  • Oatmeal Slimming Recipes

    Oatmeal is a curative, restorative, normalizing metabolic processes product, it acts rejuvenatingly on the internal environment, detaches the aging process. Do not spend money on all sorts of foreign herbalife, it is better to spend them on something else. Remember, there is everything in Russia, you just need not be lazy and take care of your health and the continuation of life on your own.
    Oatmeal is usually cooked and porridge porridge is cooked: 100 g of oat flakes cook to a density of 1 liter of water;so that the calcium and phosphorus salts dissolve better, before cooking it is recommended to soak the oat flakes in cold water for several hours.

    According to the content of easily digestible proteins and fats, oatmeal is richer than other cereals. Even in the oatmeal, although it passes water-heat and enzymatic treatment( frying in special vats for 5-6 hours) and peeling, still contains 15% of valuable proteins, 7% of fat, which includes lecithin. From oatmeal, except cereals, you can cook pancakes, pancakes.

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    Caloric content and chemical composition

    Here is the content of nutrients( calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible part.
    Nutritional information
    Caloric value 389 kcal
    Proteins 16.89 g
    Fats 6.9 g
    Carbohydrates 55.67 g
    Dietary fibers 10.6 g
    Ash 1.72 g
    Water 8.22 g
    Saturated fatty acids 1,217 g


    Vitamin B1( thiamine) 0.763 mg
    Vitamin B2( riboflavin) 0.139 mg
    Vitamin B5( pantothenic) 1,349 mg
    Vitamin B6( pyridoxine) 0.119 mg
    Vitamin B9( folic) 56 μg
    Vitamin PP( Niacin equivalent)mg

    Macro Elements
    Calcium 54 mg
    Magnesium 177 mg
    Sodium 2 mg
    Potassium 429 mg
    Phosphorus 523 mg


    Iron 4.72 mg
    Zinc 3.97 mg
    Copper 626 μg
    Manganese 4,916 mg


    Flakes of cereals soaked for 12 hours before consumption can be eaten and raw, which is still more useful. Such flakes of the famous nutritionist Bircher-Benner introduced as a basis in the dietary diet he developed( now widely known as "muesli"): 1-2 tbsp.spoons of flakes, 1-3 grated or finely chopped apples, juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of condensed milk, honey or fruit jelly, or the same, but with the addition of ground nuts, grated carrots or prunes.

    The following are recipes for some dishes prepared using oats and products based on it.

    Oat flakes with artichokes

    50 g oat flakes, 50 g nuts( any), 100 g artichokes, 1 lemon.

    Ground nuts and finely chopped artichoke mixed with pre-soaked flakes. Sprinkle with lemon zest and stir. After decorating the dish, decorate it with thin slices of lemon.

    Oat flakes with carrots

    50 g oat flakes, 50 g walnuts, 100 g carrots, greens.

    Add crushed nuts, chopped carrots and finely chopped greens to the soaked flakes. Stir the mixture and decorate with thin circles and semicircles of carrots. In the middle of the dish, you can decorate a carrot outlet.

    In winter, you can put a handful of sliced ​​pieces of dried plums and other dried fruits in a dish( you must first hold them in a small amount of water).

    Oat flakes with cabbage

    50 g oat flakes, 50 g walnuts, 50 g cabbage, 50 g carrots, greens.

    To the frozen flakes add ground nuts, finely chopped cabbage, grated carrot and finely chopped greens on a large grater. Stir the mixture and decorate with carrot mugs.

    Oat flakes with kohlrabi

    50 g oat flakes, 50 g walnuts, 50 g kohlrabi, lemon peel or orange( grated).

    Add the ground nuts and kohlrabi to the frozen flakes, grated on a large grater or shredded with straw. Stir foods and season with lemon or orange peel.

    Decorate the dish with thin strips of lemon or orange peel.

    Oat flakes with tomatoes

    50 g oat flakes, 50 g walnuts, 50 grams of tomatoes, 150 g of parsley greens.

    Flakes soak in water and after 2 hours put in them ground nuts and finely chopped tomatoes and parsley. Mix well and decorate with tomato slices.

