  • Birth and birth of a child

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    than to carry out relationships with parents, they, children, should be born. About conception( and preventing chachatiya), about pregnancy and childbirth, there are many informative books written with an emphasis on physiology and medicine.

    But I will devote my psychological reasoning and to such physiological questions that are stated or not very clear( and I will explain more clearly), or for some reason they are not stated at all, or need clarifications. I will share my own experience, which I will comment on in terms of an acceptable theory for me.

    Do not conceive a child, if it is not desired. It will be bad for him. In married couples, the desire of parenthood should mature. Therefore, we must first think about preventing an unwanted pregnancy. Study this problem thoroughly. Abortion is very bad in all respects. It's immoral. Painfully. Dangerous. There may be infertility. I will not retell what I discussed in detail in the chapter "Scheduled child" from "Labyrinths of communication".I will only say that contraception is not an easy matter. Get to the right pages.

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    But this is one side of the matter. Now it's different. Future moms, do not delay the birth of children. I have already informed readers about what is not usually said in the popular science literature. Due to the special importance of this - I repeat. Eggs age with their mother, and the older the mother, the more likely genetic defects. Spermatogenesis( reproduction of spermatozoa) occurs until a very old age. Children from elderly fathers do not have genetic defects. There are also such observations: the older the father, the more capable the child. But the pathos of this paragraph: women should not be delayed. The cases of the birth of children in women over the age of fifty discussed in the media are interesting. However, such cases are not yet proof of the appropriateness of this.

    But it's clear: the child is desired. They want him. They are waiting for him. Clearly, they cease to protect themselves. They try to do as many sexual acts as possible. And it becomes not only desirable, but also long-awaited. And the spouses do not work. Because the next batch of spermatozoa ripens only after two days. And the daily sexual acts here only "harm".

    We will discuss in general what needs to be done to succeed.

    When I studied at medical institutes( in Moscow and in Irkutsk), we were told that an ovum from the ovary was somewhere in the middle between two menstruations. And in the leaflet of the Institute of Health Education of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, later in the eighties, an "exact" date was given: from the 7th day from the beginning of the ovarian-menstrual cycle. Prenatal leave and

    are now calculated on the basis of these views. But scientists. Ohio( Japan) and Klaus( Austria) understood the following: