  • In education, you need to know the extent of

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    The development of the child goes the more successfully, the more consciously the attitude of the parents towards their upbringing. Parents of the child visiting the preschool, close contact with caregivers will help at home to continue and consolidate what he is taught there. If the child is brought up at home, parents should prepare themselves: to look through the relevant literature, get acquainted in advance with the books that will be read to the son or daughter, listen to music intended for children, purchase pictures for coloring, etc. The necessary amount of knowledge on raising the children of preschoolage and care for them can be obtained in public universities for parents organized at children's preschool institutions and children's polyclinics.

    In the process of education it is better to celebrate any achievement of the child, encourage him to caress, smile, approving word, and not to pull back, make remarks if he did something wrong. For a baby, it is important to have a sense of success, it helps to believe in yourself and strive for more. However, it must always be considered that pampering relaxes, severity suppresses and hardens. Requirements that the child can not fulfill, cause in him feelings of helplessness, impotence and bitterness towards parents.

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    In education, as in everything, you need to know the measure. You can not manage the child's behavior too much, constantly correct him, instruct him, suggest to him, since the child will not learn to make decisions himself. Especially harmful is the inconstancy of parents in educational activities, when they do not pay attention to the child at all, then under the influence of some of his misdemeanors, they begin to "instill" the child non-stop. A brutal cry, a harsh tone, orders cause children to protest. And although young children usually forget easily and forgive their grievances easily, one should try not to abuse it. And the first thing that parents should do is to reconsider their home life and way of life, their habits, and the style of relationships in the family. A child needs a calm benevolent psychological climate. Quarrels, squabbles in his presence contribute to the emergence of neurotic states that adversely affect the protective forces of the body. Smoking of parents and their abuse of alcohol are very harmful to the development and health of the child. It is well known that children with smoking fathers and mothers have respiratory diseases much more often. Quitting smoking is a great benefit not only for parents, but also for their children. Harmful influence on children of abuse of parents by alcoholic beverages is even difficult to measure. In a family where one of the parents, and even more so, both suffer from alcoholism, there is never a calm benevolent situation that traumatizes the child's psyche. Children growing up in such families are always depressed, frightened, painfully worried about their parents' drunkenness, especially since they are practically always deprived of proper care, healthy diet and other necessary parental concerns. Constant nervous tension leads to the child's childish nervousness, lowers memory, causes night fears, stuttering, promotes rapid fatigue. Heavy "drunken life" adversely affects not only health, but also the upbringing of children. They often grow weak, tearful, inattentive, in their character manifest the features of cruelty, injustice, lies, rudeness, witnessed by them in the family. But after becoming a parent, a person takes on a great and very important responsibility - to bring up a new full-fledged citizen. Turning to his parents, FE Dzerzhinsky wrote: "A huge task is before you: to educate and form the souls of your children. Be zorki! For the guilt or punishment of children falls heavily on the head and conscience of the parents. "