    Flakes can be put and dry, without soaking in advance, but then the red tomatoes need to grate on the grater to allow more juice.

    Oat flakes with pumpkin

    50 g of oat flakes, 50 g of peeled nuts( walnuts or almonds), 100 g of sweet pumpkin.

    To the flakes pre-soaked in advance add ground nuts and pumpkin, grated on a large grater. Stir the mixture and serve to the table. In winter, you can put a handful of finely chopped dried fruit( apples, pears, apricots, etc.) in the dish, soak them for a while in a small amount of water to soften.

    Oat flakes with green salad

    50 g of oat flakes, 50 g of green salad, 100 g of cucumbers, 2-3 stems of green onions, 3-4 stems of garlic, 200 g of yogurt, 1 tbsp.a spoon of honey or syrup from cherry jam, parsley greens.

    Vegetables wash, cut( lettuce - narrow strips, onions and garlic - finely chopped) and pour the curdled milk, mixed with honey. Put oat flakes, soaked for a while in a small amount of water. Stir well the mixture and add crushed parsley to it. To decorate with a slide and decorate with branches of parsley.

    Oat flakes with zucchini

    50 g oat flakes, 250 grams of zucchini, 3-4 stalks of green onions, 3-4 stems of garlic, 200 g of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of honey, dill.

    Squash to peel and cut into small cubes. Peel onion and garlic and finely chop. Seasoned whisk well and mix with honey and chopped herbs. Add pre-soaked in water oat flakes. Mix again and immediately serve.

    Oat flakes with peas

    50 g oat flakes, 200 g green peas, 2-3 stems of green onions, 2-3 stems of garlic, 200 g curd( or sour cream), 1 yolk, dill.

    Peas mixed with pre-soaked oat flakes and with finely chopped green onions and garlic. Fill with yogurt filled with yolk and chopped dill. Stir this mixture and immediately serve.

    Oat flakes with cucumbers and apples

    50 g of oat flakes, 100 g of cucumbers, 100 g of apples, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 200 g of yogurt, 1 tbsp.spoon of honey. Cucumbers and apples are washed and cut into small cubes together with cuticle( apples are cut together with seed boxes).Fill yogurt filled with peeled and heavily minced garlic, and sweeten with honey. Put oat flakes pre-soaked in advance and mix again.

    Serve to the table, decorating the dish with some fruits from jam, and in summer fresh berries of cherry, currant or sour fruit.

    Oat flakes with red beets and apples

    50 g of oatmeal, 100 g of beet, 100 g of apples, 200 g of yogurt.

    Beetroot clean and grate on a large grater. Cut the apples together with the skin and seeds into small cubes and mix with the beetroot. Put oat flakes pre-soaked in advance and whipped yogurt. Stir the mixture and serve immediately on the table.

    Oat flakes with cauliflower and grapes

    50 g oat flakes, 150 g cauliflower, 100 g ripe grapes, 200 g curd( or sour cream).Cauliflower finely chop and mix with washed grapes. Pour the mixture with whipped curdled milk, seasoned with lemon juice and finely grated lemon zest. Put in pre-soaked oatmeal. It's good to mix everything and decorate with grape berries and thin strips of lemon peel. Immediately serve on the table.

    Oat flakes with carrots and kefir

    1 cup oat flakes, 1 carrot, 1 apple, 1 cup kefir, sugar to taste.

    Carrot and apple peel and cut into strips. E put the yogurt and stir sugar.

    Pour the oatmeal into a plate, add carrot, apple, season with prepared kefir, mix and immediately serve.

    Oat flakes with young beetroot leaves

    50 g oat flakes, 50 g apples, 50 g apricots, 100 g beet leaves, 200 g curd.

    Young beet leaves cut into narrow strips, and apples and apricots - cubes. Mix everything and pour over whipped curdled milk or sour cream. Put pre-soaked oatmeal flakes, mix and decorate with apples and apricots slices. Immediately serve on the table.

