  • Dynamic gymnastics

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    Dynamic gymnastics( DG) provides parents with an effective tool for solving a wide range of tasks related to the child's physical development. It is a powerful tool for correcting a number of abnormalities, such as hypertonus and gi-pernus, various asymmetries, clubfoot, torticollis, etc. Some exercises activate intestinal peristalsis, help with constipation, relieve the intestines of gases.

    In general, DG is applicable to one degree or another almost everywhere, where various types of massage are practiced, and in many cases not inferior to them in efficiency. At the same time, it is not designed for professionals, but for parents, it is easy to master and, becoming an element of lifestyle, allows you to work constantly and fully with the baby.

    In terms of physical development of the child DG is very versatile. With its help, not only effective training of the musculoskeletal system is achieved, but it also has a beneficial effect on all body systems. High energy consumption of the child during the exercise activates the metabolic processes, stimulate the work of internal organs. DG exercises develop coordination of movements and vestibular apparatus, which contributes to mental development. Also important is the role of DW in the prevention of childhood injuries, as it significantly strengthens the joints and develops in the child the ability to respond adequately to the body in a traumatic situation.

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    DG perfectly combined with hardening procedures. During the lessons the child is usually naked, and if the exercises are done on the street, then the sun's rays can also be received at the same time. When performing exercises in cold air, cold exposure can be much larger than usual, which contributes to the development of a more powerful thermoadaptation reaction.

    During the exercises, the child experiences a multitude of diverse sensations, his nervous system is loaded with a stream of signals necessary to coordinate the work of all the body systems in conditions of high and rapidly changing loads. Constantly stimulated by its motor reflexes, the reactions to various external influences are fixed and trained. This sensory loading perfectly strengthens and stimulates the development of the entire nervous system.

    Carrying out the exercises is possible in such a way that they will soothingly act on the baby's nervous system, promote fast and deep relaxation. Or, on the contrary, it is possible to stir up, to activate too flaccid, "braked" child.

    Possessing great opportunities for the child, DG is not a closed, self-sufficient system. It is perfectly combined with other health and development activities - aquatening, hardening, massage, with almost any kind of active work with the baby. Depending on the personal inclinations of parents and the characteristics of the child, the emphasis is always shifted in one direction or another.

    The results from the DG sessions ultimately depend on the degree of mutual understanding between the parents and the child. The development of DG begins with the establishment of this mutual understanding, which occurs at the level of sensations. Only when the parent deeply feels the state of the baby, his mood, desire to deal with, those problems that are at the moment most relevant, one can count on the child's full confidence in his actions, and also to make the child understand what is happening with him.

    Based on the knowledge of the general development and state of the child, the most urgent problems that require attention, parents determine the course of the activity, its goals, place the necessary accents, closely following the child's reactions, changes in his condition and, of course,work. Parents also need to remember that all the nuances of their condition will be sensitively caught by the baby and will certainly affect his reactions and the course of the activity.

    First of all, it is necessary to convince the kid that all actions performed with him are completely safe. It is necessary to eliminate that suspicion towards DG, which is an expression of his instinct for self-preservation, to "open" the child to employment. Fear, mistrust of parents' actions is the first obstacle to establishing contact. Because of this, the element of dialogue completely disappears, the gymnastics reduces only to physical training, the adequacy of the performed exercises to the development and condition of the baby is easily violated.

    Next, you need to awaken the child's interest in pursuits, the perception of DG as a game, fun, exciting, diverse, play it, perhaps sometimes difficult, but always cool. And all the difficulties in this game are temporary, if something is not possible now, it will be in the future.

    The child should feel the state of dialogue with the parent, be the partner in communication, and not the object of parental influence. It's bad when a child takes lessons as an inevitable procedure, and parents as a kind of element, the manifestations of which.driving is completely impossible. This leads to loss of contact between the child and the parent, reduces classes to training, which the child only stoically tolerates, even, it would seem, with a benevolent mood. In this case, the absence of negative reactions of the baby is not a criterion for the correctness of the actions of the parents - the learned experience tells him that all this can be experienced, that all this will soon end. At the same time, the child learns a stereotype of the inability to influence the situation by his reactions. This attitude to the DG introduces the child into a hindered, indifferent state, leading to depression and passivity. In this case, there are cases when the child will patiently endure even those actions of parents that exceed his capabilities.

