
Trichomoniasis( Trichomonas) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Trichomoniasis( Trichomonas) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Trichomoniasis or trichomoniasis is an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract in men and women. Called the simplest T. vaginalis( translated as a vaginal trichomonas).Trichomonas are not a microbe, but a "single-celled animal," that is, a more adapted creature to antimicrobial drugs and living conditions in the host-human organism.


    Very often trichomoniasis is mistakenly called a gonorrhea, but it is not. Tripper is gonorrhea, another inflammatory disease of the genitourinary sphere caused by a gonococcal disease. Trichomoniasis is transmitted sexually - it's not only traditional contacts, but oral and anal.

    The incubation period is 3-5 days( from the moment of infection and to the appearance of the first signs of disease), but considering our era of antibiotics and antimicrobials, also unjustified their appointment, I had to advise patients when trichomoniasis was delayed and up to 3 weeks.

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis

    The first symptoms of the disease are foamy-mucous discharge in men and women, rezi with urination, itching in the urethra, vagina. Quite often, when adding other microorganisms, that is, concomitant infection, pus may appear. But I already wrote above that trichomoniasis is a unique, insidious, little-studied disease. Getting into the body, this parasite begins to secrete substances that suppress the normal immune response of a person. Trichomanada in the human body becomes "his own".According to the statistics of my patients( up to 80%), the disease is asymptomatic, and people handle various kinds of complications when the chronic form is already "raging".According to the authors, the acute form lasts 2 months, but this is very conditional. It is shortened by repeated infection, decreased immunity.

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    Tests for trichomoniasis

    If you have noticed the above symptoms and symptoms of complications, which I will say below, "take" your sexual partner and go to the doctor. I believe that initially it is a dermatologist. Why?

    1) Neither a gynecologist nor a urologist will take( if he is a "Specialist") to treat your second half, and this is important, the problem is common. Very often, treatment is given to a partner without his examination, which is extremely unacceptable.
    2) Only the dermatovenerologist can treat a couple, advise when it is possible to start a sexual life after examination and treatment. If people are treated in different rooms, they often have to deal with such cases: one sexual partner is cured and the other is not, one doctor says that you can live a sexual life, and the other continues to examine and treat. So man is arranged to follow the path of the least "resistance. ...".

    Sometimes a doctor, when you need a mini-surgical intervention( for example, cauterization of cervical erosion) or a study( urethroskopia-hardware examination of the urethra), can prescribe a consultation with a gynecologist or urologist.

    I had to deal with people who explain the symptoms of trichomoniasis by the fact that I "caught a cold"( or "caught a cold"), start taking completely unnecessary antibiotics, drowning out the infection, complicating the life of myself and the doctor, who will then inevitably treat you.

    Remember: Self-treatment and self-diagnosis are not allowed!

    And here you are at the doctor. What tests will have to be taken? Unambiguously, these are smears. Men from the urethra, women from the vagina and urethra. It is best if the strong sex comes to the doctor with a morning urine retention( in the evening, urinate, and not urinate in the morning).

    Trichomonas under a microscope in a native preparation

    The blood test for trichomoniasis is ineffective and unsuccessful. Sometimes, when the doctor suspects you of an infection, he will ask for an injection( provocation) or advise him on the eve of putting smears to drink beer, eat something sharp. The fact is that Trichomonas feed on your iron, which is "taken" from the red blood cells of
    ( red blood cells).Therefore, "cunning parasite" is taken deep into your tissues and "does its job."In this case, finding it can be very difficult. Often you have to deal with patients who treat complications of trichomoniasis and who have elevated white blood cells in the smear( cells responsible for the protective function of the body), but the trichomonads are not detected in any smear. Here, an old, good provocation comes to the rescue. .. It consists in dramatically reducing the patient's immunity and creating favorable conditions for trichomonads to reveal them in analyzes.

