, and interestingly, the "effective" game was often interspersed with "inventing"( i.e., incidentally turned into a purely speech plan), during which the next plot events were proposed and discussed.

    In other words, children began not only to "absorb" a variety of content in the game, freely operating with separate events, highlighting them, but also to plan and coordinate plot ideas during the game and even before it. Transition to planning activities( especially joint) is very important for preparing a child for school, in general is an important indicator of the development of the child.

    But these are all the external aspects of the game, but has it changed in fact - was it the "inventing", ie, the desire for creativity, the internal characteristic of the game? It seems that this is so, and the evidence for this is the behavior of children in the following situations:

    Our 6-year-olds in groups of 4 people were invited to play in the laboratory room( some of the groups were made up of children who played with the adult in the "notion", some from the non-winners).All of them have been here many times and enjoyed playing with pleasure.

    However, entering this time in the room, the children found that all the toys had disappeared, the room is nothing more than a few children's tables, chairs, and in the corner sits a strange aunt and immersed in the paper, he writes something. The experimenter( with whom the children were well acquainted), leading the children to the door, explained that he had to go to the phone, and suggested that the children stay alone for a while. The experimenter disappeared before the children discovered the absence of toys, and an unknown aunt in the corner could not explain anything about this.

    The experimenter was absent for ten minutes. During this time, you could get bored( if you do not know how you can be interesting to play without toys).

    This happened to many children in groups that did not go through the game in the "notion".They "stick" to the window, trying to find entertainment in the events taking place in the street, occasionally exchanged remarks about run a cat, a wet roof, and so on. N. They tried to strike up a conversation with her aunt, sitting in the corner, but it is referring to employment, notentered into communication. Sometimes there were attempts to develop a mobile game, but it quickly stopped, because the room was too small for such activities. In general, the arrival of the experimenter boredom reached its apogee, and the children, finding out that there will not be toys today( they are washed and put in order), went without regret to their group room.

    Quite differently, children behaved in the same way that they got experience of playing the "notion" with an adult. Just pudivlyavshis a little where the toys have disappeared, they began to grope for the possibilities of the game and in such conditions. Originally arose active brute fact, which involved all the children of the group: "Let's fairies", "Let's at school," "So interesting, let's come up with. ..", "And let the beasts in the school. .." Focusing onthe most attractive for all( someone already playing space outlined: "There was a board", someone said the role: "I had a teacher"), the children began to implement it within a role behavior, attracting all possible means to non-objective game action- facial expressions, visual actions, intonations. The plot unfolded very dynamically, different events were simply described by participants or played through role dialogues, as there was no possibility of "getting stuck" in manipulating toys. The arrival of the experimenter, interrupting the game, caused children more regret than joy, as in the previous groups.

    The development of children by the new way of building a game( storyline) has led to the expansion of the motivation of the game: to play for these children is not only to act with toys, reproduce these actions, but also to invent.

    So, promoting the development of a child playing in the "notion" benefit and adults spent not much time to play with the baby, he can win a lot more on the fact that the child is now able to take himself himself and these activities are meaningful.