  • Methods of diagnosing marital relations

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    One of the most acute problems of family counseling is getting complete, objective, sufficient information about the marital and family situation of the client. From this information depends the accuracy of the diagnosis, the choice of methods and the direction of corrective work and the effectiveness of care. Collecting information assumes that the consultant has a certain model of family and marriage, possible sources of their destabilization. The consultant's conceptual settings serve to streamline the information received from the client. However, the theory of family and marriage is still far from complete. This leads to significant discrepancies in the methods and nature of the information collected, its interpretation and use.

    We have made an attempt to compile a program for collecting information about a married couple. As you can see, this information in different combinations and interpretations is used by most practitioners. The program points cover the integral aspects of the marriage relationship. Undoubtedly, when working with a single pair, there is no need to conduct a full survey. You can only take into account those items that, in the first conversation with the client, came to light as sources of his difficulties or have a common meaning.

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    We emphasize that the program is designed to survey a married couple, rather than the family as a whole. The couple is the central element of the family as a small group. The stability of the family, its development, well-being, pedagogical potential and many other characteristics essentially depend on the characteristics of the couple. However, it would be a stretch to reduce the problems of the family to marital problems and to look for the cause of family troubles in all cases without exception.

    The proposed program includes nine items that we will describe in terms of: the meaning and significance of the characteristics of the marriage received for each item, their impact on the well-being of marriage, the possible methods and techniques for measuring these characteristics.

    1. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics.

    These indicators are taken into account in many sociological and demographic studies, their influence on the stability of marriage is proved. Among them most often are: housing( size and comfort of home), family budget( size and mode of distribution), length of marriage, age of spouses and age difference, education and occupation of spouses, number and age of children. A large number of studies, which can not be discussed here, show an ambiguous relationship between these indicators and the characteristics of the family. In the trend, we can talk about the positive impact on marriage of good material conditions( flat and family income), significant length of marriage, approximate age of spouses or older( 3-7 years) in the husband, higher education of spouses, no difference in education level, the number of children from one to four. The influence of the reciprocal values ​​of these characteristics is not so definite, therefore conclusions about the disadvantage of a family without children, under poor material conditions, etc. are not always correct. This is understandable if one takes into account that the social characteristics of the family determine its well-being not directly, but refractingthrough internal conditions. The unfavorable effect of objective factors can be compensated for by the influence of internal sources of family integration: conjugal compatibility and consent, the power of marital feelings, high culture of relations, etc.

    As for methods of obtaining social characteristics, a survey and an analysis of available documents are sufficient.

    2. Premarital relations.

    The account of premarital relationships is rarely used in the analysis of marital problems. However, the practice of counseling shows that in the premarital period, difficulties often arise, which in the future will be directly or indirectly manifested in marriage. Therefore, the analysis of premarital history is useful for understanding the actual state of relations.

    We have summarized the literature data and conducted a study of 60 premarital stories. The couples with the experience not more than two years were examined, the method of the retrospective report was used.

    The results of the work allowed us to conclude that the following characteristics are reflected in the fate of marriage: the place and situation of acquaintance, the first impression of each other( positive, negative, ambivalent, indifferent), the length of the courtship period, the initiator of the marriage proposal( man, woman, other interested persons), time to think about the marriage proposal, the situation of marriage registration.

    It has been established that the following facts of premarital history have a positive impact on marriage: mutual positive first impression of each other, acquaintance in work or study situation, courtship period from one to one and a half years, the manifestation of the initiative of the marriage proposal on the part of the man, the adoption of the marriage proposal after a short(up to two weeks) of deliberation, accompaniment of registration of marriage by wedding celebrations.

    Special precautionary measures require such features of premarital relationships as: negative first impression of each other, short( up to six months) or long( more than three years) courtship, disapproval of choice by relatives or friends, manifestation of direct or indirect initiative on the part of womenforced or provoked proposal), long consideration of the marriage proposal. In each specific case, it is possible to reveal the reasons for the listed facts that characterize premarital relations. Apparently, the effect of these causes continues in marriage, manifesting itself in the themes or causes of conflicts.

    The characteristics of the premarital period are revealed in a conversation or a special interview.

    3. Microenvironment of the family.

    The microenvironment of the family is of great importance for its stabilization. The content and forms of connections with the environment are historically variable. For the modern urban family, two tendencies are typical: a reduction in the volume, frequency and duration of contacts with the environment and a high need for support from the environment. The fact is that related, neighborly, friendly relations are the source of economic, everyday, moral and emotional support, they serve as a channel for meaningful information, help to adapt the initialization of family members, serve as a source of household services( care for children, patients,), are the channels for transferring the experience of family life, are necessary for the organization of leisure.