    The kid should get confidence that all his reactions expressing attitudes to the occupation, caused by the feelings and feelings experienced by him, are sensitively caught by the parents and taken into consideration, that is, in other words, the situation is to some extent manageable. The account of reactions should not be understood as an instant cessation of employment at the slightest displeasure from the child. Such displeasure is sometimes inevitable, especially in the initial stages. But it is important to "respond" to the reaction in some way - to change the exercise, to go for a massage, just to press the baby to yourself and calm, etc. With experience, parents develop options for such responses, which eventually overcome the difficulties that arise.

    Solve all of the above tasks, acquire the necessary skills, introduce the child from the first days into the world of various movements, sensations and experiences, without exposing him to danger and not giving him troubles due to lack of ability of parents, incompleteness of their sensations and knowledge about the child, DG as an evolutionary system. This is expressed in the fact that any exercise, any particular movement is a continuation and development of the movement of a simpler, less intense and more acceptable for the parents and the child. Beginning the development of DG from completely neutral influences on the child, we, as far as practical skills and confidence increase, as soon as the child becomes accustomed and develop, can move smoothly, without jumps, to any arbitrarily complex movements.

    In the process of development and complication of movements, it is advisable to follow the following general considerations:

    1. Never do what you do not know for yourself, what is not yet fully understood, is not mastered practically, what is at least the slightest danger;

    2. Do not overpower the active protest, the resistance of the child to build loads and complicate movements. With such resistance, it is advisable to linger on the achieved, and sometimes even temporarily, descend to a lower level. There must always be a sense of ordinary, "normal" occupation.

    3. If you comply with all these restrictions, always try to go to the upper level of your and the child's capabilities, do the work as diverse as possible, introduce as many variations as possible, develop them.

    Mastering DG begins with a touch to the child, that is, with a suggestion that he communicate in the language most understandable to him. Soon after feeding, when the baby is awake, calm, when it is located to the contact, you need to open it, put it on your back and cover it with your palms. Since in the early days, many children are frightened of the movements of their own hands and feet, it is advisable to bring the arms and legs of the baby to the body, giving it a pose similar to the intrauterine. It is necessary to ensure that the hands covering the baby are relaxed, warm, the touch should be confident, firm, but gentle. The kid should perceive this touch not as an external irritant, a source of anxiety, but as a manifestation of love, concern for him, protection, warmth and tranquility. Hands well before this rub one against another to the sensation of warmth, which will make their touch for the child more pleasant, and also increase their sensitivity.

    Imagine that your hands merge with the body of the baby, you become one, there are no barriers between you and obstacles in mutual understanding. Do this every time before starting the exercises and very soon you will feel this interpenetration real. From this moment it is possible to talk about DG as a means of purposeful communication, as a dialogue between a parent and a child.

    If there is no sensation of contact, if the touch is annoying to the child, it bothers him if he starts to cry, strains, pulls the pens, pushes the legs - of course, the attempt to get in touch can not be called successful. It is necessary to think what is preventing your contact. Perhaps the very condition of the child is unfavorable for any external influences, maybe for him at the moment something else is actual( hunger, fatigue, filled intestines, etc.).However, more often the cause of failure is the state or nature of the adult's actions. It can be fear, self-doubt, fear of harming the child, stiffness, readiness to pull back at any time without understanding the response.

    Another situation is possible: the parent "knows too well" what he is doing, immediately offering the child a certain program, in the expediency of which he is deeply convinced and expects that the child should - and should - take this program and appreciate it. The introductory part is considered as an insignificant formality, which can be omitted. In this case, the parent's thoughts are focused not on the child, but on the development processes, on the desire to get maximum results in the shortest possible time. Accordingly, the actions acquire a character intrusive, assertive and even rude, causing a child to protest.

    Having understood the reasons for the failure, try to eliminate them. In this case, there should not be a sense of failure, since these difficulties are quite natural and surmountable.

    So, the initial contact with the baby in touch is achieved. Touch gradually turns into stroking in all directions, from general to individual parts of the body. Then, together with stroking, we try to move it with handles, legs, feeling the degree of their mobility, tone, strength. We learn to relax, to harmonize our own movements with the movements of the child. First we follow his movements, then try to control them. Management, the proposal of some of their movements is not a rigid, mechanical nature, but is coordinated with the child's own movements: those that correspond to our desires, we simply support, and others smoothly transfer into a new channel, but so that the baby does not feelresistance to their movements. So gradually the child's attention switches to the actions that are offered to him.