    Oat flakes with round red pepper

    50 g of oat flakes, 50 g of cauliflower, 50 g of tomatoes, 100 g of red pepper, 200 g of sour cream, 0,5 lemons, parsley.

    Pepper the seeds and cut into narrow strips, and cauliflower and tomatoes - small cubes. Mix everything and pour the whipped curdled milk, which is added with lemon juice and pre-soaked oatmeal. Put the mixture on a plate and decorate with parsley sprigs and thin strips of lemon peel.

    Oat flakes with sweet peppers

    50 g oat flakes, 50 g carrots, 50 grams of tomatoes, 100 g sweet pepper, 200 g sour cream, 6-7 h.spoons of mashed currant berries, juice of half a lemon, parsley greens.

    Pepper the seeds and cut into thin strips. Grate the carrots, and chop the tomatoes. All mixed and pour with whipped sour cream or yogurt. Add currant, sprinkle with chopped parsley and stir. Put oat flakes pre-soaked in advance. Put the dish on a plate and serve, decorating with parsley sprigs.

    Oat flakes with cabbage and spring vegetables

    50 g of oatmeal, 100 g of cabbage, 100 g of young potatoes, a bunch of green garlic, a bunch of parsley, 200 g of sour cream.

    Cut cabbage with narrow sticks together with a stump and outer leaves, potatoes in small cubes, and chop green garlic and parsley. Drizzle whipped in a homogeneous mass, mixed with lemon juice and pour this mass of vegetables. The most recent ones are pre-soaked pre-oatmeal flakes. Stir the mixture and serve, decorating with parsley sprigs.

    Oat flakes with apples

    50 g oat flakes, 200 g apples, 200 g curd, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey, 0.5 lemon.

    Pour oat flakes with a glass of water mixed with apples, cut into small cubes, with curdled milk, sweetened with honey and seasoned with grated lemon zest. Decorate with thin slices of lemon. Immediately submit to the table.

    Oat flakes with pears

    50 g oat flakes, 200 g pears, 200 g curd, 0,5 lemon.

    Pears cut into small cubes along with peel and seeds, mix with pre-filled glass of water oat flakes. Pour the yogurt, seasoned with lemon juice, stir and decorate with thin slices of lemon. Immediately submit. This dish can be prepared by taking 100 g of pears and apples.

    Oat flakes with peaches

    50 g oat flakes, 250 g peaches, 200 g curd, 1 tbsp.a spoon.

    Soak the oatmeal flakes with peaches cut into small pieces. Ready to decorate the dish with pieces of fruit and immediately serve. In the same way, you can prepare a dish with 125 g apricots and 125 g apples.

    Oat flakes with plums

    50 g oat flakes, 250 g plums, 200 g curd, ground cinnamon.

    Soak the oatmeal flakes with sliced ​​plums. Fill with curdled milk, stir well and sprinkle with cinnamon or lemon zest.

    Oat flakes with cherry

    50 g oat flakes, 250 g cherry, 250 g curd, 1 tbsp.spoon of honey.

    Cherry wash, dry, remove bones and pour honey. Mix with oat flakes, filled for 1-2 hours with a glass of water. Beat whisk into a homogeneous mass. Mix well and decorate with whole cherries, without removing pits and pedicels.

    Oat flakes with cherry

    50 g oat flakes, 250 g cherries, 250 g curd, 0,5 lemon.

    Cherries wash, drain, remove bones and pour lemon juice. Mix with oat flakes, filled for 1-2 hours with a glass of water. Pour the froth into a homogeneous mass and pour into it the grated lemon zest. Mix everything well and decorate with whole cherries without removing pits and pedicels.

    Oat flakes with grapes

    50 g of oat flakes, 200 g of grapes, 200 g of curdled milk, 0.5 lemon.

    Soaked in a glass of water oat flakes mixed with grapes and pour the yogurt, seasoned with grated lemon zest and lemon juice. Decorate the dish with whole grape berries.

    Oat flakes with yoghurt

    3-4 tbsp.tablespoons oat flakes, 2 tbsp.spoons of fruit yogurt, 1 tbsp.spoonful of raisins pitted.