    Treatment of Trichomoniasis

    The main group of drugs in the treatment of trichomoniasis is 5-nitro-medazoles( trichopolum, metrogyl, tiberal. .).It should be taken into account that the doses received on the package are small and ineffective. To treat the concomitant infection, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action( junidox, azithrox, etc.) are used. When the chronic form is joined immunomodulators( pyrogenal, immunal. ...), absorbing drugs( Lidase, trypsin, vobenzim), drugs that improve
    intestinal flora( hilak-forte, norma. ..).Local treatment in the form of trays and infusions in the urethra( chlorhexidine, miramistin. ...).

    Sexual life and drinking during treatment are strictly prohibited. It is advisable after treatment, especially chronic form of trichomoniasis, to undergo a course of treatment with drugs that improve the intestinal microflora. A person is considered cured of trichomoniasis if trichomonads are not found in women - for 2 month cycles, for men 2 weeks after treatment and also after a month.

    Folk remedies for treatment of trichomoniasis

    Only one folk remedy to cure trichomoniasis is not possible. Phytotherapy is prescribed only together with the main drugs. Mono treatment with folk remedies will only "drown out" the infection. Your doctor can appoint you tampons with onions, jelly with calendula, drink a leaf of spray, but this is only in addition to the basic treatment.

    Complications of trichomoniasis

    Let's analyze this situation if you do not go to the doctor. There are complications such as:

    1) Prostatitis - an inflammation of the prostate gland in men. It's not for nothing that the prostate is called the "heart of a man".This gland participates in the function of conception, since it affects the quality of seminal fluid. The main symptoms are abdominal pain, frequent urination, especially at night.
    2) Orchitis - inflammation of the testis. As a rule, this "acute condition" - severe pain in the testicle, high fever.
    3) Salpingoophoritis in women - inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, characterized by pains in the lower abdomen, soreness in sexual intercourse.

    If "miss" and complications - this is a direct path to infertility, benign and malignant neoplasms of the prostate, uterus. Yes, yes, do not be surprised. By reducing local immunity raise the head of onkoviruses - the causes of oncology. It must be remembered that if you have trichomonads in your sexual partner, and you do not, then the treatment is both. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor, even for the purpose of prevention, especially if you have an active sex life.

    Trichomoniasis in pregnancy

    An extremely negative effect of trichomoniasis on pregnancy has been established: premature birth, ugliness, hypoxia( fetal development with reduced doses of oxygen), placental infection. When the ovaries are affected, their normal endocrine function is disrupted, and this is also the normal course of pregnancy. The products of the vital functions of trichomonads( toxins) cause the death of fetal cells. The addition of secondary microorganisms promotes infection of the placenta and fetus.

    You can take 5-nitro-medazoles only from the 12th week of pregnancy and in smaller doses. If we do not cure trichomoniasis, then we contribute to a more or less normal course of pregnancy. Hence the conclusion: before the conception of the child, be examined with the spouse( husband) for sexually transmitted diseases.

    Prevention of Trichomoniasis

    The best prevention of trichomoniasis is fidelity to its partner. Not without reason in Muslim countries, where strict laws, high birth rates. But if casual sex is not avoided, then use condoms, but no condom, according to American scientists, does not give a 100% guarantee against infection. Actively used in men external processing of the genital organs and infusion into the urethra of solutions of Chlorhexidine and Miramistine. In women,
    toilet external genital soap solution and candles, such as "Geksikon."

    Consultation of a doctor on the topic of trichomoniasis:

    Question: Is it possible to infect Trichomonas in a bath, common toilets?
    Answer: In principle, no. There can be isolated cases and only with close contact. Trichomonads quickly die outside the body.

    Question: Can you catch trichomoniasis by airborne droplets?
    Answer: No

    Question: If there was accidental sexual intercourse, when is it better to do preventive maintenance?
    Answer: Within 3 hours, later it makes no sense.

    Doctor dermatovenereologist 1 category Mansurov Alexander Sergeevich