    These movements can be very diverse. For pens, this can be a crossing on the chest or dilution to the sides( further - stretching), circular movements with straight arms, bending at the elbows, stretching the arms upwards overhead, etc. Similarly for the legs. Taking a child's hand in one hand, in the other - his feet, we will get the opportunity to work simultaneously with hands and feet. Gently stroking the baby's head, we can insert our palm under the back of the head. Continuing to stroke it with the other hand, you can start moving the head in different directions, giving a load on the neck. The increase in the amplitude of motion is gradual and smooth.

    At this stage, there is no reason to give preference to one movement in front of others, since the main task is to establish contact. But still the most promising are those movements, the development of which will allow the baby to be placed in the position of the vises. This is pulling at yourself by the handles and the legs, lifting the head behind the back of the head. However, one should not focus on these movements.

    Taking the child by the hands, putting his thumbs in his palm and feeling how he squeezed them, we begin to sip him by the handles, holding the back of his hands with his index fingers, increasing the duration of movement and trying to lift the child by the hands. And so on until he freely hangs, held by the hands. It is important that the holding hands do not constrain movements in the wrist joints. It is desirable that the baby was facing the parent. Then you can select 6 elementary movements: rocking back and forth, from side to side, up and down, small turns around the vertical axis, the development of handles to the sides, partial transfer of weight from one hand to the other.

    Gradually increasing the amplitudes of these simple movements, we get 6 separate exercises:

    1. "Cross".Handles of the child are vigorously diverted to the sides, the body of it is fed upwards. When the handles return to their original position, the baby returns to the hanging.

    2. "Spring".After giving the body of the child some acceleration upward, we bend his relaxed handles at the elbows and the oncoming movement down and slightly sideways lower his elbows to the level of the thorax, keeping the forearms vertical. In the second phase of the exercise, the child's body is lowered into the original hanging. It is important to perform this exercise smoothly, without jerking.

    3. "Pendulum", or "short swings".With increasing weight transfer from one hand to the other, the baby begins to swing in the direction toward which the load takes place, making pendulum movements.

    4. "Monkey", or "long rocking".When the amplitude of the rocking increases from side to side, the uniformity of the loading of the handles is lost, and the hand on the side opposite to the deflection of the child's body turns out to be more loaded. The body of the child is swinging at the same time, always keeping the vertical position.

    5. Turns of the child around the vertical axis with increasing volume of motion go into rotation, and accompanied by carrying weight on one hand - in rotation in one hand.

    6. Swaying forward-backward with increasing amplitude of elementary movement go into motion with horizontal at extreme points positions. The adult's hands gradually straighten and stretch forward.

    Further increase in the amplitude of movements in some of the exercises described gives a number of new, more complex exercises:

    "Casts".The amplitude of the "pendulum" increases so much that the baby's legs are above his head. In this position, the adult's hand, weighted by the weight of the child, approaches, and the other hand moves away from the chest, the forearms cross over and the baby's body is thrown across the arm from the outside and falls over the abdomen across the forearm. Then you should return to the original hanging and cast in the other direction.

    "Side scrolls".When the child's body is in a horizontal position and the arms are extended up and down almost vertically when the pendulum is executed, the elbow of the adult's "upper" arm rises, and the child's legs are swinging between the hands of the parent. When the scrolling is completed in full, you can lower your upper hand and raise the lower one, bring the child's body to a symmetrical position and make a reverse movement in the other direction, while naturally continuing to scroll.

    "Direct scrolling".We increase the amplitude of swinging back and forth until the kid does not perform a back flip between the hands of the parent. In the final phase, you need to deploy your wrists, reducing the twisting load on the baby's handles. Return to the starting position is carried out either by releasing one of the child's handles, or by reverse movement. This exercise must first be mastered together, when the partner slowly spends the child along the entire trajectory. Then fixing in the intermediate position, resting the baby's legs in his chest.

    "Upset".Increase the amplitude of rocking back and forth in such a way that, as a result, the child moves over the head of the parent in a broad movement and falls behind his back. At the same time, the child at the top point is completely losing speed. In the second semicircle, the parent extinguishes the speed of the fall, achieving a soft descent to the vertical position behind the back. To protect the child from hitting the back, the parent should bend over, slightly bending the knees. Return to the starting position is carried out either by reverse movement, or over the shoulder.