    Raisins pour boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then drain the water.

    Put oat flakes in a bowl, add the prepared raisins and pour in yoghurt.

    Good food

    3 tbsp.spoons of oatmeal, 20 grams of raisins, dried apricots, 50 walnuts, 1 tbsp.a spoon of honey, fresh fruit.

    This dish is especially useful for those who want to reinforce the strength or struggle with the autumn or spring depression.

    Dried fruits, nuts chop a little. Cut fresh fruits.

    Oatmeal flakes, dried fruits, nuts, honey pour steep boiling water( the amount of water - depending on the desired consistency of the dish).Put the mixture on the bottom lattice of aerogrill, agitate for 10 minutes at a temperature of 95-120 ° C.The speed is average. Add fresh fruit to the prepared mixture.

    Muesli from apples and berries

    1 tbsp.a spoonful of oat flakes, 150 g of apples, honey to taste, 0.5 lemon, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of nuts.

    Flakes soak in 3 tbsp.spoons of water for several hours. When it swells, rub them into sweet and sour apples( one big, for example), quickly stirring the whole mass so that it does not darken. Then add honey to taste, lemon juice( or 0.5 tbsp spoon of cranberry juice) and crushed nuts. If the honey is thick, dilute it with water. Instead of honey, you can put 1 tbsp.a spoonful of cream, instead of fresh apples - any berries or soaked dried fruits.

    Muesli with apples according to Bierher-Benner

    1 tbsp.a spoonful of oat flakes, 150 g of apples, 20-30 g of peeled nuts, 1 tbsp.spoon of honey, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of sour cream, 0.5 lemon.

    Oat flakes soak for 1-2 hours with 3 tbsp.spoons of water. Add sour cream, honey and lemon juice, stir well. Top with apples peel. Periodically, you need to interfere with the dish so that apples do not darken. To decorate and sprinkle with ground nuts.

    Muesli with pears

    30 g oat flakes, 200 g pears, 50 g cherries, 50 g curd, 30 g peeled walnuts, 1 tbsp.spoon of honey, 1 lemon.

    Oat flakes soak for 1-2 hours in 6 tbsp.spoons of water. Before serving, mix with lemon juice, honey and yogurt. Add the pears, cut into small pieces along with the peel and seeds, and the cherry-free cherries. Sprinkle with ground nuts. Instead of cherries, you can take raspberries or currants.

    Muesli with plums

    30 g oat flakes, 30 g raisins, 250 g plums, 50 g apples, 4 tbsp.spoons of curdled milk, 30 g of walnuts, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey, 0.5 lemon.

    Oat flakes soak for 1-2 hours in 6 tbsp.spoons of water. Before serving, mix with lemon juice, honey and yogurt. Add plums, cut into quarters, along with the skin. Apples rub on a large grater along with the peel. Sprinkle with crushed nuts and raisins, decorate with slices of plums.

    Muesli from apples and berries

    1 tbsp.a spoonful of oat flakes, 150 g of sweet and sour apples, honey to taste, 0.5 lemon, 1 tbsp.a spoon of chopped nuts.

    Soak flakes in 3 tbsp.spoons of water for several hours. When they swell, rub apples, quickly stirring the whole mass so that it does not darken. Then add honey to taste, juice of half a lemon( or 0.5 tbsp spoon of cranberry juice) and crushed nuts. If the honey is thick, dilute it with water. Instead of honey, you can put 1 tbsp.a spoonful of cream, instead of fresh apples - any berries or soaked dried fruits.

    Muesli with peaches or apricots

    30 g of oat flakes, 30 g of walnuts, 300 g of peaches or apricots, 50 g of sour cream, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey, 0.5 lemon.

    Oat flakes soak for 1-2 hours in 6 tbsp.spoons of water. Before serving, mix with lemon juice, honey and yogurt. Add peaches or apricots, cut into small pieces along with peel and seeds. Sprinkle with ground nuts. Garnish with fruit slices.