    The lack of ties with the environment, the isolation of the family from the life of society and a particular microenvironment negatively affects its stability and well-being. In an isolated family, all household burden falls on both spouses. This requires them to be able to strictly coordinate actions, high agreement on all matters of family life, psychophysical endurance, a consciousness of personal responsibility and duty. Only under these conditions, an isolated family can cope with current pressures without unnecessary tension and conflict.

    However, spouses who live with their relatives and who do not have a shortage of assistance may be a problem pair. In this case, the causes of conflict may lie in the field of everyday or other forms of incompatibility of generations, differences in lifestyle and way of life.

    The most optimal option is a partial separation of the family: living separately from relatives to maintain autonomy, but in close proximity to them. Such conditions allow families to avoid domestic conflicts and, at the same time, provide and receive prompt assistance from their relatives.

    To study the contacts of the family with the environment, we developed the questionnaire "Family Contacts".It provides the following indicators: the composition of the microenvironment( relatives, neighbors, friends, colleagues), the frequency of contacts with various representatives of the microenvironment, the type of assistance received from these individuals( economic, everyday services, moral and emotional support, experience exchange, organization and conduct of leisure activities).The questionnaire can be used in two versions: to study the objective state of affairs and to study the desired version of relations with the environment. Comparison of the obtained pictures helps to identify the points of trouble in relations with the microenvironment.

    4. The stage of marriage.

    The literature does not question the significance of the stage of family development for relationships. In this case, we are not talking about the length of marriage, but the stage of development. The practice of counseling shows that for each stage there are typical typical problems, the structure of relations, the way of life and the way of life of the family.

    However, the problem of staged family life is poorly understood. The most commonly used division of the life cycle into six stages:

    1) premarital period;

    2) family before the birth of children;

    3) family with preschool children;

    4) family with school-age children;

    5) family with older children;

    6) family after separation of adult children.

    Possible problems of pre-marital period are already considered here. For the second stage, the most common problems are the development of a single family way of life, disappointment in each other as a result of deeper recognition, conflicts about the distribution of roles, relationships with relatives, and material and economic problems. In the third stage, the care of the child becomes the determining factor of family life. Possible problems: lack of husband's help in raising a child, concentrating his wife on a child to the detriment of relations with her husband. In families with growing children, conflicts are most frequent about the methods of raising children, the role of the mother and father in the life of the child, as well as the problems of matrimonial fidelity and sexual relations. The problems of an elderly couple are very poorly understood. Some data suggest that they stem from the weakening of social ties, including with their own children, fear of loneliness and a decline in health.

    Unfortunately, the existing material does not allow us to develop any tool for analyzing the marriage as applied to the development stage. Therefore, the identification of typical problems is possible during a free conversation.

    5. Assessment of the level of well-being of relations.

    For diagnostic purposes it is useful to make an integral assessment of the level of well-being of the marriage, which allows to judge the severity of the violation of relations. For this purpose, we use three scales to choose from: OED( differential ratio estimation), Burgess scale, subjective satisfaction rating by marriage. Each of the scales makes it possible to evaluate the relations in the continuum "prosperous - unfavorable" in quantitative terms.

    The OED scale was developed by AN Volkova based on the model of semantic differentials. It contains a number of polar definitions such as "warm - cold", "strong - brittle", etc. The subject is asked to evaluate the relationship by choosing an estimate between these poles. The summation of points allows to obtain an overall assessment of the well-being of relations in a continuous scale from 0 to 90 points. The Burgess Scale contains two sections: the first part( 36 questions) evaluates the significant aspects of marital relations( feelings, understanding of each other, relationships with relatives, values, etc.), part two is a scale for assessing the existing personal shortcomings of the spouse. The scale is called the author's fitness scale in marriage. It can receive from less than 579 to 720 or more points. The author singled out nine levels of fitness: the highly unfitted is undoubtedly unfitted;unsuitable;Perhaps, it is not suitable;it is difficult to say anything definite;more or less adapted;is adapted;undoubtedly adapted;extremely well adjusted. Each level corresponds to the given intervals of points scored.

    The scale of subjective satisfaction with marriage was developed by TM Trapeznikova. It contains five items to be evaluated in a ten-point scale each: the strength of the marriage;subjective feeling of happiness;fulfillment of expectations of social groups;full development of the spouses' personality;achievement of family integration.

    The main advantage of these scales is the obtaining of quantitative estimates. Scales also allow us to identify the most problematic points of relations, qualitatively analyze the answers to individual questions. They are easy to use, do not take much time, are understood by the interviewee.