    "The sun".This exercise grows from "long swings" when increasing the amplitude leads to a full circular movement in the frontal plane.

    Carousel. This is another variant of the development of "long swaying", when the increase in amplitude "leads" the movement backward, translating first into peculiar "overlaps", and then into a full horizontal circle described by the child's body around the adult( the adult's hands are carried overhead).

    This series of exercises, as is easy to see, is aimed mainly at developing the muscles and joints of the child's arms and shoulder girdle, it also affects the respiratory and cardiovascular system and the vestibular apparatus. Exercise "casting" gives a massage of the abdomen and helps well with problems with digestion.

    Taking the child in a face from himself, you can perform the same movements, getting similar, but somewhat different in the nature of the exercise load.

    In general, most of the exercises fit into a fairly simple to remember scheme, allowing you to select exercises. This is a table whose "columns" are different grips, and "strings" are so-called basic motions. This serves as the basis for the DG structure. The exercises described above fill one column in the table of "double grips".The name of this column is "grab for the handles facing you," and the row names correspond to the names of the exercises. The next column is "grab by the hand from the face".

    Some exercises do not fit into this table. For example, the following two movements.

    "Side scrolling".When it is executed, the child's body moves in the same way as in the grip "facing you" - makes the "somersault" back, so the legs, moving their toes forward, pass in a circle from below upwards and upwards to the adult's chest, with the plane of this circle somewhattilted to the side.

    "Direct scrolling" is also performed in the direction of the child's toes with a forwards-upward and a parent down. Intermediate exercise that allows you to master the direct scrolling is to throw the child in order to catch his legs with his own hands - forefingers and thumbs( "half-scrolling").The child's handles cover the middle fingers of the parent.

    The next pair of grips, in which the 12 basic motions described above are performed, are grasping the legs towards yourself and your face.

    In the face on the legs, the child is brought from the lying position on the back. The preparatory stage - stroking, sipping, lifting - goes in parallel with similar exercises with the baby's handles. As a rule, children( and parents) learn about the visas on the arms and legs almost simultaneously.

    In order to be able to conduct classes with the legs of a child, you must learn to relax them beforehand( with handles, as a rule, this problem does not arise).Shaking, padding, stroking, massaging movements will help here. With some skill, performing these techniques calmly, gently, observing the measure in intensity and duration, constantly alternating them, it is possible to relax to the "working" state even the legs of children with increased tone.

    Exercises also evolve from elementary variations in the vise( face to face).The principles of their implementation are the same as for pens, their appearance is clear from the drawings, so detailed descriptions of the exercises are not given.

    Also, since, as a rule, the appearance of the exercises does not change much depending on how to hold the child by the legs - to yourself or from yourself - the figures are given only for one capture option.

    Modifying the "spring" in the grip of the legs facing you, you can go to the "frog": to do this, "spring" do not vertically down, but slightly forward, gradually reaching the horizontal position. Quite often, such variations of basic movements, peculiar to this particular capture, allow you to receive exercises that complement those that are "inscribed in the grid."Sometimes there are several different variations possible, and several completely different exercises can get into one cell of the table.

    The next two columns of our table will fill the exercises carried out in the grips for one handle and one leg of the child in positions facing the person and face. These captures exist in two mirror-symmetrical variants, not separately classified. Usually, these grips are mastered when the child is accustomed to the visas on his hands and legs, and at first they are an intermediate position in the transition from one to another. Variations of the basic movements are carried out as if by the way, gradually the time of stay in these captures, the number and amplitude of the variations increase, the work in these positions occupies an equal place in the general structure of occupations, especially these seizures in those cases when in the tone or development of the child there are asymmetries.

    Complete the list of seizures in which all four limbs of the child are involved - these are two grips of the type "in each adult hand the knob and the toe of the toddler": head to and from oneself. When there are two handles in one adult's hand, and in the other two legs of a baby. In each of these grips, all 12 basic movements are also performed, in addition, there is a significant amount of exercises - variations.

