
Allergy to insect bites - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Allergy to insect bites - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Almost any insect when bitten secretes poisons, which for the human body are often allergens. But the severe consequences of an insect bite in a person develop only if the bite of a given substance has an allergy, that is, when antibodies are produced to the poison. An allergy can occur with bites of any kind, more often stinging insects( bees, wasps, hornets. ..) and less often - bloodsucking insects( flea, mosquito. ..).

    The causes of allergy to insect bites

    The main reason is a hereditary predisposition to allergies, and the appearance of sensitization, that is, the manifestation and activation of this allergic mood is promoted by poor ecology, eating disorders( dyes, fragrances, carcinogens. ..), some internal diseases.

    Symptoms of an allergy to insect bites

    An allergic reaction to an insect bite appears more often immediately, less often after minutes and hours. Normally, that is, in the absence of allergies, a swelling of the insect can occur, redness of the skin, bites cause itching, but these symptoms quickly pass by themselves. These symptoms are explained by the effect of insect venom, and the fact that the body is fighting it, not allowing the poison to penetrate farther, into the blood, but not an allergy to this poison. In the presence of allergies, the body's reaction to bite is much more violent and is not limited to local symptoms.

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    Mosquito bites in an adult with allergies to mosquitoes are manifested by a small swelling of the bite site, itching, which is already the next day. Children often have a much more violent reaction - extensive reddening of the bite site, severe puffiness, which does not decrease for a long time - up to several days, itching, which leads to scratching and infection. In adulthood, the allergy is often preserved, but the lesion becomes less extensive.

    Allergy to a mosquito bite in a child

    Allergy to a mosquito bite in an adult

    In addition to a local reaction at the site of a bite in the form of swelling, swelling, redness, general reactions may appear - urticaria, weakness, fever, frequent but weak pulse,, that he does not have enough air, breathing becomes frequent and intermittent, blood pressure may drop. As a rule, the symptoms quickly increase in severity and therefore it is very important to provide the victim with first aid in a timely manner. The development of allergies can lead to swelling of the Quincke( laryngeal edema and lung spasm) and anaphylactic shock, and as a result, without emergency medical help to death.

    Acute Quincke

    Often bites of several large insects can lead to severe toxic effects, even if a person does not have allergies to this poison.

    Attention, bloodsucking insects, in particular mosquitoes, can be carriers of some infectious diseases: West Nile fever, Karelian fever and so on. Do not confuse their symptoms with an allergy, it can be deadly.

    Diagnosis of allergy to insect bites

    Often a person himself notices which insect bites him and whose poison has caused an allergic reaction, but sometimes the doctor has to figure it out. Thus, when a bee stings at the center of a lesion, one usually sees a sting, wasps and hornets do not leave a sting. When developing an allergy to ants or mosquitoes, bites are often multiple. Allergen is confirmed by a skin-allergic test.

    First aid and treatment for allergy to insect bites

    First aid should be given immediately after a bite and immediately consult a doctor. When the bee stings, the sting should be pulled out with tweezers, it is connected to the poisonous gland of the bee and throws the poison into the blood even when the bee itself is no longer there.

    Adrenaline is administered at the site of the bite at a dosage of 10 μg / kg( maximum - to 0.3 mg) to slow the spread of the poison throughout the body. Cold is applied to the bite( a packet of ice and water).Intramuscularly administered prednisolone at a dosage of 2 mg / kg body weight. Prednisolone reduces the manifestation of allergy, as it counteracts histamine, which is the main reason for the appearance of all the symptoms of an allergic reaction. If the bite is on one of the extremities( arm or leg), and there are no necessary preparations at hand, a tourniquet is applied to lower the blood flow in the limb and prevent the poison from spreading through the body. However, this should be done with caution, since if the tourniquet is not applied correctly, it can cause problems with feeding the tissues of the limb and lead to the death of these tissues. The tourniquet should completely cover the bloodstream from both the limb and into it, so if you have not done this before, do not experiment. Immediately call an ambulance.

    In cases of mild allergy( eg mosquito bites), preparations that have a calming effect - fenistil gel, or any sprays and ointments containing panthenol( panthenol spray, depanthenol, panthenol plus, etc.) are used. Hormonal ointments of the advantan type are only prescribed by the doctor, since such ointments have serious contraindications and limitations to use.

    Once the acute process has been stopped, allergen-specific immunotherapy is possible, this is the only method for treating allergies, not her symptoms.

    Prevention of allergy to insect bites

    As in the treatment of any allergy, in this case it is important to protect the person from the allergen threatening him, that is, to avoid contact with this insect. If the allergy is confirmed, and you can not avoid contact precisely, you must pass the preventive treatment with antihistamines beforehand, which the allergist will select for you.

    It is always necessary to have an anti-shock medicine kit with you. In the antishock kit should be a few syringes, adrenaline and prednisolone.

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