    These scales require sincerity of answers, so they can be presented after establishing a trusting relationship with the client. Scales are offered to each spouse separately, then the difference in scores is analyzed. A significant divergence of estimates is a sign of non-reciprocity of relations. A spouse who estimates the relationship below is a potential initiator of the conflict, opposition, rupture. This spouse needs a special corrective work, in a deeper study of his claims, attitudes and motives.

    Despite some formality of the general assessment of the level of well-being of marriage, it gives two important indicators: the degree of risk of this pair( the possibility of the breakup of marriage) and the potential initiator of the disorganization of relations.

    6. Evaluation of individual phenomena of marital relations.

    At the level of behavior and everyday consciousness, conjugal relations manifest themselves in such phenomena as mutual understanding, its adequacy, mutual respect and emotional acceptance, the level of conflict, family-role consistency. As a rule, it is in these terms that customers formulate their problems. Also in family therapy, these characteristics serve as indicators of the development and integration of the family group and are the object of therapeutic intervention. Corrective work is aimed at improving these characteristics: increasing mutual understanding, reducing conflict, etc. The causes of the negative state of the phenomena of relations can be different. But in any case, they should be subjected to therapeutic correction. These same characteristics are used to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy when working not only with the family, but also with other groups.

    To measure the phenomena of relationships, we use the following techniques: the PEA questionnaires, the ROP, the "Conflicts", as well as the family relationship test( FBT) and the T. Leary test. Other authors use attraction scales, variants of goniometry, special questionnaires.

    The PEA questionnaire was designed by AN Volkova to diagnose the three phenomena of the relationship: the understanding of the partner, the emotional attractiveness of the partner, respect for the partner. Each of the scales contains 15 questions. The scale of understanding allows to judge the client's image of a partner, which allows him to behave adequately towards him. Emotional attractiveness is measured by a number of projective questions, allowing to judge the attraction to a partner, acceptance of his personal manifestations. The scale of respect allows us to judge the degree of authoritativeness, fatefulness, referentiveness of the spouse in the eyes of another.

    The RRP questionnaire( role expectations and claims in marriage) was proposed by AN Volkova for the study of family facilities. The questionnaire contains seven scales that allow you to establish a hierarchy of family values ​​and representations about the distribution of roles in their implementation. Family values ​​are aspects of family life that reflect the basic functions of the modern family: the upbringing of children, the organization of household consumption, intimate relations, emotional support, leisure organization, partnerships, aesthetic values. The answers of the respondent allow us to establish the significance of the above aspects of family life for him. In a happy couple, the hierarchy of family values ​​should be similar.

    The ROP questionnaire also allows you to establish the role structure of a married couple: who and to what extent takes the initiative and responsibility for the performance of certain functions of the family. If role submissions are agreed upon, it is about the role adequacy of the spouses. Safe couples have a high role adequacy.

    The "Conflicts" questionnaire was developed by G. Ler at the department for the study of neuroses and psychotherapy of the University.

    K. Marx in the GDR, adapted in the Institute. V. M. Bekhterev. The methodology is a set of 49 questions and six answers to them. It allows you to judge the degree of tension of the individual in three spheres: industrial, household, partner-matrimonial. The summary indicator of the respondent's conflict is also displayed. The questionnaire makes it possible to establish the nature and sources of conflict in the spouses, the degree of their expression, the impact of conflicts on satisfaction with marriage.

    Test T. Leary is used to diagnose mutual understanding, the ideal image of a partner. It is a set of characterological statements, the severity of which is proposed to be assessed by yourself and your partner.

    FBT - a test of family relations - a projective technique first described by Hovels and Likorish in 1936. It is a collection of 40 paintings depicting different forms of relationships between family members. The test allows you to get an idea of ​​the feelings and behavior of the individual in the family in relation to all of its members.

    In general, a successful married couple is characterized by: the similarity of family values;high role adequacy;low conflict in different spheres of life;high respect and emotional acceptance of each other.

    Special discussion requires the indicator of adequacy of perception and understanding of each other's spouses. The adequacy of interpersonal perception has been associated with the well-being of the relationship is ambiguous: in a number of works a positive correlation of the adequacy and well-being of the marriage is shown, in others they note a high adequacy in the case of profound violations of relations. Apparently, the image of the partner reflects not only real qualities, but also expectations, projections, emotional estimates, halos, prejudices and ideals of the spouse. Therefore, the image of the spouse is included in the regulation of relations in a very complicated way. In general, the high adequacy of perception in the trend contributes to the well-being of the relationship.

    7. Investigation of the spouses' individuality.

    The results of an individual psychological examination can be used in counseling in two ways: to determine the measure of personal compatibility of spouses and to inform the spouses about their personal characteristics.

