  • Varieties of dogwood

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    General information: is a large leafy shrub 3-4.5 m high, it often grows in nature with a tree with a trunk up to 25 cm in diameter, and has very strong and heavy wood. Cornelium - early honey plant, blooms in April, before the leaves blossom. Cornelian fruits are very diverse in shape, size, color and taste: elliptical, cylindrical, widened at the top, pear-shaped;yellow, bright red and purple, shiny;from 1 to 3 cm in length. Dogwood is also often grown as an ornamental plant.

    In early spring, beautifully blooms in yellow flowers. Flowers are honey, because they contain a lot of pollen.(frost resistant, fruits regularly) Fruits - red drupe - ripen between August and October, they are used in raw or processed form. Kizil loves soil rich in calcium, otherwise unpretentious. Kizil reproduces by root edema or seeds.wide variety of cornelian cultivated varieties are propagated with ocularization or cuttings. We have two types of dogwood - "Titus" and "Lenin", in which there is more flesh in relation to bones-approximately the same as in cherry.in Austria, Holland, Romania, Bulgaria, in our country and in the Russian Federation. Fruits are considered to be valuable biologically. Kizil is now rarely seen in the wild on the territory of the Russian Federation. This wild-growing shrub is protected by law, which also forbids the collection of its fruits.berries of a cornel a lot of vitamin C-100-300 mg. The amount of vitamin C in the fruit is relatively constant. Much of it remains in compotes, jams( up to 50 mg.) The fruits contain tannic, mineral substances, especially potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Berries contain carotene, organic acids, pectin and other valuable substances. The fruits of a dogwood can be dried. Dried ground flesh its peoples of Transcaucasia use when preparing shish kebabs. From dried fruits you can brew delicious tea. In Ukraine, made of cornel made vodka. Exceptionally delicious are mixed compotes of pears, apples with dogwood or cowberry, with ashberry, especially these compotes are good as a garnish for game.

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    Kinds of dogwood are very few, among the most common Lukyanovsky, Ag Zogal, Armuda Zogal.

    Care: dogwood is unpretentious, so no special care measures are required. Fertilize cornel 1 time in 2-3 years 4-6 kg / m2 manure or compost, sealing it to a depth of 5-8 cm. In a dry summer, the plant needs additional watering, as well as most fruit crops.

    Dogwood is almost undamaged by pests and diseases, so it is almost not treated with pesticides. Near the strip of a young dogwood can be grown legumes or vegetables.

    Pruning: cornel seedlings are grown in a low-molded( 30-50 cm) form. In vaccinated plants, the height of the stem grows to 50-70 cm. The dogwood is better to grow in shrubby form, leaving on each plant 5-7 strongest branches. The main type of trimming is thinning. Cut out radical, thickening the crown, as well as patients, rubbing, broken and misplaced branches and shoots.

    Harvest: mature, dark-colored cornelian fruits are harvested from the branches or from the ground after they fall off. Fruits collected with pedicels are better stored. Their continued storage in fresh form is possible at a temperature of about 1-2 ° C.

    Usage: fruits are consumed fresh and processed into jelly and compotes, syrups, marmalade, various drinks, fine wine and liquor.

    In folk medicine they are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, as an exciting appetite, diuretic, restorative for avitaminosis and general weakening of the body. When diarrhea children are given a cornelian kissel. Fresh fruits of dogwood are kept longer if they are poured over with sugar. Fruits are also dried and used to make infusions and broths. Toasted and ground bone kernels are used as a substitute for coffee. In the Caucasus, from the dogwood, special sweet cakes are made in the form of a long ribbon - a pasta made of fruit dough on the basis of mashed flesh, dried in the sun on wooden trays, and a turtle - a sweet cornel juice that can be stored for a very long time. Both products are very much appreciated in the East and used as seasoning for various dishes.