    Oatmeal mash sweet

    2 cups flakes "Hercules", 1 liter of water, 0.5 liters of milk, 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon, 0.5 teaspoon of spoonful of tubercle, 0,5 tsp of coriander, 4 cloves of cloves,fresh peel with 1 lemon, 0.5 cup cream, 5-6 tablespoons.spoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt.

    In slightly salted water to weld a viscous porridge of flakes "Hercules", all the while taking off the resulting foam. Pour the porridge with milk, stir, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, stirring;after 10-15 minutes add sugar, season with spices, boil for 5-7 minutes, pour in cream, stir and remove from heat.

    Porridge from oatmeal

    1 liter of water, 1 cup of oatmeal, salt.

    Krupu rinse, soak and, together with the liquid, cook until cooked on low heat under the lid( about 1 hour).Salt. Porridge from crushed oatmeal

    2 cups of cereals, 5 glasses of milk, salt to taste, 2 tbsp.tablespoons of butter.

    Groats pour into boiling milk, add salt and cook on low heat, stirring, 20-30 minutes before thickening. Add butter to the finished porridge.

    Extra porridge porridge "Extra"

    1 glass of flakes "Extra", 3 cups of water or milk, salt and sugar to taste.

    Oat flakes pour water or milk, add salt and sugar and cook until thickened for 5-15 minutes.

    Oatmeal porridge with potatoes

    0,5 cup oatmeal, 6 glasses of water, 1 tbsp.a spoon of butter, 0.5 kg of potatoes, salt to taste.

    Boil the potatoes, cut into small slices. Pour oatmeal into boiling water( about 1.8 liters), put oil, salt, shake with spatula, then add chopped, separately cooked potatoes.

    Oat Scotch porridge

    For 4 servings: 1 liter of cold water, 110 g of oat flour, 0.5 teaspoons of salt.

    Oatmeal is the main national Scottish dish. It is served in a wooden bowl and is eaten with cream, milk or butter with a horny or wooden spoon.

    In boiling water in small portions to pour oatmeal flour, all the time stirring with a wooden spatula, so as not to form lumps. Cook, stirring occasionally until the porridge thickens. Then close the dishes with a lid and bring to a stand-by with low heat. Salt no earlier than 10 minutes after boiling, otherwise the porridge will harden.

    Oat porridge on honey

    0,75 cup oatmeal, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey, 1 glass of water, 1 glass of milk, 1-2 tbsp.tablespoons of butter, salt to taste.

    In a saucepan boil a mixture of milk and water, add salt and honey.

    Then pour the oatmeal, stir and boil with a gentle boil for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Hot gruel fill with butter.

    Oat cereal from sprouted grains

    50-100 g of grains per serving, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of honey.

    Grain thoroughly, pour with water so that it reaches the outer level of the grain, but does not cover it from above. The darkened vessel should be placed in a warm place for 24 hours and covered with gauze or paper towel. In a day, sprouts of up to 11 mm in size( but not more) will sprout from the grains. Pass the grain 2 times through a meat grinder and put in 0.5 liters of freshly boiled water or milk, add vegetable oil and honey.

    Oat porridge in the microwave

    150 g of oatmeal intact cereals, 1.5 cups of milk, salt.

    Groats should be rinsed and soaked in cold water for 1 hour, then drain the water and pour the croup with milk. Let stand for 12-14 minutes. Boil the porridge at full power for 4 minutes, making sure that milk does not escape. Then, stirring the porridge from time to time, within 6 minutes at an average power to bring the porridge to readiness. Let stand in a sealed container for 10 minutes.

    Porridge from oat flakes with spices in the microwave

    1 cup oat flakes, 50 g raisins, 20 g butter, 20 grams sugar, ground nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, salt, 2 cups water.

    Fill the oat flakes in the dishes, add water, raisins, sugar, mix, salt to taste. Under the closed lid, warm up at full power for 3-3.5 minutes. During this time, mix the porridge 1 -2 times. After that, add spices to taste, stir well and let stand for 5 minutes.

    Oatmeal porridge with fish

    ( traditional dish of old Russian cuisine) 60 g of oatmeal, 250 ml of water, 50 g of fish, 15 g of onion, 10 g of fat, 3 g of greens.