    Using the results of a differential psychological survey to inform the spouses about each other is one of the forms of correctional work aimed at improving mutual understanding. When informing, the following rules and requirements must be taken into account: the need to store the secrecy of the survey, the adaptation of information to the client's personality( the level of his understanding, personal traits).Precautions are dictated by the fact that the spouses can misinterpret the information received, use it to fight with each other. To avoid misuse of information, only the information necessary for correcting relations is reported, it is not recommended to disclose defamatory information. It is also necessary to focus on ways to take information into account in specific behavior. Information given to the client about his personal characteristics can be more detailed and complete, positive and negative. It should be encouraged to apply the data obtained in self-education and self-regulation.

    Another way to apply the results of a differential psychological survey is to establish a measure of personal compatibility of the spouses. A number of papers have shown that a certain correlation of personality traits( similarity, contrast, complementarity) is a factor of compatibility. Personal compatibility manifests itself in the automatic distribution of psychological stress, the development of optimal ways of dealing with each other, understanding spontaneous manifestations of the partner and an adequate response to them. The importance of personal compatibility is that, in its presence, adaptation to each other does not require effort, personal restructuring, playing roles, controlling their manifestations, since interaction is based on personality traits inherent in partners.

    In the differential-psychological survey, we use the questionnaires of Cattell, Eysenck, tests Rosenzweigh, Zondi, Lusher, projective drawing tests.

    Our studies have shown that a compatible married couple is characterized by the similarity of a number of factors in the Cattell, Rosenzweig questionnaire, the contrast of others. A married couple, in which the ratios of these characteristics are different, is significantly more likely to be conflictual, disintegrated, and has difficulty adapting to each other.

    For the diagnosis of personal compatibility, we offer each of the spouses specified tests and questionnaires. The obtained characteristics are compared with the desired ratio. For example, among the indicators of the Zondi test, a contrast of the factors "P", "e", "k" is desirable. If the relationship in the pair is different, this indicates the incompatibility of significant personal traits.

    Personal survey data are very useful for developing a program of psychotherapeutic correction of spouses. Correction involves the approximation of personality traits to the optimal ratio, which means: in the work of the therapist efforts should be aimed at strengthening or weakening significant features in the client's personality.

    8. Research of family leisure, interests and values.

    The existence of common values, interests, ways of conducting leisure is connected by many authors with the well-being of relations in the family. The similarity of interests and values ​​is expressed in the unity of life goals and aspirations, creates a value-orientation unity of the couple.

    To study this aspect of matrimony, you can use tools such as the methodology "Value Orientations"( an adapted version of M. Rokich's technique), the questionnaire "Interests - Leisure", the questionnaire "Conditions of family well-being".

    The "Value Orientations" method is a list of life goals( scale 1) and means of achieving them( scale 2).The interviewee is asked to arrange them according to the degree of their significance for him. In a happy couple there is a similarity in life goals and the additional means of achieving them.

    The questionnaire "Interests - Leisure" was proposed by TM Trapeznikova. It contains a list of 42 types and forms of leisure. The examinee chooses 10 ways to spend leisure time, typical for him, 10 - for the partner, while ranking them in order of importance. Thus, the ratio of the interests of the spouses, the measure of their consent in the forms of leisure, is clarified.

    The questionnaire "Conditions for family well-being"( author - TM Trapeznikov) consists of 15 statements - the most common opinions about the conditions of family happiness. The examinee selects and ranks, according to the degree of significance, the five most significant statements for himself and for the partner. Similarity in understanding the conditions of family happiness is an important factor of marital consent.

    In general, the similarity of these characteristics facilitates the integration and unity of the couple.

    9. Psychogram of matrimony.

    As a result of the analysis of all aspects of matrimony, we get a number of data that are reduced to a psychogram-conclusion. It contains the following conclusions: 1) zones of conflict in the marriage, a potential initiator of the conflict in each of the zones;2) the degree of personal compatibility;3) a general measure of mutual understanding and agreement on various aspects of family life;4) general forecast of relations in a pair;5) recommendations on the forms and content of remedial work( with the couple as a whole and with each spouse separately).

    The compilation of a psychogram is based on a comparative analysis of all the indicators obtained, revealing the core problems that are manifested at different levels of relations. Recommendations for practical work are based on the allocation of the most significant sources of marital disintegration.

    The proposed program can be used to solve a number of practical problems: for pair diagnosis in the practice of family counseling and correction;To diagnose a family - a candidate for adoption of a child;to make a court decision to transfer the child to one of the divorcing spouses;for the inspection of the family, when a decision was made to send a child to a special school or other children's institutions. Elements of the program we use when advising the newlyweds who applied to the Leningrad consultation on family life for the forecast of their marriage. This form of work was introduced in 1982