
Vegetarianism: benefit and harm, transition to abandonment of animal food, diet

  • Vegetarianism: benefit and harm, transition to abandonment of animal food, diet

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    Today it is fashionable to be a vegetarian, to exclude animal food from food completely or partially, using only products of animal origin( milk, honey, eggs).But did the vegetarians think that the benefits and harm of vegetarianism would sooner or later overtake them, or perhaps even by surprise?

    Before deciding on switching to vegetarianism, carefully study all the positive and negative characteristics of such nutrition.

    Actually, vegetarianism is popular mainly in developed countries, with a developed economic structure. But the third world countries hardly think about the fact that it is unethical to kill animals or to think over their diet from religious beliefs, it is more important for them to feed themselves and their families and it does not matter that it is meat from fish caught or a dead bull.

    And if you still think about and weigh the benefits and harm of vegetarianism, then each person has his own reasons to make a transition to vegetarianism or not.

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    Vegetarianism is harmful?

    To begin with, we note that in plant foods, although there are elements of iron, calcium and magnesium, but they are not enough for the human body, and besides, these vitamins of animal origin are absorbed in us much more efficiently. Lack of iron can lead to anemia, loss of strength, hair loss.

    Red meat contains a large amount of vitamin D, so necessary for human bone tissue, and for a growing child's organism it is generally just necessary, otherwise it starts to develop such diseases as, for example, rickets. That is why vegetarianism is harmful to young children.

    Another significant drawback in plant products is that there are no such elements as Omega-3 acids, which are abundant in seafood, there are no substitutes for them in plants.

    Another important component - protein. The fact that the protein of animal origin, although it is processed longer and energy for its processing, the human body needs more, just such a protein is more suitable for building new cells in the human body.

    The benefits of vegetarianism

    • In plant foods, the content of vitamin C is an order of magnitude larger, and catarrhal diseases are not feared by a vegetarian, immunity in this area is protected.
    • Still quite a significant plus - the presence of a large amount of fiber, it is it helps the work of the intestines, and vegetarians rarely suffer from a stomach disorder, the accumulation of toxins and toxins in the body.
    • The next aspect is the lack of animal fats, the accumulation of which leads to obesity and increased cholesterol levels in the body, corresponding to the development of a disease such as cholecystitis. In addition, this fact says that among vegetarians you will rarely meet people with serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Also among them there are no diabetics and suffering from formations of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.
    • Although such a diet is fashionable, and many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are striving for the ideal and imitate the stars of the stage and cinema that adhere to the vegetarian diet, it is worth remembering that such people are helped by a whole guard of nutritionists, develops a special diet for each of themthey eat far from the same. And can an ordinary girl from a provincial town be able to provide herself with all these delights? So it's better to weigh everything first and look more carefully at your opportunities, including material ones, before you start living according to vegetarian rules.

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