    Cut the fish, not plastya( pike, pike perch, catfish, burbot, etc.), add water, add salt, spices and cook. Broth the broth, cook the liquid porridge on it, add lightly fried onions at the end of the cooking, divide the fish from the bones, finely chop, put in bowls or pots, pour over the porridge, bring to a boil and serve.

    Dietary soup

    For 4 servings: 4 cups milk, 4 cups broth oat flakes, 4 tbsp.spoons of dried nettle powder, 4 potatoes.

    Peeled potatoes, boiled in salted water, crush and dilute with milk, add a decoction of oatmeal and powder of dry nettle, salt. Bring to a boil and serve with croutons.

    To prepare the broth: 1 cup of oat flakes pour 5 glasses of water, leave overnight and boil for 15 minutes on low heat. Filter through a sieve and use for soups.

    Chowder from asder

    0,75L curdled milk or milk, 0,5 glass of fiber. Mix thoroughly, add sugar or salt. Oatmeal soup with beets

    5 pcs.beets, 3 liters of water, 0.5 cups of oatmeal, salt, sour cream.

    Wash beets with a brush, without peeling, put in water and cook until ready. Then clean, chop, put in a strained broth, add salt and cook, adding oat flakes. Ready soup can be seasoned with sour cream.

    Oatmeal soup

    0,5-1 l of water, 0,75 cups of crushed oatmeal, 2 l of milk, 1 tbsp.a spoon of oil, salt, sugar.

    In boiling water pour rinsed with warm water, grits, cook on low heat for 30-40 minutes, add milk and let boil. Refill. Oil put in a bowl of soup

    Oatmeal soup with nettles

    0.5 cup oat flakes, 1-2 tubers sliced ​​potatoes, nettle leaves, 2 tbsp.spoons of sour cream, salt. Flakes and potatoes cook until tender. Add fresh, shredded nettle leaves, sour cream, salt to taste and bring to a boil. Serve hot.

    Milk soup from oat flakes in English

    For 40 g of oat flakes: 60 g of milk, 250 g of water, 20 g of cream, 1 yolk, 10 g of butter, 30 g of bread.

    Pour oat flakes with hot milk and water and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan. Then season the soup with cream, egg yolks and butter.

    Separately serve toast. Soup from oat flakes and green vegetables with potatoes

    100 g of green vegetables( leaves of spinach, beet, sorrel or cabbage), 60 g of potatoes, 30 g of oat flakes, 150 g of yogurt or kefir, parsley, dill, 3-4 clovesgarlic.

    Oat flakes soak for 1-2 hours in a small amount of water, then add well-beaten curdled milk and finely chopped green leaves.

    Serve the soup on the table, filling finely chopped parsley and dill and grated garlic.

    Soup from oat flakes and zucchini

    100 g of zucchini, 150 g of yoghurt, 30 g of oat flakes, 30 g of dill, parsley, 3-4 cloves of garlic. Oat flakes should be soaked for 1-2 hours in water, then pour in a well-kneaded whiskey to a homogeneous consistency, put squash cubes cut into small cubes. Season soup finely chopped greens and mashed garlic.

    Soup from oatmeal flakes and tomatoes

    125 grams of puree from well-ripened red tomatoes, 125 ml of milk, 1 tbsp.spoon of sour cream, 1 tbsp.a spoon of finely chopped leeks, parsley greens, dill, 1 teaspoon grated onion, 30 g oat flakes. Tomatoes peel and rub through a sieve or grind with a mixer. Combine with milk and soaked oat flakes. Serve with sour cream, porem and onions.

    Serve the soup, sprinkling finely chopped greens.

    Soup from oat flakes and cabbage

    125 g of fresh cabbage, 125 ml of milk, 30 g of oat flakes, 30 g of cabbage juice, parsley greens.

    Pour oat flakes for 1 hour with milk. Then pour in the same cabbage juice, put finely chopped cabbage and parsley.