    It is necessary to master these grips as early as possible, simultaneously with the visas for the handles and legs. The difficulty is that it is necessary to get used to keep two limbs together gently and reliably in one hand. In addition, in these captures, the child may feel constrained at first. However, it makes sense to make efforts to master them, since it is in this way that you can load the maximum amplitudes, training the child's vestibular apparatus, and letting him get acquainted with the sensations of flight, take-off and fall, speed. This experience will allow the child to quickly master the exercises performed in the visas of the handles and legs.

    Doing exercises in all captures, you need to properly hold the child for the limbs. Almost always, with obvious exceptions, the child is held by the hands or feet, that is, it is necessary to ensure that the baby's wrist and ankle joints are adequately loaded, and not blocked in the hands of the parent and are not excluded from work. In addition, grips for the handles should facilitate the realization of a grasping reflex( Robinson) in a baby. As a rule, not all the fingers of an adult are involved in restraining the child's limb. In this case, the free fingers are located, not fixing, near the forearm or shin of the baby, providing insurance.

    Common to all the above captures is that the child is held by two hands of an adult, while the hands of the parent are always removed from each other.

    Accordingly, the above-described system of exercises is called the "Grid of double grips."In addition to this option, another option is possible - when the child is held either by one adult's hand or by two, but they are brought together. The totality of such captures allows us to construct another system of exercises, called the "Single Grid Grid".

    The basic motions here are only 5. This: rocking back and forth( 1), waggling left and right( 2), wiggling up and down( 3), rotating( 4) and spinning( 5).

    Unlike "double", "single" basic movements are easily combined. So, doing, for example, swinging from side to side, you can "impose" on them the rotation, or rocking up and down, complicating the movement and getting completely new exercises.

    "Single" grippers are much larger than "double".Here are only the most significant. In the overwhelming majority of them all basic movements are realized, the way they are performed is not complex and understandable from the figures.

    Holding the baby in this way, the adult passes the index finger from behind between the ankles of the child, resting his heels in his hand, fixing the back of one foot of the baby with his thumb, and the middle finger( possibly with the anonymous one) - the back side of the other foot. The grip is comfortable, very reliable, not uncomfortable for the baby. Holding the child in the child's head, performing the five basic movements described above, we will receive exercises that relax the child well, eliminating the increased tone. In addition, bringing the child into a "normal", vertical position and holding it in this grip from below, we, realizing the newborn's reflex, can work out the "stand in hand" exercise early enough.

    Holding the child with both hands in front of the feet and fixing the position, from the basic movements we get an exercise that strengthens and develops his ankle joints. Taking the child by the shin from his face, bending his legs slightly at the knees, we will get a grip for performing exercises that load knee joints.

    In the grip of the hips facing us, we train the child back muscles, buttocks and hip joints.

    Holding the baby by the pelvis( in the positions upside down facing our face and facing us), we train the body muscles for it, and we also develop mobility, flexibility of the spine, starting from the lumbar region( where the load is concentrated) and higher.

    In the "Stand on the Shoulders" position, we most effectively train the muscles of the baby's body. And here the training factor is the resistance of the child, the compensating efforts that he makes to stay in a vertical position. The load should not exceed the child's ability to resist, otherwise he "gives up", completely relaxes, starts "dangling", while the load on the spine may be undersized and excessive.

    Having taken the kid, as usual, under the mouse up his head facing you, you can perform exercises that train his neck muscles. In this capture, as in the previous one, doing shaking up and down, as well as rotations is not difficult.

    As the baby grows and develops, special devices or a home sports complex can be started. The development of various shells is a further stage, which is already associated with the child's own conscious actions. Since the basic work with the sports complex or replacement devices is going on at the age after a year, we will not dwell on this question, without going beyond the age period indicated by us. Usually the kid, starting to study and master the sports complex, by his actions perfectly tells the parents various exercises and tasks.

    And one more thing. Usually, parents are happy to learn DG with boys, seeing the positive results of efforts, but often doubt its usefulness for girls, fearing for the formation of their figures. These fears are absolutely unfounded. DG does not lead to a significant build-up of muscle mass, to "pumping", but has a major effect on joints and tendons, and does not violate the male or female physique. Recall also that in natural conditions, newborn boys and girls found themselves in the same position - without gender difference. In addition, the fragile and tender "feminine" creations, which for many are associated with the feminine ideal, are further troubling the midwives and create problems for their children. So you should think about your grandchildren.