  • Gigantism - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Giantism is a disease in which an increased production of growth hormone( growth hormone) is observed, which in turn leads to excessive proportional growth of limbs and trunk.

    General information on gigantism

    Gigantism is a disease in which an increased production of growth hormone( growth hormone) is observed, which in turn leads to excessive proportional growth of the limbs and trunk. In men with this disease, the growth exceeds 200 cm, and in women - 190 cm. It is more common in men aged 7-13 years( pubertal period) or during puberty and continues throughout the period of physiological growth. The child's growth and growth rates exceed the norms of this age and sex.

    Gigantism should not be confused with high growth. Parents of persons suffering from this disease are mostly of normal growth.

    Symptoms of gigantism

    Patients have typical complaints: high growth and high rates, weakness, fast fatigue, decreased performance and school performance, headaches, dizziness, pain in the limbs, and sometimes - visual impairment. Muscle strength can be initially elevated, but later significantly reduced.

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    In an objective examination, that is, when examined, it is revealed: high growth, proportional physique, sexual development is normal, but often it is delayed. Possible disorders of the thyroid and pancreas. There are no marked changes from other endocrine glands and internal organs.

    Causes of gigantism

    The basis of the disease is an increased production of somatotropin, which can develop with the following lesions:

    • adenohypophysis tumors;
    • Neuroinfections( this is an infectious( bacterial or viral) disease of the central nervous system, such as meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis);
    • intoxication( poisoning with toxins);
    • traumatic brain injury.

    The cause of the may also be a decrease in receptor sensitivity of the epiphyseal cartilage( part of the bone in which it grows in length) to sex hormones, as a result of which the bone growth zones remain open for a long time( i.e., with the ability to continue growing) andafter the puberty period( 7-13 years).

    Complications of gigantism

    The main complication is acromegaly.

    Diagnosis of gigantism

    Laboratory research in gigantism without significant changes, however, in the blood the content of somatotropin is increased.

    X-ray, computerized tomography of the brain is used as instrumental research. Pathologies are detected with tumors of the pituitary gland. In the presence of growing adenoma( benign tumor) of the pituitary gland, the size of the Turkish saddle( part of the skull where the pituitary gland is located) increases. On the radiographs of the bones of the hand, the lag of the bone age is determined from the passport age. With growing adenoma, there is a restriction of visual fields( visual impairment).

    With continued active production of somatotropin after the maturation of the skeleton, acromegaly is formed.

    With gigantism, the examination is the same as with acromegaly.

    Treatment of gigantism

    Modern methods of treatment, provide a combination of hormonal drugs and X-ray therapy, in many cases give positive results. In case of tumor lesion of the pituitary gland, surgical intervention is indicated. Treatment in principle is the same as with acromegaly.