    Oat flakes soup with milk and yogurt

    20 g of oat flakes, 100 ml of milk, 50 g of curdled milk, 3-4 tablespoons.spoons of water, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 0.25 eggs, 1-2 tbsp.spoons of carrot juice, parsley.

    Pour oat flakes with water. After 2 hours mix with milk, butter and yogurt, which is stirred egg. Then pour carrot juice.

    Sprinkle with parsley while serving.

    Soup from oatmeal flakes sweet

    50 g oat flakes, 1 tbsp.spoonful of raisins, 1 tbsp.spoon crushed walnuts, 0.5 tbsp.spoons of honey, 200 ml of milk.

    Raisins to sort, wash and mix with oat flakes soaked in milk. Fill the soup with honey and nuts. Soup from oat flakes and strawberries with apple juice

    30 g oat flakes, 200 g strawberries, 30 g honey, 250 ml apple or grape juice, lemon zest.

    The berries are washed in a colander under the tap. Strain, peel off sepals, cut into slices. Pour apple juice, sweeten with honey and sprinkle with cereal and grated lemon zest.

    Oat flakes and strawberry soup with milk

    30 g oat flakes, 250 g strawberries, 250 ml milk, 30 g honey.

    Wash well and finely chopped berries with milk, sweeten with honey and sprinkle with oatmeal.

    Soup from oat flakes and peaches

    200 g of peaches, 100 ml of milk, 100 ml of apple juice, 20 g of oat flakes, 30 g of honey.

    Wash peaches, wipe with a cloth fluffy coating and finely chop. Pour milk and apple juice, sweeten with honey. Top with oat flakes.

    Oat flakes and apricot soup

    30 g oat flakes, 250 g apricots, 250 ml milk, 30 g honey, 0.5 lemon. Wash the apricots and cut into thin slices. Sprinkle with lemon juice, sweeten with honey and let stand for 1 hour in a dark cool place. Before serving, pour milk on the table and sprinkle with cereal and grated lemon zest.

    Oatmeal soup with prunes

    100 g of oatmeal, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 30 g of butter, 100 g of prunes, 4 glasses of water.

    Carrot and onion chop the straw and saute on butter.

    Groats should be poured, pour hot water and cook for 15-20 minutes, then add browned vegetables and cook for 7-10 minutes. Welded rump in a colander and wipe along with the vegetables. Wipe the mashed cereals and vegetables with the broth, add prunes and bring to a boil. Serve the soup hot.

    Oat salad with nuts

    5 tbsp.spoonfuls of oatmeal, 5 tbsp.spoons of cold boiled water, 2 tbsp.tablespoons of milk or cream, 1-2 tbsp.spoons of liquid honey, 4-5 nuts.

    Oat flakes should be kept in water during the night, and in the morning add 1 tbsp.a spoonful of milk, honey and crushed nuts.

    Is for breakfast for a month.

    Oat salad with apple

    2 tbsp.spoons of oatmeal, 90 ml of cold water, 3 tbsp.spoons of boiled milk, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of sugar, 1 large apple.

    Flakes soak in water for 1 hour, add milk, sugar, grated apple peel, lemon juice.

    This should be your breakfast for a month.

    French beauty salad

    Per serving: 1 tbsp.a spoonful of flakes, 3 tbsp.spoons of water, 1 sweet and sour apple, any berries, soaked dried fruit, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of cream, juice of half a lemon( or a little of any sour juice), 1 tbsp.a spoon of chopped nuts, a pinch of salt.

    Soak the oatmeal with boiling water for several hours( you can overnight), then add all of the above, mix thoroughly. This is the favorite breakfast of Hollywood beauties.

    American beauty salad

    5 tbsp.spoonfuls of oatmeal, 5 tbsp.spoons of boiled water, 2 tbsp.tablespoons of milk or sweet cream, 1-2 tbsp.spoons of honey, 2 hazelnuts.

    Oat flakes for the night, add water, in the morning add a spoonful of milk or cream, honey and chopped nuts. All this carefully mix, eat very slowly, thoroughly chewing, instead of the first breakfast for a month.